Friday, July 31, 2020

The Big Red Roof Project Has Begun!

Today was exciting!
Sherry and I went into Mart to pick up a few groceries at Read's and the Dollar Store.
Dean called and said the guys were coming to put in a couple of poles for the Roof Project.

We had not been back at the ranch long before here they were!
Sherry offered to use her tractor with the auger on it to dig the holes.

First hole dug!

Exciting times here today!

The guys were working hard.
One hole dug.
One pole placed and cemented in.
OOPS! Wrong spot. No problem!
Ronnie - on the left - is so strong!
 He just hugged that pole and pulled it straight up.
They dug another one a few inches to the west and reset it!

Louis Dean enjoyed sitting on the deck and watching!

They dug another hole and set the pole and said they would be back in the morning at 6:00!
They worked at their regular job today and then came out here to set two poles.
They think they can finish the job this weekend.

This is the door prize I won at the bee meeting on Tuesday!
I am hoping Amber will help me set up an Etsy shop when we go home.
The honey tastes better than last year's harvest!
I will go back on my Facebook posts and contact those who were interested.
Who knew I would become a beekeeper??

I have been painting and painting and painting!
Tiny little strokes and it's so so ????
I am struggling with these faces more than I have any other Santa paintings I have ever done!
The bigger the canvas - the easier it is to paint.
These are 9 X 12 and it's hard.
I have one couple all but done. I can highlight later and then glaze after it's dry.
Now I am working on the other canvas.
I am past the idea of making them look like certain people and am just hoping to make them like ?
Mr. and Mrs. Santa Claus.

Tonight, after Dean and Sherry put up the goats and ducks and fed the critters, they came up here for hot dogs! Complete with chili, onions and cheese, potato salad and baked beans!
I love days like this.....where Sherry and I  go to town and then meet back for projects or visiting.
She was so helpful in critiquing my art. I needed her eyes and she was spot on!
We all ate together on the front deck - which will soon be our front PORCH once it's covered!

Dean had brought up some fireworks ro celebrate Friday with and I actually shot some of them off myself! With a little help from my friends!

I love doing these right here at the ranch!

I'm not good with photos but the fireworks were beautiful!

It's an early bed for us tonight since we have such an exciting day in store for tomorrow.
Not sure I will be up at 6:00 in the morning, though.

Here's our beaautiful Chandy girl!
She was at an appointment where they did all sorts of tests on Jax and everything looks perfect!
She will be admitted to the hospital Sunday night and they will induce labor at 10:00 PM.
Were it not for Covid - we would so BE there in the waiting room!
I guess the waiting rooms in delivery are empty these days.

Goodnight, y'all.....


Bluebird49 said...

Oh, I bet the roofers will wake you up! 😎
Chandy looks radiant, of course.
I know Mr. and Mrs. Santa will look great, and since we have only seen Santa's HELPERS, we don't know what Santa really looks like, right?!☺
I think you've had as much or more fun on the ranch this year than any other. You just sound contented. And you're out where you don't hear 24 hour-a-day news. We seldom listen to the news anymore. 😱
Hope you are sound!y sleeping after your wonderful evening.

jujupage1 said...

I'm sure you'll improve your Santa paintings but they look great already!

I would love to have a beehive in our garden because homemade honey is always the best!

Susie said...

Linda, Sherry could have set those poles herself. LOL. She is one hard working girl. Picking up some of LD's ways. I was wondering what kind of man sets poles in sandals ...yikes. Loved the sign , so cute, and the fireworks. Oh boy a new baby. Wish we could love on our babies. I miss my g.grands so much. Chandy looks like she is having twins. Praying for her. Please take care , watch LD when he is working in the heat. We sometimes have to make men take breaks and hydrate. Blessings to you my friend, xoxo,love you, Susie

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

So much going on in your world! Love the prayer at the end. I'll write it out in my journal today! Sweet hugs!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Prayers that Jax will come peacefully into this world and be a healthy happy baby and for the safety of the baby and the mama. I would never have thought of you as a beekeeper either selling honey is amazing! Talk about amazing is Sherry digging post holes with an auger on the back of a tractor. I can't wait to see the new Red Roof. You need to come up with a name for your little Homestead.

MimiG said...

I'm signing up for honey, just let me know how much and I'll mail you a check. Eating honey on toast for breakfast today.
Spent a great day with Emma yesterday - she wanted to go fishing. She caught 10 brim and a turtle!! She really enjoyed herself and I enjoyed watching her. She has one more MRI one more blood test, then hopefully fully released. But, she just feels so much better and has so much more energy!! Praise God.
Can't wait to see the red roof porch.. It's going to help so much with this heat..That Sherry, just call her Wonder Woman!
Continue to enjoy your days in the country - and it was so good to see Summer's pictures the other day. Great to see the Summer Smile!!
I'll be praying for Chandy and Jax also.. New babies are such a blessing.

Vee said...

Very exciting times on so many levels. Chandy looks ready to have her baby. Praying for her. Your win is a good one for a beekeeper who can only eat so much honey. I still have local honey on hand. My beekeeper is not so friendly so I hesitate to stop by. 🍯

Can't wait to see that red roof going up. That's the color you chose if memory serves me right.

Changes in the wind said...

Loved the picture with Sherry at the wheel and the three guys doing the hard work. I wondered what you would do with all that honey:) Anxious to see the completion of the new roof.

Arlene G said...

Love seeing the progress at the farm. When I see people doing hard work like placing those holes, I realize I am OLD!! Good for LD sitting and watching. And congrats to Chandy on making it to the end of her pregnancy. I know what you mean about those big life events that we all enjoy being there for....a thing of the past for right now. I hope things will get back to normal.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

So now we sea the reasoning behind the new deck. It's going to be a porch. I love red roofs and can't wait to see the finished product there. What a difference that will make. Hope all goes well with the new baby. Nice to see the new mama doing so well. Still haven't started any Christmas painting here. Good to see yours taking shape.

Rain said...

Hi Linda :)) I think that Louis Dean had the best spot during the hole digging! :) I think it's so neat that you've become a bee keeper! Oh good luck and health to Chandy!

photowannabe said...

That's a beautiful and grateful prayer.
My goodness, even on your non-busy days you are so busy.
Love that you can get into town with Sherry and enjoy yourselves.
LD looks so pleased with himself in that picture. So glad someone else is doing that back-breaking work.
Can't wait to see the finished product.
Praying for Chandy and tomorrows new addition to the world.
Just sorry you can't be there for the event.

Deanna Rabe said...

Praying for Chandy and Jax!

Your new roof will help keep your whole space cooler, I think. And how nice to have a porch!

Ginny Hartzler said...

I like the prayer! Cannot wait till the entire porch is done and you show it. Are you selling the honey on Facebook? The fireworks are beautiful, I love the colors!

Jan said...

Your paintings look great. You are talented—sewing. Painting beekeeper. Gardner. Wow the list could go on and on. Good for you.

Carole said...

Fingers and toes crossed for Chandy - your roof is enormous - will it keep your camper cooler? Cheers