Sunday, April 5, 2020

Sunday Sewing....

I have spent most of this Palm Sunday in the sewing room.
As soon as I finished my devotions and watched church online.....

I went right to the sewing room and set up shop.
The ironing board helped to press all the fabric and then I used a template I made of cardboard to trace the pattern on. It took awhile to get my system worked out but I think I'm getting the hang of it.

I made my first child size mask.
This is for Harrison.

I worked on masks for neighbors today and will finish them up tomorrow.
These are for Stephanie and her family.

Took a movie break with Louis Dean.
We loved this one when it came out in 2008 and it had been awhile since we'd seen it so it was extra good. I made a Frito Pie for our lunch did a 'Movie Tavern' experience!
That sounds so much better than just eating in front of the TV!

I went back to sewing and made up a couple for one of my favorite people - Tim was our across the street neighbor for several years and we watched his children grow up! He and his family have always been special to us and I will make up some more later this week for them.

I searched around and found some fabric that will be good for children and some colorful ones for spring and summer. No telling how long we will be wearing them.

I called it a day and took the ironing board down, organized my supplies, and vacuumed the floor.

I'm all set up for tomorrow.
A good plan is to put the masks on the front porch bench packaged up for the certain people and then let them come by and pick them up.
That's what Tim did tonight.

I love having a sewing room!

We have a challenge like we have never seen before.
I am so proud of our President, Surgeon General and Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx.
God bless them and give them strength and wisdom as they help us make our way through these next few weeks.

Perfect scripture to end this Palm Sunday.


Ginny Hartzler said...

And you are for sure one of the angels in this crisis. Heling out with what you know how to do well. I need to make us a couple!

Bluebird49 said...

I agree with Ginnie -- you are an angel put here to help and love people, and you answer God's call for all of His children to be like His Son. "Jesus went about doing good." was one of the first Bible verses I memorized when I was a child.
I hope you have a wonderful week!

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Linda! You have inspired me and I am going to start tomorrow and sew as many masks as I can find fabric and supplies for in my stash. You do have a great sewing room. I love that you are sewing masks for family and friends.
Have a good week. See you again soon!

Susan said...

What is the measurement for your child's size? I found some elastic today in one of my old sewing baskets!

The Feminine Energy said...

What a gorgeous sewing room, Linda! I love how you decorate... especially your thrift store items. You put them together so beautifully! Love, Andrea xoxo

Tania said...

I LOVE your sewing room setup Linda, and those masks are looking great!

We are watching from across the other side of the world in disbelief at the struggles your beloved country is having with this virus. Feeling the pain of the people :'(

We head into winter soon and the flu season. This is a worrying time for Australia too as there will be two things to worry about, the flu and Convid-19. We wouldn't want to get both at once. At the moment our country is trying to keep on top of the numbers of cases but it is definitely a scary time. Our lives have changed in an instant. We are in semi lock down, only allowed out for essential things. I am busy making masks too as it has been suggested that it may come to pass that everyone will need to wear them and they are in short supply.

Please take care and be safe.

God bless your caring heart.

BeachGypsy said...

Your sewing room IS NICE!!- ENJOYED SEEING IT! Strange Palm Sunday for sure.....never have I went to Palm Sunday service in my nightgown before but that's exactly what I did today.........ha ha LOL, church on the computer. HOpe y'all had a real nice weekend.Hugs!

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

What a wonderful way you have put your talents to work, Linda, in such a loving and generous way. We also made face masks this weekend, but ours didn't involve such colorful fabric, as we used bandanas we already owned. I'm sure those who are recipients of your homemade masks will really appreciate them and hope all stay safe.

Donna said...

Linda, you are just the best! I envy you the beautiful sewing room. Need to check my fabric stash and try my hand at making some masks. We discovered that YouTube has all kinds of sermons and teachings. We enjoy Justin Peters. If you have an Alexa, she will play all kinds of gospel music for you. Guy Penrod and David Phelps are favorite tenors.
Take care, love, prayers, and hugs to you and Louis Dean.

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

One day I’ll have a sewing room. That would make it easier to get to projects like this!

Yours are turning out well!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

That is a wonderful way to help others with your gift of sewing. Many are doing the same thing, but not everyone has a sewing machine or knows how to use one. One of my DIL's is making them for our family. What a blessing where there is such a great shortage of masks.

Changes in the wind said...

The masks look wonderful land surely will be appreciated. I have enjoyed our church services on line and so grateful that we have it.

Vee said...

Your darling sewing room is seeing a lot of action. Mine should be, too. Glad that you keep busy with productive things. I should get outside and do some raking, though the sun is shining, raking doesn't appeal. Perhaps blowing would be better. Ha!

Keep looking up...

MadSnapper n Beau said...

you are always a busy bee even when you are not busy with your bees. I love that green and white chair in the sewing room. the mask are perfect gifts and will save lives... I made two fold only ones for me to shop in.. yours look much better.

Arlene G said...

I plan to try my hand at face masks today Linda. I have some fabric stash and I want to make at least two for me and for Marvin. If face masks will allow us out of quarantine I am all for them. I have some pretty toile fabric and a pretty yellow floral that will make a nice girly face mask. I think I have some solid colors for Marvin. Today is laundry day and grocery day. When you look forward to going to the grocery store, that shows how much you miss going out and about.

Sandi said...

Your sewing room is so elaborate and welcoming. 😊

Rain said...

Hi Linda!! :) Oh nice sewing room!!! And the masks look great! I've already packed my sewing machine, I hope to get back to it soon! :)

Wanda said...

Great job, Linda. You many talents and love serve so many. You masks are lovely. I use to sew, but gave me sewing machine to the daughter of my heart (DIL) as she took interior decorating classes, and wanted to make some covers for their porch swing, and some curtains.
We watch Grand Torino also. Powerful movie. Unfortunately so much of that still goes on.
We watched a documentary on Garth Brooks that was very interesting.
Have a blessed Holy week...inside and safe.