Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Remembrances and Redemptions....and a Prayer Request

 The light bulb had blown out in the little alcove off my sewing room and as I was replacing it I happened to notice a framed photo of Amber and me that I seldom see.

I remember this - now that I see it captured in that moment in time.
It was Christmas morning in 1991. That dressing gown was one of my favorites.
Amber is six years old which would place me at the age of 42.
I notice the Christmas ornaments on the tree and still have them so recently packed away.

This photo was behind the first one and is dated Memorial Day 1991.
Precious memories. How I love them! How I wish I could be transported back in time to revisit these moments.

Yesterday Amber was gazing at Kailey as she lay sleeping after coming in from school.
She said she loved her so much her heart hurt.
I told Amber I know that feeling well.
I still have that very same feeling for her.

Now for redemption!
This is a chair that holds such fond memories for Louis Dean.

His beloved father in law - Jerrel Doggett - was a master upholster for Montgomery Ward back in the day. This chair is VERY important to LD! It is also more than a bit shabby by now and I do not have the time nor the talent to redeem it by reupholstering it. 

So I spray painted the whole thing with a can of our all time favorite spray paint!

Worked like a charm!

We buy this paint a dozen cans at a time.

Since I had TWO cans - I turned my attention to the park bench which was looking pretty neglected.

What a difference a can of paint can make.

Put the two together and the porch looks a little bit better!!
I since added a wreath above the bench and feel good about the way it looks.

Summer sent me this sweet pic of Rayne as she is getting ready for the father/daughter dance this weekend. She is adorable!!

Now for the prayer request....
Summer is still in such serious pain that she cannot function well in every day life. 
While not ALL the way back to the pain level of September 19th....she is very close.
I have been in prayer all day long for her.
I sent out messages and emails and am so very grateful for the prayers prayed today for my daughter.
She has a doctor appointment in the morning and we are hoping and praying for some direction in how they might treat her.

Louis Dean has already gone to bed, He has an early appointment in the morning and we all know he is NOT a morning person! We will be going down to the ranch later tomorrow and I am so excited.
I plan to do some more writing on my book. 
In just 22 days and a wake up, my siblings and I will be leaving for our first time EVER trip together!
Lanita, Lloydine, Lonnie and Linda - the four of us grew up together - and we will be driving down to San Antonio for a few days to celebrate our lives and share our memories of childhood.
I could not write the book I am writing without their memories.
It is a shared experience.
This whole book thing has been such a blessing to all of us.
We have connected with our cousins and forged a bond we never had as children.
We have found closure on so many levels.

I know I asked for prayer for my daughter tonight - but may I offer another prayer request for our sweet Danna who is asking us to pray that God takes her home soon?
This is the granddaughter of our cousin, Joyce. Pam is Danna's mother and words cannot express the sorrow and grief she is going through as she watches her only child suffer.

The last thing I do before I go to sleep at night is to say my prayers.
Please don't forget to say yours.......


Wanda said...

Such sweet memories and pictures, Linda. You were beautiful in 1991 and beautiful now. Your beautiful shines from within...a generous and honest spirit. Love you!!

Deb said...

Praying Linda🙏🏻 Enjoy your time in the country😘I think the second picture of Amber looks like Kailey

Ginny Hartzler said...

I will indeed pray. I am The Prayer Lady at church, I manage all the prayer requests that come to me by e-mail and phone. Then I send them out by phone and e-mail. NOT that my prayers will have any more weight than anyone else's, mind you. Just so you know that prayers are kind of my job! I am wondering about those TENS units for Summer. We have a lady in church who suffered for years with her back and then they finally put one in. It has worked beautifully! Such wonderful old pictures. And Amber looks SO happy just to be with you! We have chairs just like this. This is a first for me, I have never heard of painting a chair! Surely only an artist's mind would think of this. Let us know what the doctor says! And I really think she should look into a TENS unit, not the ones you can buy, but the ones the surgeon outs in you.

Blondie's Journal said...

Sending prayers for Summer, Linda. This makes me so sad, my pain is nothing compared to hers.

You look beautiful in both pictures and I really mean it when I say you have hardly changed. :)

I think your family trip sounds very exciting!!! More for the book!

Jane x

Kathy said...

Lovely old photos and lovely memories. Does Kailey look like Amber or what? Exact image. I'll be praying for those in your family. So sad there is so much pain in the world. Have a good time in the trailer. Keep writing. And I'm looking forward to hearing about the trip with your siblings.

Vee said...

Father, please heal Danna or allow her to go home and be healed very soon. She needs You. Her mama needs You. Her grandmother needs You. And we are praying for peace and comfort in this storm knowing that just one word from You will be enough. Touch this family with Your great love.

My goodness, Linda. You CAN fix anything. That chair is looking fine.

Can't get over how much Kailey favors her mother. Amazing.

Praying for Summer and for relief for her pain. What an awful ordeal she has been through. God knows...

Estelle's said...

Hugs and prayers for all. Such a very hard the photos of past memories Linda. You always look so very pretty! Safe travels love.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

prayers for Danna and for Summer. so sorry. I prayed for my dad to go home to heaven every day until one day he passed in his sleep... he wanted to go and we wanted him to. I hope the doctor can help summer. love the porch and the chair looks great. does it make the upholstery hard and raspy?

Arlene G said...

Prayers going up for your requests Linda.

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

I'll pray for all your requests Linda. Its so hard going through suffering, but I believe God will use it for good in some way.

You have a beautiful, loving heart. I'm so glad to know you!

Susie said...

Linda, I will pray for all of you. Summer, and your cousin, and your whole family. My heart aches thinking of Pam and her daughter. Please be safe on the roads. Take care of each other. Blessings, love you guys, xoxo, Susie

Aloha Acres said...

Prayed for all of your request today. I know your heart is so heavy. May God comfort your people as only He can, and comfort you as well. You are a precious, precious person. ((hugs))

Linda said...

I hope by now you're on your way to the country, and Summer has gooten some answers from her doctor.

BeachGypsy said...

Have Summer go to website for "Southeastern Spine Institute" and check them out. They travel from all over to go there and i hear great things about the doctors and surgeons there. some of their procedures there are invented right there. Might be her answer and if not-- never hurts to go read. Hope she gets help and soon too