Monday, January 16, 2017

Celebrating Family and a Wild and Crazy Sunday!

Friday we visited family in Mineral Wells.
It was a nasty weather day and the traffic was slowed by accident after accident.
We were just grateful that we were not part of one.

I've asked prayer for my cousin's granddaughter who is the same age as our Amber with a son just one day older than the quads. We dearly love our cousin, Joyce, and her daughter, Pam, as well as Pam's daughter, Danna. Our hearts are breaking for them and at the same time we are rejoicing.
It is amazing what this young mother has already accomplished in her young son's life.
She was bound and determined to live long enough that he would remember her.

From Danna's Facebook post.....

"So this morning some hospice lady that talks to children came to talk to Ricky and she said he is the best that she had ever talked to and that he is about 2 years above in his understanding about life and death and God and Heaven. He says he's scared because I am dying but he also knows that we will be with one another again someday. Made my heart happy."

"If I ever did one thing right except give The Lord my heart this is it. This just makes me cry and cry."

Danna has an amazing testimony and so does her mom.
They continue to celebrate every single day and hour they have together.
Pam and Danna and the whole family has been such an inspiration to all of us.

Ricky took this picture of Louis Dean and me.

Louis Dean was so impressed with Ricky's musical ability.
I wished I had taken a photo of Ricky playing his drums and singing a praise and worship song - at the top of his lungs and with such emotion! And he can strum that blue guitar like no body's business.
He's going to be famous someday....
As we had prayer together, Danna and I, before we left, I assured her that the entire family would remain a presence in Ricky's life and continue to build on the foundation she has laid for him.

After we left Mineral Wells, we drove to Benbrook to see Mother.

This was our first visit this year!
Louis Dean brought her roses.

Mother's health is fine but she has slowed down to the point that she seldom leaves her suite at Deanie's house except to get her hair and nails done or visit the doctor.

We ended that Friday with dinner at The Cotton Patch.
It continued to be pea soup weather all the way home.

Saturday dawned a pretty day!
We then drove to Mansfield to the housewarming party for our Dear Leah ( Nita's daughter) and her husband, Patrick.

Leah is as beautiful inside as she is out!

They make such a handsome couple!

Leah and her Mama!
Notice the cat back there?

That's Mia. Isn't she pretty??

Nita and her handsome husband!
Mike reminds me of Alan Jackson!

It was SUCH a fun party!!

Summer and Sabrina came! First time to see them this year!
Summer didn't get to stay long as she was in a lot of pain.
She smiles for the camera but she can't keep it up for long.
We arrived the same time Amber and Mike did so the party grew a good bit right then!

Leah even had a play room set up for the young guests.

Although a few adults seemed to find coloring to be a soothing activity.

Kissy Kissy!!!

We decided to eat at Texas Roadhouse together after the party.

That was like another party in its own way!

The kids love those peanuts!

They were pretty much the charmers as we waited for our table.

Kailey has been missing her Granddad!
It had been exactly three weeks ago that we last saw them - on Christmas Eve!

We brought Kailey home with us to spend the night!
First pic- bedtime!
Second pic - morning.
Third pic - dressed for church!

We all had coffee and cinnamon rolls before going to church.
Kailey's milk was laced with a tablespoon of coffee!

Church service was good and Pastor even used the quads as an illustration.
Every morning after we get them from their class, they ALWAYS seek Pastor Doug and hug him and they tell him they are praying for him. He recently had eye surgery and was wearing a patch like a pirate so that has stayed in their mind that he needs prayer!

When we got to Quadville, the kids wanted to show us their Christmas presents!

They are such big kids now!

And then there was the hula hoop!

Harrison has got it DOWN!!!

Kailey could do it around her neck!

Trystan gave it a shot!

So did Logan.....

And then it was MY turn!

I tried! Once upon a time I could actually DO this!

Perhaps I need to buy my own personal hula hoop and practice!

Amber gave it turn!
We need more hula hoops!

Even Granddad gave it a whirl!!
Wasn't MUCH of a whirl but it was something!

Mike was the champion!
He said he learned to hula hoop in elementary school and apparently he never forgot!

We packed up Logan's bag and headed back to Irving where I put some BBQ wings and roasted veggies in the oven and then Logan and I went off to visit my friend, Reaoma.
We took her a chocolate shake and, of course, Logan got one, too!

