Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Kitties, New Glasses, Rain, Bee Meeting! Couple of Country Days!

We are enjoying our two kittens and I think they are happy to be here with us.

I think we got them at the perfect age - around 8 weeks old.

They explore everywhere!
Louis Dean found Tabitha up on a shelf in the bathroom sitting beside a moss covered bunny I bought at The Silos in Waco.

So cute!

Samantha perched herself on top of a mattress Louis Dean has strapped to a wall for storing.
There's so many hidey holes both here and at home.

I set my alarm for Monday morning at 9:00 because I had an 11:50 eye exam appointment.
And it was raining! As in HARD rain!
Poor Louis Dean frets over me taking his truck out in the mud so thankfully, Dean offered to take me to town. That made his dad happy!

I have been layering glasses and have been know to wear three pair at a time.
I am weary with that so I ordered two new pair of glasses with more 'glass' in the frames.
I have been so used to readers that I need more 'seeing' room within the frames.
The appointment took awhile with each patient going into three different rooms for one appointment.
One for one machine.
Another for the air test and a third for the doctor - who was on a wall screen!
It was kind of weird but it works.
I should have them by the middle of July!

Dean and I celebrated our afternoon in town with a catfish lunch at The Catch.
He had some errands to do - a part for Sherry's tractor and such that it was 5:00 when we got back to the ranch. Louis Dean was taking a nap and I was super sleepy so I went to bed in the girl bunk.
Around 6:00 my phone rang and it was Louis Dean asking me if I got lost!
He didn't even know I was home!
I thought sure he would see my purse and the bag from HEB but - nope!
We had a good laugh and then Dean and Sherry came down to visit.
We had a little problem.
Dean is teaching this weekend at a Karate event in North Carolina so we had planned to take him home with us on Wednesday evening and then I could take him to the airport Thursday morning.
Turns out his ticket is for Wednesday morning!
And our bee meeting Tuesday night so we would have to drive home in the deep dark after our meeting.
Then Louis Dean decides HE will drive home and take Dean to the airport on Wednesday while Sherry and I go to our meeting.
Remember - he gets lost coming back from Home Depot in Waco. And going through the airport??
No way! I could see 'Silver Alert!' flashing on the highway signs!
You know what Louis Dean says when he sees one of those signs?
'Look! Somebody escaped! Good for them!'
So we were all out there on the front deck brain storming and Dean checked to see how much it would cost to change his ticket and that was too expensive!
Summer happened to call about that time and she offered to drive down to the ranch and pick Dean up and take him home - she's house sitting while we are gone - and then drop him off at the airport the next morning. I said I would call her back. That sounded like a good plan but it had rained and the ranch was way too muddy for her car. We weren't sure we could get out and Dean and Sherry was leaving one of  their vehicles up close to the gate since more rain was coming.
Sherry came up with the best plan.
Neither one of us wanted to miss the bee meeting and we had already planned on meeting a sister bee keeper, Rosey, for dinner at 6:00 Tuesday night before going to our 8:00 meeting.
Why not ask Summer to meet us for dinner and then she and Dean could drive back to Irving?
Perfect solution!

This morning we woke up to cloudy skies and rain in the forecast.
However, as soon as we had our coffee, Louis Dean was out there putting up his fencing material as fast as he could go. He had finished and come in to take a nap when the dark clouds got closer and it started to come a real rain!

He was a happy man looking out and knowing his fence was UP!!

He will have to tweak it some but it's there.
The mops  Great Pyrenees had come up and paced all around the perimeter, checking it out.
The horses won't be able to get in now so Louis Dean can move on with his garden plans.

I did some more writing, finished Chapter 20 and made an outline for Chapter 21.
I am making progress.
I set up my art table yesterday and did some painting this afternoon before getting ready to go to town and meet Summer and Rosey for dinner.

The Durango was parked up on the gravel and we put our mud boots on and hiked up to it.
Louis Dean stayed at the ranch where he cleaned up some of the yard after the rain and washed the lawn mower off and stowed it away. He would rather stay here than go to town any day.

I didn't take a single picture after we left.
Summer was at the restaurant early and Rosey arrived right on time.
They were already visiting when we got there.
Dinner was great and we had a good time before we parted ways -
Summer and Dean headed back to Irving and we all went to China Springs, Texas for our bee meeting.
We met in an outdoor church tabernacle which was perfect!
Outdoors in the fresh rain washed air.
Who knew Texas in late June would feel so good??
There was a pretty nice group of people and we will continue our meetings in the same place although the vice president, who is the pastor of the church, said he could not promise the same quality of weather! We three took notes and learned some things and were glad we attended.
Our last bee meeting was 4 months ago.
Looks like we will be harvesting honey the last week of July.
It's an exciting adventure - this bee keeping!

