Monday, March 14, 2016

All is Right in My World Tonight!

We slept well last night and were ready to embrace this Monday!!!
I called Oncor Power Company before I even got out of bed this morning to report the tree section hanging on our power line. The guy who came out was super nice! He said the line from the pole to the house was our responsibility......but since he was HERE! He helped Louis Dean deal with it and even took down the heavy branch - pointed on the end - that was poised to fall straight down!
Praise God for this kind man who helped us!

Louis Dean said we are going to need a BIGGER chain saw and went off to buy one!
This man of mine is golden! He also made a Sam's run to stock up on supplies.
The last batch of biscuits he made was with margarine! We were out of butter, olive oil AND shortening!!!!

He made a lot of progress!

The tree section is off the gazebo and cut into lengths to use as firewood next fall!

It's still a mess and will not be cleaned up anytime soon - but he IS making progress!

Louis Dean is also known as Mr. McGregor!!
He does NOT like squirrels!!!

Instead he caught a POSSUM!!
We love possums! They eat a ton of insects and since we spend so much time outside - we really appreciate them!

I didn't realize they had such teeth!!!

While Louis Dean was doing his errands, I was doing what I do best - making something pretty!!
I decided that since we don't have our gazebo, I would clean up the decks and patio so we can still have an outdoor living space!

Mother enjoyed sitting in the sunshine and watching me work.
I have to say it felt really good to be outside today!
It was beautiful with the sun warm on my skin and a light breeze blowing through every now and then. 

I had a late lunch ready when Louis Dean got home!
Of course, we ate outside!

This was a tired, tired man!

I think Mother had a good day. I gave her an umbrella to use as a cane. There's no way to use a walker in my house! Louis Dean had a real cane he has loaned her while she is here and that will come in handy.

When life gets messy - as it is now - I tend to try to do some pretty things.
Like serving lunch on the nice soup and sandwich set Deanie gave me last year.

After lunch - which was LATE - we ate about 3:30 - I did a little more work while Mother went in to take a nap. Then I drank a nice glass of wine and went to bed myself!

When I got up, I finished cleaning up the patio and decks!

Louis Dean started a fire for us and we have enjoyed sitting outside this evening!

He was pretty impressed that I had cleaned it all up and made it look nice!
I should have taken before pics!!

So this is my blogging spot tonight!
The fire is burning, the ponds are bubbling and we are sitting together.
All is right in my world!


Deb said...

love your patio!!!!

Pondside said...

Your LD is amazing! I'm glad that no more harm was done than you found and that you are able to sit outside to enjoy the evening air - sounds blissful.

Joy@aVintageGreen said...

You and LD are the BEST team. Thank you for the updates. Stuff sure does happen. Hugs.

Linda said...

No doubt the quads are going to ask a lot of questions when they come on Wednesday. I'm going to be interested it what the new gazebo will be like. That's an enormous project you have there. Since December 1 Portland has had 30 inches of rain. When it's this wet the root systems of these super tall trees can't hold the trees upright. Last week we had two deaths of people driving to work when a tree fell on their car and killed the driver. One was a young woman 4 months pregnant. I'm glad no one was injured in your mishap.

Kathy said...

I can't believe you got things cleaned up so quickly. Things look so much better. But I know it won't get back to normal for awhile. Don't overdo it.

Jutta said...

LD is a true hero of life! He is strong mentally and physically. He has a golden heart and a soft manly voice. When you are with him nothing ever gets too bad, Linda. I loved the last photos of the cozy moments of your evening together. Hugs.

Vee said...

OK, John wants to know what kind of chainsaw Louis Dean got. =D

What a productive day and your yard and decks are looking very pleasant with all the lights.

Hope that today will be just a fun day with not a lot of work involved.

Susie said...

Linda, Your LD is a work horse kind of man. Bless him, he did look tired. He needs to know to take little breaks here and there. One thing about work, it's always there. :):) You mom sure did seem to be relaxing, so good for her. Nice lunch with your loved ones, that's a blessing. Linda I will say I am thrilled the power co. man helped LD. That was a dangerous situation. Looks like it turned into a nice evening with all the sweet lights and campfire. Blessings to all, love you, Susie

Beth said...

Hi Linda, I am so sorry about your gazebo but glad you are making progress. Your backyard is beautiful! I love your pond and waterfall. Your mom looks great, and very happy.

Changes in the wind said...

Everything looks so pretty..great job!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

so glad you found a spot to be outside to blog. the first 3 pics of your gazebo are just plain SAD..

Nancy Chan said...

Love your patio. It would be lovely to be able to join you to enjoy the fire and the bubbling pond.

Nita said...

See, you and Louis Dean work through life mishaps so well, what a beautiful outdoor space you still have. You really do know how to put a touch of pretty on everything.

Sweet Tea said...

Wonderful progress. You two are lovely Worker Bees.

Judy said...

How nice of the 'power guy' to help you! You always seem to make quick work of those big projects...and then find a nice spot to sit when the job is done!

Hootin Anni said...

You don't see that often these days....he was so very helpful, 'cause I know just how much work is involved in tree trimming. Hard labor!!!

Oh yes, I like it when I see a 'possum in the yard 'cause I know they'll eat cockroaches. I HATE cockroaches. lol

Hootin Anni said... the header painting Linda!!

Carla said...

Poor LD he did look tired but your Momma looked happy as a lark out there in that chair. Glad the power guy was willing to help LD. I'm not real fond of possums but with those big ugly teeth but I guess I'll try to be nice if they have a purpose. I just can't believe the mess the tree created and so glad it didn't happen while y'all were out there. Hugs

Nonnie said...

You are such a great team. You do so much so well.

Vee said...

Tagging up here as I have missed a few posts. It took John's asking how the quads were doing to get me to look for you. Would you believe that my icon blog roll booted you (and many others) off? I was furious! How dare they?! Anyway, now I have the fun of catching up.

Penny said...

What a difference in a short space of time! You and LD really are the 'A Team' ! X