Tuesday, June 7, 2016


It will be three weeks on Thursday since my foot surgery! I fully realize I am still another good FIVE weeks before I am 'back to normal' - but today I felt CLOSE!!!
Thanks to my best friend, Ruth Ann, I was able to do a somewhat regular TUESDAY!!!
She picked me up - since I still can't drive - and took me to visit my all time favorite stylist for a good hair cut!

Yulisa tried and tried to grow my hair out and then I came in and asked her to whack it off months ago!
Since then it has 'accidentally' grown out all by itself with me just trimming off my bangs from time to time! I am always amazed at what she can do with my stringy thinning mop! She has a knack of making the best of way my hair naturally goes - working WITH it instead of against it - as I need to learn to do!
See the pretty necklace?? SHE gifted that to me this past Christmas and I can't tell you how often I wear it!!!

Ruth Ann has the patience of Job!
She sat with me while I waited for Yulisa and then she waited some more!
Thank you, my sweet friend!!!

I am not good for the long haul - YET!
Hair cut was my #1 goal!
Next?? I yearned to go to Goodwill and so we did!!!

While I didn't score BIG - I did score!!
That Old Navy top will get a lot of wear!
The hat will be worn this fall with STYLE - in case I have a few bad hair days!
Videos are for the camper when we are at the ranch - which we hope to visit SOON!
Except for the 'How Do Dinosaurs Say Good Night!' THAT will be for tomorrow's entertainment when we have our first full fledged Quad Wednesday!!!
I paid $13.99 for a Josh Groban CD on Saturday and I got FIVE great ones for $0.59 LESS 25% today! I need to shop the Goodwill CD's and DVD's more often!
Tonight I played the 'new' music during art class and LOVED it!!

I was good for ONE MORE stop!!!
I thought about a movie but decided to go for Aldi!!

I found my wine!!!
It is delicious!
They had the 2014 AND the 2015 but I stayed with what I had enjoyed last week - the 2015!
My friend Carole from Carole's Chatter agrees that I chose a great wine!!!
Cheers, Carole!!!!

In keeping with our Tuesday Traditions......

Art Class!!!! And Cocktails!!!
We have our own 'Wine With a Twist!'
Sabrina, YOU were missed!!!
Tonight we had Peach Bellini's and they were so GOOD!!

We took our glasses out to the gazebo to sit with Louis Dean before we laid our palette!

Have I TOLD you how much I LOVE Ruth Ann??
Everyone needs a best friend that loves and believes in them!
Ruth Ann is MY 'person!'
(I had to Google that to make sure it meant what I thought it meant!)


For the first time we are working on different projects.
This is a painting that will mean a lot to Ruth Ann personally.
If you look closely you can see it is of a church......

I have been wanting to paint a seascape and this is one I have painted and given away several times!
I think this is my fourth painting of it and while I found the art book with the picture on the cover - I have lost the directions so I just winged it and I think I am on target!
It's based in and I have at least two more sessions on it!
I've always loved this painting and gave the original to my youngest son, Benjamin.
I was flattered that he wanted it!

I found this HUGE canvas on the curb last year when I was walking. Back when I COULD walk for exercise! I wrangled it home - it says 'FREE' on the back! This was a blessing because I met a really cool neighbor on my way home! She's the lady who gave the quads a gardening lesson earlier this spring and they have spider plants hanging on their patio to remind them of her!

So that is MY Tuesday and I am so thankful to be back to a semblance of my 'before surgery' life!
I am reminded that as soon as THIS foot heals I will be heading back to surgery for the other foot!
However, that one will not be as complicated as this one so it should not be nearly as hard!

I am off to have a glass of wine with Louis Dean and prop my feet up on the stone wall on the driveway. Step by step.....I am making progress......


Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

Hurray for haircuts,art,goodwill and wine!

Ginny Hartzler said...

You look so beautiful with your hair done and that gorgeous necklace! But you have looked good through this whole thing! It must be your smiling, joy filled face! Won't you have even a little break in between surgeries? The paintings look wonderful! YES, I go though GOODWILL WITHDRAWAL. But I have never looked at their C.D.'s or DVD's. NOW I will!

Kathy said...

I love seascapes. We have one in our living room that Joe's son bought him for his birthday one year. Yours is gorgeous and I can't wait to see it finished. Ruth Ann's too. I'm so glad to see you are almost back to a regular Tuesday. It must feel so good. Your hair cut is really nice.

PATI CLARK said...

🍷 Cheers !!! You look beautiful :)

Arlene G said...

Looking good Linda...so glad you are on the road to recovery!! And I love those Dinosaur books and DVDs. When I taught twos at preschool that was always a favorite series.

shortybear said...

so glad you were able to get out

Changes in the wind said...

What a great day!! Glad you are up and about.

Linda said...

What a fun post! It's good to get out! Hope you are having fun today!!!

Debbie said...

LOVE your hair do...looks so pretty. And soo glad you are doing soo well. Nothing like getting back to your normal routine some after a surgery. Enjoy the rest of your week!

Susie said...

Linda, You look great ! I am so glad to see Ruth Ann. She is a great friend to you. I know it probably felt good to do some of the things you love. Blessings to all. Love, xoxo, Susie

Linda said...

So good to see you back on the move. Love your hair. Wish I could find a stylist who could do something with my limp hair. Daughter says her hair does much better in Texas than Oregon, but mine is bad both places.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

so happy for you that you got a trip to Goodwill, that should make you feel almost back to 'normal'... you are blessed to have such a good friend.. i like your hair cut and hang on to a stylist that you love, they are hard to find.

ellen b. said...

Good for you in your recovery. What a blessing to have good friends who are patient! I'm always up for a cocktail!

Carole said...

Peach Bellini..... oooh, sounds so good. Cheers - glad you are getting back to normal, more or less. Just keep on hop, hop, hopping along! Cheers from Carole's Chatter

Wanda said...

Oh dear, you are coming back in style. You new cut and style is so very cute and fits your face and personality to well. I have such a friend, and they are a treasure for sure.
Love the paintings...and how you are getting back to your lovely life.

Sweet Tea said...

You managed to have a very full day, so you are making progress.
Good for you!!

peggy said...

I hope my Aldi's has your wine. I am so glad you have done really well, tho I know it probably hasn't been much fun. That's a beautiful necklace Linda!

BeachGypsy said...

you look so pretty!! Isnt a new haircut the best? Really boosts your spirit. I'm in goodwill all the time as well! Get so many treasures there! This weeks treasures were a huge painting for the bedroom and a whole BUNCH of adorable sweet fancy dresses for granddaughter! Oh,....and a beautiful glass bowl! Looks like you got some great stuff as well!!

bj said...

Way to go, sweet lady..so glad to know you are doing better ea day.

Linda @ Life and Linda said...

Hi Linda, Very cute picture! The painting is lovely and admire the talent. Thanks for your comment love.