Monday, July 27, 2020

A 'Summer' Day!

Summer has been staying at our home in Irving while we have been in the country and that has given me such peace of mind! I don't like surprises and we have gone home to more than a couple over the years. Most had to do with water. I like knowing she is in the house and keeping an eye on things.
Plus this gives her a change of scenery.

This morning she and I both woke up about the same time! 
She dressed and headed south and I did my morning routine and watched for her to come through the gate. I watched and watched and then sat down and a minute later I saw her parking her car in front of the truck!

She brought my Epoch Times newspapers, some medicine she had picked up at Walgreen's for us, our mail, a sack of potatoes.....

and this beautiful pair of honeybee earrings!!
These are from my friend, Sharilyn, in Utah.
It's so much fun to think of the ways our friends come to us and we to them.
Amber's dear friend and old college roommate, Lisa, is our connection.
Sharilyn is married to the brother of Lisa's ex husband.
I think Sharilyn found me through Amber's blog and we have been friends for several years now.
She's the one that made the fabulous bee quilt!
As a matter of fact, Sharilyn has been on my mind the last few days.
We keep our Christmas cards to use as prayer cards - and after we have prayed through the whole stack - I keep out the ones that were photo cards and continue to rotate those in my prayer time.
I love the Hunter's card with their large family and smiling faces.
Thank you, Sharilyn....for the earrings and most of all for being my friend!

While the Covid numbers are still high in Dallas County, they are going down, as they are in McLennan County. It's much safer down here in the country than in the city.
We both needed a haircut so that's what we did first!

I found this Great Cuts place and they made us feel very safe.
You could not go inside the front door when you first arrived.
A lady came out - wearing a mask - and we gave our names and address.
There were seats along the sidewalk in front of the shop and we waited there for just a few minutes before our stylists were ready for us. First, we went to the hand washing station and we both washed our hands as did our stylists. Summer is trying a new cut and I just wanted mine cut short!!
Win! WIN!!
We also planned to get pedicures but had no idea where.
I complimented one of the ladies on her nails and she told us where she had them done!
Bingo! That's where we would go!

We stopped by Collin Street Bakery on our way.
I wanted an apricot pie - but they had none.
I settled for a couple of loaves of Pecan Bread.

Summer knew of a tasty hamburger place that was a 'hole in the wall.'
The BEST kind of place!!
Old fashioned hamburgers! And Tator Tots!

On to Luxor's Nails on New Road!

I had my hair cut short and my nails cut short, too!

One little bitty stop at a Goodwill!
The socks are new and I am looking forward to the fall and winter wearing of them!

Our last errand was Aldi and then we headed back to the ranch!

Louis Dean had stayed busy putting in yet another deck!
(It was all done just a few hours later!)

I wish our day together could have lasted longer!

Summer was on her way back to the city!

It sure was good to see her!
Her fibromyalgia has been acting up and she spent the other day in bed.
But compared to all the many days she used to have to stay in bed - she was certainly not complaining.
She has to have a couple of tests and then go back to the doctor for a treatment plan on her neck and upper spine. Have I already said that before? Sometimes I forget and repeat myself.

There's nothing like having some special mother/daughter time!

She sent me this pic she snapped and then a text that she was nearly home.

Our fridge is full again and I made a pot of chicken and dumplings for Louis Dean's supper tonight.
He just told me there's an exciting display of lightning off to the southeast so I am going to take my glass of wine out to the front deck and watch it with him.

It's been a GOOD day!!


Bluebird49 said...

It sounds and looks like a fun time that should and is treasured by you both. Anytime that is spent with loved ones, (smiling and laughing), is a win!Win!
Louis is really coming along on the deck! He's such a hard worker, and I know he loved his supper. I love chicken and dumplings, too.
How often can you get a haircut, a pedicure AND Tater Tots in the same trip! 😍 Not very, I'd say. 😉
Hope your coming weather is calmm!

Bluebird49 said...

Meant to tell you I love all the photos you added. They mean so much, and the one with the date drew me larticularly. The colors and setup...and the fact that it is...NEARLY August?! How can that be! It will soon be September 1rst, and we know how much that day means to you!💕

Deanna Rabe said...

Days spent doing fun and ordinary things with our daughters are so special! I'm glad to hear that Summer is overall doing better!

Your day was a good one and I am glad for it!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

How wonderful to get to spend the day with Summer and do lots of fun girl stuff! I have 4 sons and I know I missed having a girl! Hope your day is wonderful! Hugs!

Robyn said...

What a great day together!!...I am in desperate need of a pedicure.. I'm hoping to go next month.. Good Gosh, is Louis Dean for hire? I need a new deck on my back yard.. LOL.. God bless him....Those earrings are just adorable! I love bee's.. to look at anyway. LOL... I love the last photo of you and Summer together. I wish my mom was still here, we too were best friends and well and I loved spending time with her as much as I could....

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

How wonderful you\ got some mother daughter time. I know I love the time I get to spend with my daughter too. Very special indeed. Nice she can watch your home for you while you are away and keep an eye out for any surprises, before you get there. Summer is the perfect name for her, a breath of sunshine in your life for sure. So glad she's doing better.

Changes in the wind said...

What a treat to have Summer come and spend the day and that she is taking care of things at home.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

That burger picture flipped me back in time. When I was 18 I got my first job at Aetna Finance in Savannah Georgia, across the street from the finance company was a bar and grill. That Grill made hamburgers that look exactly like the one in your picture and they were absolutely delicious. The only food they served we're grilled burgers! I used to take orders from everybody and go across the street and pick them up and bring them back and we would sit at our desk and Chow Down. Summer always looks so happy and I'm glad that you got to have summer on the summer day

Susie said...

Linda, That was great that Summer came and had a good day with you. Summer's sweet smile, what a girl. All your tootsies look pretty. LOL OMG, that working man, LD. He makes me smile. Tell LD, I can hear Merle Haggard singing "Workingman Blues" I bet that pecan bread would make some good toast. Blessings to all of you, xoxo,love you, Susie

photowannabe said...

Fantastic picture of you and Summer. You have got that Selfie thing down not so much...see my blog post today..
What a gorgeous sunset you enjoyed while sipping your wine.
I love how LD wants you to see the lightening with him. He notices his surroundings and wants to it.
Sounds like you have a wonderful day and accomplished so much.
We here in Northern California well all of CA is closed down haircuts or nails unless they can be done outside!!!
Crazy times.

Vee said...

Louis Dean is going strong on those decks! Amazing! Any day spent with a daughter is a good day. 💕

Carole said...

I just hope you are staying safe - I am still avoiding doing anything not essential - such a scaredy cat... Cheers

Art and Sand said...

Congratulations of the haircut. I got one in June and it felt so good.