Friday, April 10, 2020

Good Friday .....2019, 2018, and 2020......

This has so NOT been our normal Good Friday!

Last year we were at the ranch doing Critter Duty.
We loved being there and, while we missed our traditional Good Friday Family Gathering....we did not even dream it would not happen this year.

This was the last Good Friday we celebrated with family and friends.

I had my children and grandchildren together along with treasured friends.......
June and Kimmy and Virginia.

We were ALL together.

This has been a totally different kind of Good Friday.
Yesterday Trystan said she was looking forward to Easter.
I admit to being a bit down......

Instead of decorating and baking Easter Bread and cooking and hosting all my children and grandchildren.......I have been sewing face masks to protect us somewhat against the Clovid 19 virus.
It's been a sobering day.

However, I am trusting that God will bring us through this as he has brought me through every trial I have ever had in all my 71 years.
I love the verse - 'And it came to pass.....'
This will, too!
I lit the candle Amber brought me yesterday and proceeded to live life.
This candle burned all day long.
I just blew it out.
I did routine housework but did not make it to the den.
Maybe tomorrow.
It is my last room to clean.

I painted the least another section of the sewing room -outside.
It looks good and makes me feel accomplished.

I cooked.
Roasted veggies - mostly from the bounty Amber brought us yesterday.
Along with this, I baked some flounder.
A healthy meal.

Louis Dean hung the stained glass fireplace screen a friend gave us last year.
It is hanging in the gazebo and we will enjoy looking at it all year long.

Stained glass is meant to have light behind in the sun.
I'm thinking about using some net lights.
This would be so pretty at night.

I didn't sleep well last night so I think that might be the reason I was a bit 'off' today.
We can't stay 'UP' all the time. These are difficult days - no matter who you are or what kind of life you are living. Nothing is 'normal' anymore.

Here's hoping we all have a good night's sleep!
And remember.......


Stacy said...

Yes, it will be different and a bit sad this year without the family all together for Easter, but the Lord will see us through this. Great is His faithfulness! What a lovely and normal kind of day you had today. The meal looks delicious! Wishing you a blessed Easter!

Buttercup said...

Hope you get a good rest and can find the beauty and peace in Easter. This year's Passover celebration has been very different from the past, but found connection with those close to me. Tough times, but grateful for my friends far and near. Not sure how I'd be getting through all this without G-d's grace and dear ones.

Ginny Hartzler said...

The stained glass screen is gorgeous!! I know that even though you have been feeling down, you are lifting up and encouraging others!! You are such a blessing to everyone!

Deb J. in Utah said...

That stained glass is beautiful. Yes, this year is different for all of us, and I know we will appreciate it when we can be back together with those we love so much. Have a very Happy Easter.

Susan said...

This will be an Easter we will not forget. But it has had it's special moments. I see it drawing family closer together in heart though we are separated for now. I did not sleep well either. I hope to sleep in tomorrow. We had a Good Friday service with communion tonight that was so special me.

Carla said...

So much for the good night sleep. Went to bed at 10:15 and laid there until now 1:30am. So I decided to catch up on reading blogs. It is definitely weird times. I should be sewing but just haven't really felt like it. Maybe tomorrow well today. LOL. That stain glass is gorgeous. I love it.
Be safe. Hugs

Bluebird49 said...

Wow, Linda. The picture made me think immediately of the ram caught in the thicket in Genesis! It substituted for Isaac, but Jesus came to be the living Sacrifice for us all. What a really great picture you chose for an Easter post, dear friend.
Yes...these days are strange and isolating, especially when we think of Easter celebrations in the past. I wonder what the new normal is going to look like. In November, I will be 71. I never have seen days like these, but God is good always!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I had my DOWN day 3 days ago, yesterday and today I am back UP... I still am not my normal happy self, but I am UP... love that stained glass and lights behind it would be beautiful. I have a stained glass rose hanging on y wall because I have no place to hang it with light behind it. in my 75 years I have never celebrated Good Friday. I mean like a gathering of any kind. we always went to mothers house for Easter dinner, after church but that stopped in 1984. that was the last time we were at a Easter dinner or gathering. but we are not gatherer together people, and our kids are not either. your whole family are gatherers, maybe because you are..

Changes in the wind said...

Yes this virus has turned everything upside down and if I try to think past today I get really uptight so am just trying do TODAY. Was able to get toilet paper on my grocery run, they have been out for over a month! I almost did a happy dance in the aisle.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Definitely very different and sobering here too. Adjusting to this new way of life is not easy at all, but yes, Easter will come but just differently than usual. I'm sure it will still be exciting for the young ones. The stained glass screen is beautiful. I've never seen one before. Hope you can find someway to light it up and enjoy! Happy Easter !

Arlene G said...

We are having our Easter meal today and leftovers tomorrow so I do not have to cook on Easter. With the predicted storms tomorrow it is probably good to cook today so I have power for my appliances. I love that will be pretty with lights behind it at night. Happy Easter Chapman family!!

Beth said...

Happy Easter, Linda! We will miss our usual Easter dinner with family. They came over yesterday and we stayed 6 feet apart, but it was good to see them.

The Feminine Energy said...

Yes, you put it perfectly, Linda.... "nothing is normal" these days. But, in many ways, our world's normal wasn't a good thing so hopefully those types of "normal" will be lost forever. The good normals will be back, dear heart... try to keep your chin up (telling myself that at the same time!!). Oh, that stained glass piece!! I gasped when I saw it... literally!! How gorgeous! Just a piece of beauty to brighten your world.

I too am missing the hub-bub of Easter preparations. I would be filling the plastic eggs this afternoon, for hiding in the morning, and also contemplating where that magic black egg would be hidden this year, that contains the $100 bill to the lucky finder. But I'm quickly dismissing those thoughts as they're not good for me or my peace. With no Easter dinner to plan, no eggs to hide, no house to clean, no church to attend... all that is left is to think & ponder what Easter is all about. Perhaps we are blessed this year after all.

My love, Andrea xoxo

Vee said...

The blues...they get us all from time to time. It's a challenge to stay positive sometimes, especially when Easter means no guests, no family, and no Easter candy. We still have the best part though. Him! He Himself! Thank you for sewing all those masks. That is a gift of love. Happy Easter!

Wanda said...

Hello dear Linda. My mind has been drifting back to Easters in the past. Happier days of family, friends, church decorated with lilies and palm branches. The preparation I made to have the best and biggest Easter Dinner after church with family and grandchildren.

This year, its masks, staying in, reading, praying, watching Good Friday Service live stream from our Pastor. The world is different, but if it turns one soul to Christ, if one person finds peace and salvation...the Bible says the Angles sing in heaven when ONE come to Christ. Lets pray many do.

LC said...

So much beauty in your life, whether physical, emotional or spiritual. Thanks for sharing and God bless!

Carole said...

that stained glass is so beautiful. We are all feeling a bit discombobulated - so don't worry. Your posts are always so uplifting. Take care

Curtains in My Tree said...

Yes I agree this is a totally different Easter week/month for us all.
I am Home Alone LOL just like the movie
I have made me a mask for I had to make a trip to the grocery with my rubber gloves on
I have been doing face time with my daughters family and my 4 grandsons they even put the dogs on facetime.
I know you have a precious family and they miss you and Louis Dean

God help us all, Have mercy on us all amen