Friday, July 3, 2020

Sunflowers on a Country Friday.....

Louis Dean and I did a drive about this afternoon.

We were looking for sunflowers and we found them!

I dearly love a gravel road in the country!

We have discovered a few sunflowers on the ranch but I won't cut them.
They are probably the results of some of my past bouquets and I hope we have more and more.

It is hot in Texas!
The kittens stay in the front room during the day and we put them in the carrier and set them inside the camper with the AC during the afternoon when it is the hottest. Plus they sleep inside at night.
I found them playing in the shower this evening!

I love that Louis Dean thinks about how much I love sunflowers!
It will soon be time for me to pack away the patriotic and haul out all my sunflower debris!

The sky was hazy today.....I am wondering if the Sahara dust is lingering on.
The moon was pretty tonight.

We do love an evening campfire.
Dean joined us tonight as we sat on the deck and visited.

It was a simple day in the country.
We ordered a preshaped pool shell for Louis Dean's country garden online.
It seems stores do not carry near the inventory they once did.
I gave up on Home Depot's website and ordered from the easier to use Lowe's.
It will arrive in Waco the weekend we are doing our honey harvest.
I MUST order a bee suit for Louis Dean first thing in the morning as we are going to need him to lift those boxes that are heavy with honey......weighing about 70 pounds per super.....and there are 6 supers!

Goodnight, Friends and Family.
I hope you all sleep well!

PS.....update on Chandy......

She posted this on her Facebook page today!
Made me laugh!

She is 34 weeks gestation. We are so grateful she doesn't have Covid and
we are still praising God she is doing so well.
Baby Jax will be here before we know it!


Hootin Anni said...

What a terrific post! Y'know something?...I've never before thought of making a sunflower bouquet before, but now seeing yours I've often thought of stopping by the roadside & taking some home with me!!

Can't wait for photos of baby Jax & love the kitty pics (of course). Happy 4th to you.

Susie said...

Linda, I love that your old bouquets are making you a sunflower garden. I always feel that once the 4th is over, fall is much nearer. It is nice the kittens have each other for entertainment. Stay cool and hydrated. Blessings to all there, love you, xoxo, Susie

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I too love sunflowers! And I also love your sunflower vase and especially when it's full of sunflowers. So happy for candy can't wait to see the new baby! Also can't wait to see LD and a bee suit

Changes in the wind said...

Good excuse for a little jaunt:) those kittens are so cute! Happy Fourth to you.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I love sunflowers too and I think I'll drive out to the field of sunflowers and see if they are heavy with their blooms drooping now! That's pretty too! Happy 4th to you both! Hugs!

Debbie said...

ld is a thoughtful main every way. i'm happy you found that field of sunflowers, there are many in this area, i wonder it they will be able to open in the fall!!

best wishes to chandy, that is such a pretty name!!!

photowannabe said...

Happy 4th of July.
Thanks for the update on Chandy..she looks so much better and ready for that dear little one to arrive.
I do love sunflowers too. They just make me feel happy.
Enjoy your day..

Wanda said...

Haven't had much time to visit the past few days, but do see some of your pictures on fb. Love Sunflowers too. When I was working years ago, I kept a pair of gloves and clippers in my car so I could gather wild sunflowers on my way to work. I always had flowers on my desk.

Carole said...

Happy 4th. Love the sunflowers. Cheers

Vee said...

Hope your Independence Day has been wonderful. So glad that Chandy is doing so much better. That graphic made me laugh, too. In fact, I may sleep in tomorrow since I am staying up late to watch fireworks . ✨

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Belated holiday greetings, Linda, and hope yours was a good one as I suspect it was just being able to share with family. Sunflowers 🌻 are such a happy looking bloom and hope you have a large garden in time. It’s getting hot here in NH too and good luck to you all with the honey harvest. Yikes they sound heavy! The kittens are always such fun to see and yes to that sign.