Saturday, June 13, 2020

Family Celebrates!

Today is Leigh Ann's 50th Birthday and that is an occasion to celebrate!

My first born son, Jesse, really knows how to throw a birthday party and we wouldn't have missed it for the world!

Here's my son with Daisy......Leigh Ann's dog of 5 months.
She follows Leigh Ann everywhere!

It was a come and go party so here we are with Family!
Jesse, Faith, Leigh Ann, Louis Dean, me, Sam and Levi!

They have such a beautiful home and I love this side entrance.
Leigh Ann's mother designed the planter section there and it is lovely!

I wandered around downstairs admiring everything!
What with Covid and such an active family with two careers and three teenagers, it has been a long time since we have been in their home.

I LOVE this Family!!!

Faith has been a baker since she was 9 years old and she made these cookies and two from-scratch banana cream pies for the celebration!

This is her office downstairs.
Leigh Ann is ....
Director, Criminal Justice Initiatives at 

And she IS the Director of awesomeness!!!

We had a great time celebrating with them even though we left early so we could be home well before dark!

Louis Dean and I, along with Summer sat out on the side deck during the Golden Hour.
Love how the sun made the limbs of the pecan tree glow.

Louis Dean played us some music to wind down the day.

It was an easy pizza supper for this Saturday night!
Summer has been such a blessing to us these last couple of days.
She will go back to Rowlett tomorrow.
She is still navigating the controls for the SCS as well as dealing with an itchy case of hives.
Summer has the best attitude of anyone I know and it's been a blessing to have her with us for these few days. She didn't go to the birthday as she is very careful what with being vulnerable to the Covid virus and since the numbers in Dallas county continue to go up - we all need to be extra careful.
It's comforting to know the whole family is taking it seriously and everyone has been doing the best they can to stay safe. It was worth it to us to get to see and celebrate with Leigh Ann this evening.


Ginny Hartzler said...

What a large and fun celebration! Now I'm wondering what Criminal justice Initiatives is. A beautiful candle blowing picture, with the glow on her face and the sunflowers.

Bluebird49 said...

Things are never, ever dull with you, sister!๐Ÿ’•
Jesse has a lovely home and family. It was good to see pics of the older grands. They grow up so fast! I remember when you had them over for Summer camp! ๐Ÿ’•

MadSnapper n Beau said...

The one thing I have learned from reading your blog for many years is that your entire family knows how to have a party and how to get together and how to love on family! I love the house and the side entrance. What I say here is beautiful

Susie said...

Linda, Your grandkids are growing up so quickly...or it seems to me. So are my own. Glad you and LD could get away to see your son and his family. Summer is a smart girl. I hate that she has hives, that can be scary. I have worried about all of you seeing the covid back on the rise in Texas. Ted and I are still wearing masks and wiping everything down and washing our hands . Blessings to all of you,love you, xoxo, Susie

Carol said...

Linda, I am thankful that you were able to celebrate this special day. I am praising God that Summer has gotten along so well and I hope this surgery will bring her many years of pain free life. She is smart for staying home since she is considered high risk, I am sure. My husband and I are still be very cautious as I know numbers are rising in many places.

Changes in the wind said...

What a wonderful celebration for her birthday and I loved how her home is decorated!!! Poor Summer, the last thing she needs is hives. I often forget about the first born and am always surprised when you talk of him:)

Vee said...

You might be encouraged to know that the numbers are rising because a bunch of states, including Texas, reported their stats all at once. In a few more days, we should see good numbers and a serious leveling off. That would be a relief.

Jesse has a beautiful family and a beautiful home. I can't believe the height your Sam has grown to! (My Sam is lamenting that he has "stalled" at 5' 8." I find this amusing as I am growing in the opposite direction...lost a quarter of an inch last year.)

Happy Birthday to your lovely daughter-in-law๐ŸŽˆThat is a beautiful family photo of all of you together! Frame it!

Praying for those hives to go—fast!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

It's a good thing to be cautious these days when numbers are going up across the country, but I think we are safe when it comes to family because we know they have also been practicing safe distancing. I went to see my sister yesterday for the first time since all this started. But we have been both keeping safe at home. Praying it doesn't ever get as bad as it was and we get shut down again. Lovely pictures today;
The do have a beautiful home and you have a beautiful family.

photowannabe said...

Precious family and you always have the most fantastic celebrations.
I love seeing all your family and your first born is so handsome.
Despite the virus you get your heart loves and that's the way it should be.
Praying for Summer and her continued return to health. Love that smile of hers.

Carole said...

Lovely party. Do stay well, y'all... (am I starting to sound Texan??) Cheerss

Saimi said...

Family and Fun make for a winning combination!! Happy Birthday and a birthday isn't complete without a Louis Dean song. What a wonderful time!!!

Great-Granny Grandma said...

Looks like a very fun party. You seem not to have as many restrictions as we do. (I was reading your last few posts.) I don't think we have sporting events yet here, and dining at restaurants is still outdoors only.