Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Embracing Summer!

This morning I woke up before Louis Dean so I slipped out of the bedroom with my prayer journal, scripture card, and country diary. While the coffee made, I gave all the growing things along the kitchen side of the house a drink of water and then propped my feet up and had that first cup of coffee.

I savored the delights of a summer morning.
It wasn't hot yet. Warm enough to feel comfortable with a small breeze made it so.
A huge red/orange dragon fly was feeding at the honeysuckle. Last night we saw the tiniest of hummingbirds at the trumpet vines. Never seen such tiny ones before. We need to get some feeders to hang up here at home. I loved the way the morning felt. The air was fragrant from the flowers and the locusts were singing and then would be quiet. Not the constant roar we will have by July.
Summer is actually my least favorite season. Mostly because Texas summers are so HOT!
So far we have only had a couple of days when the temperature reached 100 degrees.
Mid 90's is bearable. The mornings and evenings have been pleasant and we tend to sit outside during both. I am still sitting in the shade when I snapped this pic but by the time I came in - the sun was on the table.

Our garden is bursting with green tomatoes!
I found a handfull of red ones!
So many have a tinge of red on them and I am thinking I will pick all of those before we leave for the ranch later this week and let them ripen on a sunny windowsill in the front room there.

Louis Dean has been moving some heavy stones in preparation for putting a deck down in the side of the yard where our storage buildings are. You know, where Sanford and Son live!
I am so happy to say they are slowly moving out!
So that's what he did today.
And install a light on the old elm tree overlooking the back pond.

I cleaned house. Or at least a few rooms.
Yesterday it was mainly the bedroom so all I had to do today was make up the bed and light the candle.

My bathroom is clean and worthy of a candle.

So is Louis Dean's but it took some work.

On to the dining room.....

and the sewing room.
I enjoyed smelling that candle as I sewed on the quilt I am making for great grand son Piercyn!
We will be going to Big Spring to see them next month and this will be his birthday gift from April.
Plus I am making him a cool pillow to go with the quilt.

This is our beautiful Chandy and we are so looking forward to seeing her!
The baby will be arriving towards the end of July or first of August and I am grateful we will at least get this one visit in while she is pregnant. I wanted to be there more but this Covid thing got in the way.
I'd love to give her a baby shower and am trying to figure out how to do that long distance.
I sure would welcome any ideas or suggestions if anyone else has hosted one like that.
This is her fourth child and she has never had a shower before.
Perhaps one after the baby is born?
Covid has changed so many plans for all of us.

I will close tonight's journal entry with our sweet little kittens......

We keep them in their beds inside a kennel during the night and let them out first thing when we get up in the mornings. Then we let them roam the house during part of the day but when we are going in and out and since we forget to close the door behind us - we put them back in the guest room for their own good. This is what I saw when I went in to let them out again......

They love being up on the top bunk!

Cute! CUTE!!!

They are too afraid to jump down so they use the stairwell at the end of the bunk beds.

I saw this poster on a friend's Facebook wall.......

and I so agree.
WE are in control of our own happiness.


Arlene G said...

Today is house cleaning day here at Nanaland. We are off to Grimmwood this afternoon. My sisters need some back up and we need to make some decisions so that is just our life at the moment. You have been there so you understand.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I do so love summer and we rarely ely get a 89 degreed day but when we do I sty inside in the a/. That kind of eat more or less immobilizes me..We're had a beautiful week here and so nice to have sunshine instead of rain. I need to bake a cake for tomorrow it' say daughters birthday. Thankfully it's cool enough to turn the oven on. Your cats are such a joy, I bet you are thankful to have them. So cute in every way !

Changes in the wind said...

Love, love, love those quotes! So nice how you celebrate your cleaning with lighting a candle and I bet you home smells wonderful:)

Susie said...

Linda, Love the quote at the end. The kittens are so darn cute. Poor old Sanford...I think Ted's got some of that junk collecting gene too. I was shocked he took the old grill apart to toss. Enjoy these sweet summer days. I love the quiet of morning and that fresh air. Blessings to you, love, xoxo, Susie

Debbie said...

a clean house/room is worth celebrating, lighting a candle is a good way to do that!! enjoy your time with cindy, it's nice that you will have a visit with her before the baby comes!!

i have heard the virus numbers are going up in texas, that could be because they are doing more testing. my son lives in austin, so i keep an eye on texas news!! the kittens are so cute, they look like stuffed animals!!

i enjoyed both quotes you shared, they are good to read to keep oneself inspired!!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Those tiny kittens are just adorable Pekin down from that bunk! At first I thought you were talking about daughter summer. I find that now I don't like summer anymore and I used to love it. With age every year older I get the less I like extreme heat. Back when we first got married in the mid-80s we spent every minute that we were off from work out on the beach cooking in the Sun and now I can't even stand to stay out in the backyard for 15 minutes.

Vee said...

The kittens are so cute. It's wonderful that they have a high place to enjoy.

Your yard is looking so fine! Really like an outdoor room.

Deanna Rabe said...

Good quotes! Great to take advantage of the cooler mornings and evenings to enjoy the outdoors! Your kitties are so cute. Who will look after them when you go to the ranch?

photowannabe said...

Yes indeed...I'm reading this on Wednesday and the ending quotes are perfect for my Wednesday Wisdom posts.
Your kitties are so cute up on the bunk watching what you do.
I love the early morning time with devotions out in the yard...this morning I totally overslept and it was 9:45 before my eyes popped open.
Glad to hear you are going back to the Ranch later in the week.
That's your "Happy Place".

Hootin Anni said...

I love, love, LOVE both the passages (they aren't biblical, I know, but passages is the best word I can come up wit at the time. And, of course, adore those kitties...who wouldn't? My, but you're energetic. And, unlike you -90° is too hot for me (of course, I think we have more humidity). And those luscious tomatoes...yum!

Carole said...

Keep up the kitty cam - just adorable. Cheers

jujupage1 said...

The kittens are so cute! 💜

I'm sure you could do an online Skype or Google meeting for your planned baby shower. It's free and seems to work well.

Great-Granny Grandma said...

Those kitties are just too cute.