We ended our evening with yet one more adventure.
It rained on us all the way home from China Springs.
We came in the gate and stopped at the end of the gravel, leaving the Durango there.
Their Dakota was parked on the side so we got in it to drive up to the camper/cabin.
But we didn't get far before we were stuck fast in the mud!
So we hauled ourselves out of the truck and promptly sunk our boots into deep sucking mud.
It was an effort to pull our feet up with each step and Sherry lost her balance - maybe because I was pulling on her arm trying to keep mine! We slip slided through the mud up to our place and then she sludged her way on down to the house! We were laughing and having a good time all the way!

So right now we are mudded in!
I don't think there's any way for us to get out tomorrow but maybe the next day.
If we can get the stuck truck out first!
We still need to open up our hives and check on the bees....
that's what we plan to do tomorrow after Sherry gets off work.
It's always an adventure when you're in the country and that's one of the things I love about being here!!


Beyda'nın Kitaplığı said...

Göz muayenesi önemli. Eskişehir'de de çok fena dolu yağdı.

Lorraine said...

You had me at kitties! They are so precious!!!

Bluebird49 said...

Oh, kitties love to be up high, or tucked into a hiding place. They grow so very fast!
So sorry you got stuck and hope Sherry can get it unstuck!
It worked great for Summer to help Dean out. Always a solution when everyone loves the other. 💕

Carol said...

Perfect planning! It seems as though you get quite a bit of rain at the ranch. I guess that is good for gardens, animals, etc. We got some much needed rain night before last, but it is supposed to rain this weekend, which I hope it doesn't as we are camping.

Susie said...

Linda, Yikes, too much mud for me girl. That is a lots of rain, may have to put in drain ditches. LD's next project. LOL. He is going to have fun with a garden there at the ranch. Gosh those kittens are cute. Hope your bee meeting went well. Blessings, try to stay dry. xoxo,love, Susie
p.s. bless Summer's heart, such a kind girl.

Deanna Rabe said...

Happy adventures! Glad you and Sherry didn't fall, and that no one got hurt!

We had a lot of rain in the spring, and Kyle kept getting the mower stuck in different spots on the property. He finally started to avoid those spots and this week its all dried out and he was able to mow the whole thing without getting stuck!

Summer is a gem of a daughter and sister, and it was so thoughtful of her to come for Dean. Family is the best!

Deb J. in Utah said...

I love the kitty pictures and your new glasses! Good job on getting all that writing done. Safe safe and dry in all those Texas storms! See you again soon.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i will have to remember this tale of mud woe when I am making wishes to come stay in your little country home and pet dogs and goats. ha ha.. hope it dries out soon, send it down here, we are dry as a bone again.... glad the catch the plane on time saga ended well for all of you.. good job on the bees. we need them

Changes in the wind said...

Never a dull moment with you it seems:) So glad things worked out for summer to help out. Texas mud is a story within itself.

Vee said...

Mudded in! Now I understand "snowed in" so I can imagine as mudded in is not part of my experience. So glad that you and Sherry made it home safely. Is the area inside the fence the future garden? Is that being planted this year or will you wait for next? (Seems mudded in.)

That is a sweet picture of kitten and bunny looking out the window. One can find friends all over.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Isn't that the wonderful thing about family. What one cannot do the other one can. So glad Summer stepped in for the rescue. I think they would think about putting in some gravel for a drive so they wouldn't have to worry about getting stuck. But in your case it gives you a reason to stay where you love, in the country. Take care in that mud. Don't want it to do any dameage to your knees.

Luann said...

Your hair looks good in the photo with your mask. Perfect solution for Dean with Summer being able to come get him. She is such a sweetheart. Win, Win! I love Louis Dean's comment about the signs.. another one escaped LOL. I hear them singing FREEDOM~~~~ LOL and such is the cycle of life. Enjoy the rest of your trip. Love ya Sis

photowannabe said...

Whew...Life's such an adventure for all of you.
Glad you could make your BEE meeting and Dean got where he needed to go.
Mudded in,,,at least you are in a special spot that does your heart good.
The kitties seem to thrive there too.

Chatty Crone said...

I think this week we are getting 'mudded' in too. I guess it is good for us - we have mostly concrete here. I love your two new kitties. Why 3 pairs of glasses at the same time? Hope you love your new ones. Love, sandie

Ginny Hartzler said...

What adventures you have been having!! But I think you are not sorry to be stuck at the ranch for a few more days. The kitties are cuter than ever!

Carole said...

Talk about tough mudders! Cheers

BeachGypsy said...

Yay for Louis Dean......the fence is now up! Bet he's so proud. Love my visit with y'all here today and catching up on all your all's comings and goings and doings. Those baby kitties are just ADORABLE. The first one looks so much like our Beckie and the other one looks like it's wearing a cute teeny tiny mask!! Glad y'all are enjoying the country and all the wonderful times it has to offer.

BeachGypsy said...

Samantha is the one with the mask on, right? that fish supper sure looks good!! yum I love a fish supper with cole slaw and hush puppies and maybe some corn on the cob too

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

You always have a lot going on Linda, and amazingly everything gets worked out so well.