Sunday, June 7, 2020

Our Wonderful Weekend!!!!

We have had the BEST weekend!!!

It started off with a package in the mail!
It was from our friend, Dawn, down in Florida.
She is a lover of all furry critters and has made her cats famous!
I mistakenly assumed it would be something for our new kittens!
Instead the package held a gorgeous hat and a new book - for ME!!!!
Thank you, Dawn!!!!
I love both!

I was out in the front when I finally heard my first locust of the season!!
I know they are really cicadas or katydids but I have called them locust all my life.
June 6th, 2020 at 1:35 in the afternoon. The latest I have ever heard them was on June 10th!

The Four Little Bells arrived to spend the weekend with us and we were so excited!!
They came right in and went to check out all their favorite places.

They went straight to the sewing room and that's where they have congregated for most of the weekend!
I moved my stash of denim squares and they were prowling around figuring out where things were now.
Logan set her sewing machine up and she and I threaded and unthreaded it until we had it down pat.
She has pretty much mastered how it works and took off like lightening sewing things!
While Kailey and Logan sewed......

Trystan and Harrison made dessert!

Layered puddings and they look good!
Since they made 8 - they had 4 last night after supper and the other 4 tonight.
I loved hearing them talk as they made the puddings.
They decided to layer the chocolate with the vanilla and put some of the each kind of gummi bears on top. Then there were a few instead of eating them......they divided them up and gave some to their sisters.

We went over the 21 Rules of the House.
I started teaching them when they were like 3 years old and we just finished last year so it took 5 years to do them all. They had colored papers with each rule and by the end they each had their own notebook. Trystan brought hers so they could copy them out on a big cardboard box.
Notice they are learning cursive!

We had a big pot of chicken and dumplings and that was our Saturday night supper.

They thought it was a treat to eat out in the gazebo.

Our movie that night......

was excellent! 
Filmed in 1986, it was a favorite of Amber and Benjamin.

Once the kids were all sound asleep, I set a snack tray on the dresser in the guest room for the girls.....

.....and a small tray for Harrison who opted to sleep on the recliner in the den.

We all slept really well and the kids didn't get up until after 9:00!
I slept till 10:00 myself. Kailey and Granddad brought me coffee in bed and I had a short quiet time before one or another of the grandkids would come in and sit up in bed with me and visit.
I loved that.

Since they had snacks as soon as they woke up, we ate a Sunday brunch of hash browns, bacon, biscuits and omelettes. Harrison helped me make the omelette and we all liked it!

Then the kids scattered!
But they pretty much stayed in the sewing room all day long.

Everyone got a sewing lesson on my Bernia - set at half speed.

And Logan gave lessons for her sewing machine to the others.

They made some very clever things - from small pillows to small quilt to tiny backpacks for their stuffed animals.
I'll take some pictures tomorrow of all their creations.

I had a special visitor this afternoon......
Meet Mary Jo.
I moved here to my 'forever home' in July 1967 when I was 19 years old.
Mary Jo and I were back yard neighbors for something like 30 years!!
 Mary Jo has 5 children and I learned so much from her. I love and admire her to this very day.
I wanted to be the kind of mother she was. 

This is what she gave me - all wrapped up and with a card and everything!
Thank you so much, Mary Jo!
I love it!!!

The cat litter house I ordered arrived this evening and it was all hands on deck to put it together!

Harrison is such a good thinker and was instrumental in helping Granddad figure it out!
Then it was back to the sewing room for all four.
I have never seen anything like it!
They all now know how to straight stitch, zig zag and reverse stitch.
Who knew they would be so accomplished???

This was our dinner tonight!
Granddad made the hamburgers and the kids and I made the roasted vegetables.
The girls had fun taking shower baths outside on the kitchen deck and I could hear them squealing and laughing while I was inside putting the pics of our time together on my computer.

We ended the night with this good movie.
The kids had already seen it but said it was so good they wanted to see it again.

