Thursday, June 11, 2020

Kitty Check ups, Amber Time, Lunch Date With Brenda and More Kitty Pics!

Wednesday I puttered around the house just keeping things tidy.
I absolutely love to putter! The house is all clean (more or less) so I'm just happily going about doing the upkeep. Putting in a load of laundry. Wiping down the kitchen counters. Emptying wastebaskets.
I even out the ironing board up and pressed all my white pants and skirts.
I have made peace with wrinkles and do not mind if I am not wearing a pressed and/or creased outfit anymore. However, I thought a little pressing would be a good thing and watched a Diagnosis Murder while I ironed.

Then  I ate a quick salad and headed to Dallas to meet up with Amber.
This was the day to take four felines to the vet!
3 kittens (from the same litter) and Bandit - Mike's adult male cat who has surprisingly bonded very well with this little Ginger Girl!

I envisioned a whole Suburban filled with 8 year olds and all the cats plus Amber and me.
Not so! Mike was home and Amber left the kids with snacks, a movie and all the things to make some sweet little bracelets!
So it was just the two of us and our felines!
Amber and Mike love thier vet and encouraged Ben and me to use him for our new kittens.
Keeping it all in the family so to speak.
All the girl kittens are from the same litter and Ben's kitten is just two days older than ours.
The staff came out to the vehicle and took the cats in and then brought them back out to us.
Amber and I enjoyed sitting in the air conditioned car with sun screens up sipping our teas and visiting and reading magazines! Now that's the way to do it!
Everyone got a good report!

Miss Tabitha weighed in at an even 3 pounds.
No ear mites.
No worms.
No fleas.

Miss Samantha is a bit smaller at 2.6 pounds.
I believe Miss Ginger is even a little smaller yet while old man Bandit came in at 13 heavy pounds!

We dropped the cats off back at the Bell's and Amber and I went to Starbucks for some fancy tea and vanilla scones before hitting up Hobby Lobby. She needed some things for making jewelry and I needed a few art supplies - Liquin, Pink Soap and Windsor-Newton Olive Green oil paint.
That is one of my favorite paints and CAN be mixed but I prefer the tube.
I did not find Permalba White so I'll order that online.

Back to the Bells and Amber made a delicious dinner!

I mixed up a nice salad while she roasted carrots, made green pasta, garlic breadsticks and baked salmon.

It was a meal to remember and we ate at their new dining room table!
This was my first time to see it since it was covered with birthday things the last time I was here.

It was dark when I got home but I had my night driving glasses on and besides that - I know the way by heart and it is well lit!
I came in and visited a few minutes with Louis Dean and then I  acted like a husband.
I said goodnight and went to bed.
Period. No making coffee and emptying the dishwasher.
No picking up and putting up on my way.
I walked in and went to bed.
Not even a glass of wine!
And I slept the deepest and longest sleep I have slept in quite awhile!
Asleep by 11:00 and up by 11:20 this morning!
Now I did get up a few times in the night and at 9:00 I went in to turn on the coffee.....
Louis Dean told me he would fix it before he went to bed .....but he forgot.
I started to do it but was so dead headed I turned around and went back to bed and slept over 2 more hours!
When I did get up, he was still asleep so I fixed the coffee and watered the kitchen garden while it made. By then he was up so I took one cup back to bed and did my prayer time before making up the bed and getting dressed.
I ran out of the house like my hair was on fire!

Today was my monthly lunch date with Brenda!
Finally!! Fuzzy's Tacos was open and we ate outside!
My margarita was excellent and after I took this one pic - Brenda and I were off and running with conversation and I never had another thought about taking our picture as I usually do!
Brenda went back to the office ( and I cannot WAIT for her to retire!) while I went to Target!

I bought new kitten food for Samantha and Tabitha and they love it!
They didn;t have the litter things I was looking for so I came home with something else this time.
They are so cute and we are having so much fun with them!

I've been working on a quilt for Chandy's son, Piercyn, and sewed a good while on that before going out in the front yard to work on the bed that curves around the driveway.
It was so overgrown......and we have been whacking away at it!
I should have taken before and after pics......but too late now.

This little girl was watching from the den window!!
I'm so glad we got these two little kittens!!

Summer arrived back home from a short beach trip with her friend, Karen.
I have been missing her and she had not met the kittens yet so I talked her into coming over for a night or two.

