Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Back Home Again!

We ended our weekend in the country!
On Sunday afternoon, I took a nap along with the kids - but THEY woke up FIRST!

They got my little red camera and took it back to their bunk bed and proceeded to take a LOT of photos AND videos AND change ALL my settings in the process!!!
I had a dickens of a time getting it reset!

We had one last campfire on Sunday night.
This ONE campfire had been burning every since we arrived on Friday night when Robert built it up for us. Every morning it was still smoldering and the kids would feed it twigs and stems and get it going again. They had so much fun!!!

We got up Monday morning and had coffee and pop tarts out on the deck.
The kids can entertain themselves in a thousand different ways!

Making stick letters.....

They loved seeing their initials.

I think we will do twig letters tomorrow on Quad Wednesday.

Father and son!
Thank you, Dean and Sherry, for your wonderful hospitality and for showing the kids such a great time! They dearly love you both - and so do we!!

Time to say goodbye!

Let's DO this thing!!!!

This is what Amber and the kids all say when they get in the car ready to take off!

Goodbye, Camper!! Goodbye, COUNTRY!!!!

We were out of the gate and down the county line road when I was posting this pic to Facebook.
As I looked at it - and saw the camper door - I asked Louis Dean if he had locked it? NO!
So BACK we went!! At least we hadn't gone too far!

We celebrated our last meal together at the local diner.
Their chicken fried steaks are HUGE!!!!
Louis Dean always asks for EXTRA gravy - just in case, he says.
In case of WHAT??? Well, in THIS case - Kailey wanted some to dip her fries in!
I took them to the bathroom before we left the diner and as I was walking back to the table, Louis Dean said, "Honey, you sure do look tired!" There was a good reason for that!!!

The kids napped nearly all the way home.
We dropped them off, hugged the other two and Amber and came HOME!
By 5:00 we had unloaded, unpacked, put up and started laundry!
Too late for a nap and too early for bed.....which is where I wanted to go!

I sent this pic to Deanie! We test and message each other every morning and evening.

Instead I showered and he took a long soaking bath and then we sat out in the gazebo with our wine and talked. Just the two of us. With no little voices. We kind of missed them. Kind of. We knew they would be back on Wednesday.

Today was March 1st and Spring has really sprung around here!!!
Another 2 weeks and it will be time to spring FORWARD on Daylight Savings Time!
I snapped this pic from in front of Ruth Ann's house.
After we voted this afternoon, I took LD home and picked RA up and we hit the Goodwills.
Kind of like the old days when we actually HAD our Tuesdays together!!!

I scored on this large leather tray!!
I propped the hook hanger plaque inside for the photo.

More chair cushions for outside,

A little fall to put away until September.

My new fall cup!
The photo doesn't really show how pretty this cup is!
Perfect condition - $0.75!

I put this one up for fall too!

Mother will be returning next week and she is bringing her own coffee pot!
I got this black ceramic platter and matching cup to put on the dresser so she will have her very own personal coffee bar! 

Three cobalt rimmed shot glasses which will make very nice small vases!

I have hit the jack pot lately with dishes!!
Four Olivet bowls from Oneida.........

and five matching salad plates!!

As soon as we walked in to Goodwill, I told Ruth Ann I needed BIGGER tee shirts!!!

And I found some!!! Plus a Ralph Lauren simple cotton dress and a Chico's top in addition to a brown linen skirt with an interesting hem line. I plan to wear it to church on Sunday.

On my way home from dropping Ruth Ann off, I saw such lovely blooming trees!!

It is really spring already and we totally missed WINTER!!!

The bird seed grows sunflowers for us - right under the bird feeder!

I admit to being tired to the bone! My age is beginning to catch up with me!
I was planning on going to bed early and I just looked down at the time on my computer and it's almost 10:00!!! Tomorrow is Quad Wednesday and I will need a good night's sleep!!!
Little Logan told me on Face Time that she was 'sad about you, MeeMaw!' 
That means she was missing me  - and I her!!
Louis Dean has a surprise for them in the morning!
The side stone patio was all uneven from where he dug it up for the drains.
He pulled all the large heavy stones up this afternoon and is preparing to level it up as he puts them back. But for now - guess what's there?? DIRT!!! And we all know how kids love to play in the DIRT!!


Blondie's Journal said...

I;m so glad you had a great trip. I know for sure you have more energy than me. I come home from a trip and can take a loooooning nap. You push on. Then again, a quiet time with hubby and a glass of wine is very encouraging! :0

Love your finds...the plates and cool shot glasses. Everything really! Love the picture of you..you can pass for forty girl!! Seriously. :


Linda said...

Almost, but not quite, made me wish for Texas today as I've seen reports of people voting. In Oregon all voting is done by mail. Never thought I'd say I missed standing in line to vote but that experience adds a little something you miss when voting by mail. Have to say at this stage of life mail in ballots are nice. Our primary isn't until May 17 so our votes don't count for a lot. Oh my, tomorrow will be another busy day for you and sounds like your mom is coming back. Lots going on. By the time you're rested it will be time to take the other quad half to the ranch. Hang in there.

Bluebird49 said...

I think you just keep getting younger, you and Louis Dean both. Having the quads and your other grands around, having a deep faith, and a "push through it/get-her-done" attitude, you stay SO young! (Sure wish I had it, girl! We're one year apart, Linda, and I feel old enough to be your mother--- and she is another "young" go-getter! Even your voice sounnds young!
I just love your sweet, uplifting blog---I hope it never changes! I look forward to it every day. Good health and happiness to you and LD, and all your family, Linda!)

Marsha Young said...

Linda, Once again you just put the rest of us to shame with all you do and all you "get done." :) You and LD just continue to inspire the rest of us.

Kathy said...

I could never do all you do and I'm younger than you! I just sleep a lot of the time since I retired. I'm so glad you and the kids had such a good time at the ranch. And I know you'll have fun with them tomorrow.

You got some nice things at the thrift store. But then you always do. I really love that skirt!

Latane Barton said...

You have such fun with the grandkids. Making memories that they will remember until they are your age and older.
You did alright at Goodwill. There's a new Goodwill near me and I have never been. I think I may have to... you've inspired me.

Susie said...

Linda, It was a great thing that Harrison and Kailey had special time with you and LD. They will always remember the country. Nice that you could have time with Ruth Ann. Your flowering tree photos are wonderful . It will soon be spring here. I am hoping to enjoy every day of it. Blessings to you, xoxo,love, Susie

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

We can learn so much about having fun from the kids! I'm going thrift store shopping this morning...hope I find something good! Love all your treasures! Hugs!

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

Ah Linda. What a gem you are! You just keep moving forward, and extending your kind heart to everyone. Those quads will have amazing childhood memories of time with Memaw and Granddad. What a blessing to you all!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

love those flowering trees and so glad you saw that door and went back. i love that dog with LD and his son.. i bet the quads were all happy to be back together again

BeachGypsy said...

So glad yall got home safely! Those kids sure had some fun adventures! Some great goodwill finds there!