Our house has been such a happy place with four kids here.
I loved waking up this morning knowing there were children under my roof again.
And I will wake up again in the morning and they will still be here!
I am so blessed.


Bluebird49 said...

What a wonderful time you have all had! (I knew you would.) They are so talented and such good kiddos.
That picture of you belongs on a magazine cover--- it's that good. Those grandkids make you glow even more than usual!
Have a wonderful day! And week! 💕

Deanna Rabe said...

What fun! You and Louis Dean have nurtured relationships with them all their lives, and it shows! You're all best friends!

I love seeing them so grown up, and having fun still with you at your home.

I love the hat your friend gave you! And the Bee rug from your other friend!

Susie said...

Linda, You look very pretty in that hat . I love it. Oh those big kids !! My gosh, I can barely believe they are growing like that. They are wonderful children too. I know it did all of you well to have that time together. I love that they are learning to sew. They are good eaters too, never seem to turn their noses up to what you serve. I waited all weekend to read about them coming over and I am smiling. Happy birthday to Amber. Blessings to all, stay safe, love you guys, xoxo, Susie

Vee said...

That is a cute hat and a sweet top on a beautiful lady.

Loved how the children came in like they own the place. 😁 They obviously feel right at home with you and Louis Dean. And, goodness, they are accomplished! Hope that we'll hear some music soon, too.

Changes in the wind said...

Heaven on earth:) They are so sweet.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Spending time with your family...nothing better than that! And look how cute you look with your new hat! Love the gift from your neighbor too. You are blessed...we both are! Hugs!

Kathy said...

It really was a wonderful weekend! From a surprise gift, to a surprise visitor, to having four accomplished sewers in the house. This post just made me smile.

Arlene G said...

I need to come and learn to sew from the kiddos. I have sewed in the past but my skills are rusty. Maybe I need a little girl's machine. Love your stylish. This post reminded me of the ones you did when the children came once a week. I always looked forward to those.

Jan said...

What a wonderful weekend! Having grands close by is such a blessing. I really like your rules for your home.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

How I can see while I've been hiding away and not posting and not commenting that your life has been going on its merry way and that you're having more and more fun everyday. So glad the kids got to come and stay I know it's been a long time. Putting things sewing machines oh my oh my

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Oh my what a happy weekend. Here all was day to quiet. A good book and a Sunday nap were about all I could manage. How those children to bright up our days. I'm amazed at how well they took to sewing. I hadn't thought that would be something to try out with my grands. My own children were never really interested. It was my grandmother who taught me to sew. But I was a little bit older. 11 or 12 years old I think.

photowannabe said...

That was just about the best weekend EVER !!
Your Quads are priceless and do love their Grandma and Grandpa.
They are so helpful..I can see they will all be sewing up a storm from now on.
Precious Memories..

Judy said...

How have all four there for the weekend! And how amazing that they are all using the sewing machine and turning out beautiful projects! I don't think I have inspired any of my grands to take up sewing...though it is not for lack of trying. Thanks for the movie suggestions. I am taking note!

Love your 'rules of the home'!

You look lovely in your new hat!

Ginny Hartzler said...

What a wonderfully perfect weekend!! We have seen Milo & Otis. You have taught the Quads such valuable lessons! We watched Gordon Ramsey's Uncharted last night. He visited Tasmania, and went to see a beekeeper who has some really special trees. He said that it takes three years to train to be a beekeeper there! I have also heard that Tuesday Morning will likely not be around for long, WAH!

Carole said...

That hat is perfect for you - just like Audrey Hepburn... Cheers

Changes in the wind said...

Linda I only comment on you blog and don't send emails so don't know what is happening. If you get another email please send it to me.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

What great gifts you received from your friends, Linda. The hat looked great on you and will be provide good shade on your already hot summer days. Enjoyed all the photos from the grands weekend visit. Looks like everyone had a greatc time and are all quite accomplished on that sewing machine. It's nice that you all enjoy movie nights too.