Isn't she cute???
She's still working out the kinks of trying to get it charged without staying in one very awkward position for a long length of time. The charging of the thing is the biggest problem right now.

This is the back of Summer's shirt!
She bought it at Buckee's on the way to Galveston!

She brought back some peaches and strawberries so she's making us a dessert of angel food cake, fruit and cool whip!
Then I am going out to finish my watering before going to bed.
All is right in my world tonight!


Bluebird49 said...

What a fun thing, seeing all the Bell family together, and then Summer coming to visit y'all and the kittens! What couldn't be right with that world!?💕

Bluebird49 said...
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Beyda'nın Kitaplığı said...

Arkadaşlarımla yemeğe gitmeyi özledim. Salata güzel seçim.

jujupage1 said...

Glad the kittens got the all-clear! They are really cute. 💜

BeachGypsy said...

Summer looks happy!! Oh I love that sweet picture of you with that cute little kitty......that is beyond cute. Now I know I'm WEIRD...but I do LOVE TO iron!! I can iron til I fall down....ha ha lol!! Learned it from my Ma-Maw, I guess. Back then we HAD TO iron most of our clothes....these days we don't, however----I love to iron things like my summer shifts and my hubby's short sleeve cotton summer to get things all nice and freshly pressed and PUT NICE CREASES IN BRITCHES!!! haha haha ha ha LOL hugs my friend

Hootin Anni said...

Oh Linda...your kittens are so so sweet! I think I'm in love. As I was reading, I was thinking, there should be an iron to press out wrinkles...on MY face. Lol

And that margarita...yum.

Stacy said...

Oh, those kitties are so adorable! They make me want one, but my little diva Poodle would not be thrilled so I will wait till someday when she is no longer with us. (Even though I think the little grouch would like the company when I eventually go back to work...if she'd just give it a chance.) Have a great weekend!

Deanna Rabe said...

Happy, happy post! So much good going on!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Good news with the kittens. Nice they are all healthy. Getting to see both of your daughters and your friend would be a treat. Summers smile always looks good. Hope you enjoy the weekend!

Vee said...

Hopefully, you'll be so happily busy with Summer's visit that you won't have time to blog. This means a super duper post next time, but then your posts are always super duper. With our corner being so shut down, there's no place to go and zip to do. My sister and I were going to meet yesterday, but our plans quickly fizzled out.

Yay for a good vet report. Sorry that you didn't get to meet him. (I am not a fan of this new way of doing things and am praying that things settled down to some sense of normalcy soon.)

Wonderful to have time with Amber and her family, too. That's a great photo of the seven of you!

Changes in the wind said...

Good report for the kittens and Amber is amazing. I know you are very proud of her and have a wonderful relationship. You surely do stay busy and Summer looks really good.

Luann said...

Wow I see a big difference in Summer's face. The stress is not there. I am so happy for her that the pain is being managed. Kittens are adorable and it makes me smile to see you enjoy them. Will there be wine glasses set out for them to drink from? Those were always such cute pics of snowball. :-) We still need to get together for our "tea" visit. Love ya SIS

Suemn said...

Your kittens are adorable and I know you will spoil them. ha! Summer's t-shirt is so cute.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

After I got through laughing at the beginning of the post where you said you were happily going through the house cleaning and ironing and doing all the things that I really hate and the word happily will never come out of my mouth when it has anything to do with housework or cooking. I am so glad you have the kittens because I love hearing the stories and so glad that you had fun with Amber and the kids could stay home with their dad. Yay for a good night sleep

photowannabe said...

Sleep, blessed sleep...there is nothing like it.
You made me laugh when you said that you spoke Like a Husband...
Your accomplishments are stellar and those kitties are precious. Glad they all got a clean bill of health.
Angel food cake and fresh fruit is always a favorite of mine...yummm, now I'm hungry for some.

Carole said...

Bet you couldn't keep up acting like a husband for very long! Cheers The kitties are so great.

Saimi said...

Oh my goodness, those kittens are so dang adorable and I'm glad they have a clean bill of health! You remind me of my mom she is just like you. Loves to putter always cleaning and she has ironing skills like no other. You have such a lovely family and just for the record, I'm jealous your Hobby Lobby is open.
Have a great weekend!!

Deb J. in Utah said...

I love all your kitties and your time with family and friends. Oh, that nice long sleep sounds wonderful! Have a good weekend!