Saturday, June 13, 2020

Friday Things......

One day rolls into another and sometimes I lose track of just which day I'm in.
Thursday is when we take our trash out because they do garbage pickup on Friday and the lawn guy comes on Friday....sometimes.  He came last week so not this Friday and that's fine with me. Every two or three weeks works.

I was up on the early side - for me - and after coffee and prayer time, I went out to weed whack and cut back a jungle of Asian Jasmine, honeysuckle and such from the kitchen side deck and garden area.
I think the dreading of it was worse than the doing of it.
I pick an area - this time the stone patio portion - and get with it.
Tomorrow I will get Louis Dean to help me with the upper deck part that has red tipped Photinia that has grown WAY too far towards the deck. This needs to be done since Louis Dean will be replacing this deck soon.

I asked my sister, Luann, about coming over for a visit today so I stopped working outside in time to take a shower and clean up!

Summer had this delicious lunch waiting for me.
She has a knack for plating food!!!
Tuna salad and all the extras!

We had a fun afternoon filled with conversation and lots of laughter.
You can see how crazy Luann and Summer are!

It was a wonderful day!

I am a multitasker so, while we sat out in the den with our tea, I dipped my little lights in clear silicone.

I bought hundreds of these low watt lights after Christmas and have been meaning to dip them for lo, these six months!

I didn't even make a dent in the number of bulbs in my basket but I will buy more tubes of the silicone and keep at it. I love all my little lights and that coating just makes them a little more cozy!

Summer and her Aunt Luann visited while I went out in the gazebo for a Beekeepers class this evening.
It was a Zoom meeting and very interesting.
Things are not looking good for a bumper crop of honey this year.
By next year we hope to have a ton of trumpet vines growing and that will give us some great honey!

Our dinner tonight was a good salad, even better steaks, baked potatoes, squash casserole with squash from Dean's garden and onions from ours. Garlic bread is always a good thing and we used big hot dog buns for that and a garlic spread plus some Italian seasonings my son brought back to us from Italy and a sprinkle of Parmesan cheese.

Good meal.
Good conversation and a good Friday night!

Tabitha and Samantha think everything in this house is something for them to play with!

I use the water pistols to keep them off tables and places that hold fragile things.
So far - so good!

We were really tired last night so after I did the dishes and Louis Dean and I went out and watered -
we cried Uncle and went to bed. At 10:00!!

Alas, I was up at 3:45 this morning!
I went out to the gazebo and turned on all the lights and read in my book for awhile.

Then I decided to go ahead and do Friday's journal entry on an early Saturday morning.

I am not a true morning person but I can see the charm in being one.
But for now, I am going back to bed!


MadSnapper n Beau said...

2 the food looks divine! And I can see all the fun and I do love those silicone dipped lights. It does make them look more beautiful. Glad you had some time with your friend in summer. I wish I had a gazebo to go sit in and do what I'm doing right now that I can't hear the TV in the house

Rosey Carter said...

I thought the Zoom Bee Class was very good. I hope he does more! I agree with you about Morning People! See you soon in Mart!!

Susie said...

Hahaha, I love the little saying at the end of this post. That is for one of my daughters. How very nice you got some work out of the way and enjoyed your sister and daughter. LD looks so good in the photo. Some times he reminds me of a little boy. :):) Good idea making flicker lights. Gosh how do you not pee your pants with Summer around. She cracks me up. :) Blessings to all of you, enjoy the weekend, stay safe. Love you, xoxo, Susie

Changes in the wind said...

What a full day for you but a good mixture of work and fun. Summer does seem to be gifted in plate setting:) Cute pictures of the kittens in the flowers.

Deb J. in Utah said...

Wow, you had a full and productive Friday. Hope your weekend is a good one as well.

Vee said...

😁 Yes, three in the morning is a titch early. I lam up between six and eight. In bed between 9 and midnight. I have a whacky schedule,

So glad that you had some giggles or at least the girls did! Summer really does have a way with making food look good. That plate looks so pretty and so healthful.

You have a good plan with breaking the gardening into manageable blocks. I have to do it that way these days, too.

A happy weekend to you all!

Deanna Rabe said...

What a fun day! Sister time, fun with Summer, dipping your lights, good food. Living your best life everyday! That’s so good!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

You always manage to havae a great time with with friends or family and sill get so much done in between. You have a good mixture of fun and work. Just as we all should We are really cool here this morning. but I got out my fuzzy winter house coat and kept warm I'm off to visit my sister this morning. Hope you have a wonderful weekend !

Bluebird49 said...

Sorry you couldn't sleep! I couldn't get to sleep, so I finally went to sleep at 8am for about 3 hours of so. Maybe tonight will be better.
You managed to get a lot done, as usual -- whether you're puttering or at full speed ahead. I had forgotten about silicon ripped bulbs!
Summer looks good, and LuAnn is so cute, too. I know You all are having a ball with the kitties!

Ginny Hartzler said...

I never heard of dipping lights in silicone, leave it to you!! So does it make them a bit hazy and less harsh? You are looking so good! And the jasmine and honeysuckle must smell so good!!! It probably is all gone by now.

photowannabe said...

Must be something in the wind...I couldn't sleep last night either...tossed and turned. I guess I should have gotten up like you did and do something productive instead of having my mind whirring endlessly.
It looks like you had such a happy time with your sister and Summer. I love seeing that smile on Summer's face.
Yummy food, lots of laughter, a precious Hubby and darling kitties...
What could be better?
Nothing !!

Hootin Anni said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Hootin Anni said...

Sorry...way too many typos.

Fun times, lots of smiles & laughter! SWEET kitties. I do that too with the squirt works when we're home (all I have to do is bring it out & Isaiah runs). BUT- when we come home... pawprints where he's not supposed to be.

Carole said...

I have turned into a morning person despite myself... I do like a little own time so it works out. We have manuka honey here in NZ - I wonder if you can grow manuka over there?? Cheers