Our calm, quiet Sunday ended about then.
The Cowboys played the Packers and it was an intense game!
The Packers won in the last few seconds and I was totally worn out!

During the game, Logan helped me undecorate the den.
She worked slowly and calmly while I was tearing down things like a mad woman.

Game over, Logan was tired so I put her to bed and we settled in with Alaska, the Last Frontier to calm our nerves. Just as we got into it, the emergency sirens started going off and I got a message on my phone that we were to take shelter NOW!
Louis Dean started throwing all the covers, blankets, bedspreads and pillows out of the den closet and I went in and woke Logan up and carried her in there.
We sat huddled up together for nearly a half hour before the all clear signal was given.

I think it's time to call this a wrap and go to bed!!!


Nita said...

It was a wild night weather wise, we started taking on water in the back room but at least its a concrete floor. Cowboys had a great season ! It's all good !
I loved seeing everyone at Leah's house warming and really enjoyed the hula hoop session, you are so entertaining !

Arlene G said...

Looks like we both had fun family weekends. Linda, you mom does look more frail. So sweet of LD to bring her roses. He is a good son in law. And what a testimony for your young glad you will be reunited in heaven. I lost my last great aunt over the weekend and I thought of the old gospel song, When we all get to heaven! So glad for that blessed hope.

Jackie See said...

This crazy weather! So glad you are all ok, we went from a half inch of ice to lots of rain, while temperature climbed up. Your hula hoop photos were funny! Have a great day, be safe, and keep an eye on the weather!

Susie said...

Linda, You have a beautiful family. I love how close all of you stay. Good to see your mother. bless her heart. Your grandquads are growing rapidly. I almost want to cry. I want to send hugs to everyone. Blessings, xoxo, love all of you, Susie

MadSnapper n Beau said...

enjoyed your hula hooping. prayers for Ricky and his mom and their family.

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

What a fun weekend! So glad you had lots of family time!

Those Cowboys had a great season! So happy to see them winning again!

Glad you were all safe! Crazy weather!

Diana Ferguson said...

Brought tears to my eyes - precious little Ricky! Prayers continue for the family.

Estelle's said...

Prayers for those is need. Oh how hard this is. Darling photos and look at you and the hula-hoop! Impressive Miss Linda!!! The quads are growing up before our eyes! So happy to see family celebrations and laughter! Have a wonderful week!

Linda said...

I was sure it wouldn't be long before your life would be back on high speed and so it is. Living in Texas, you may well be in for a turbulent spring. As often as you have the quads it might be a good idea to prepare a small activity bag to grab when you head to the closet. Perhaps LD could prepare a music activity bag. Perhaps that would make the situation less scary for the quads. Here in Oregon we are still frozen in. We missed Bob's cardiology appointment this morning. I'm about to prepare a grocery order to be delivered by Safeway's home delivery service. We're about out of anything to eat and it looks like it will be at least Wednesday before we can think about getting out.

Debbie said...

you guys are all such great sports with the hula hoop - i was happy to see one of you!! it is always so fun to hear your southern accents and giggles.

i did not know about your wild weather - i'm glad things have settled down and that you are all ok!!!!

Jan said...

It was a wild night last night, though we didn't get a warning. The wind just tore around the house and sounded awful! Glad you are all safe!

Vee said...

Thank God for those warnings, but they must be nervewracking. Praying for Danna and her darling boy. What a good support for one another your family is.

Loved seeing the hula hoopers! God love ya, you're trying. I do have a hula hoop. The likelihood of my giving it a whirl is about -0.1.

Ginny Hartzler said...

My heart just breaks for Joyce, Pam, and Danna! This picture of you and Louis Dean is so beautiful!!! the house party looks like a ball! I love Kailey toasting with Grandpa! Harrison has nailed the hoop!! I am like you, I used to be Queen of the Hoop, but for some reason cannot do it now!!! And it is good exercise too. Tornado warnings are scary stuff, but you both kept your heads calmly!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

How wonderful to visit with so much of your family! And I remember doing the hula hoop...for the longest time! The Cowboy game was intense...that's for sure! I just knew we had it won too and was so disappointed. But I'm proud of our team and they'll be even better next year! Hugs, Diane

Aloha Acres said...

Praying for your friend and that sweet, sweet little boy.

I think my favorite pic is of Kailey having "coffee" with grandad! Such sweet memories she'll carry with her forever.

Anonymous said...

It would be nice to enjoy with our family members. Enjoyed seeing all the pictures:)