Saturday, April 4, 2020

Masks, Party Popcorn, Sibling Video Visit.....Friday and Saturday

Friday I added an accessory to my outfit......

This was the first mask I made and, while not good enough to give away.....

It is good enough for me to wear!
I went out to do errands Friday with plastic gloves, my mask and a jacket!!
It's been a chilly two days!

I am old school when it comes to so many things.
Banking is one of them. I don't have or use a debit card and if I want or need cash money - which I seldom use - I go to the drive through lane at our bank. They closed some of the drive in lanes down at a few of the bank branches here in town but the one on Beltline is still open.
Walgreen's has a drive through and so does Braums. You can get milk, bread or whatever right at the drive up window.

I went to Years to Your Health for some herbal things we use and they only allowed two people inside at a time and in different parts of the store.
The notice on the front door said to get what you need and get out.
Or you can order on the phone and they will bring it to your car.
Win! WIN!!

I made my last trip to Aldi for the foreseeable future and stocked up on a few fresh things.
I have never ordered take out online or groceries before.
It's embarrassing to admit it but I don't really know how. 
I think I have ordered pizza a couple of times in the past but usually Louis Dean picked it up. 
Pretty sure I can learn how to do this.

Stephanie left another good dinner on our porch bench!

Since it was chilly we ended our Friday with a warm fire and watched TV.
Thursday night I only got 4 hours of sleep.
We went to bed at midnight and Louis Dean went right to sleep.
I got up and read and went back to bed. No sleep.
I got up and played Words With Friends and went back to bed. No sleep.
I got up and ate crackers and milk and went back to bed. STILL no sleep.
Finally at 4:00 in the morning I poured a glass of wine and sat in the living room for a little while.
Finally.....I went to sleep.
Only to be woken up at 9:30 by a call from my doctor's office explaining about the phone visit on Monday instead of arriving in his office.
I just went ahead and got up after that so it was an early bedtime for me Friday night!
As in before 10:00 and I drank my glass of wine BEFORE I went to bed instead of waiting until 4:00 in the morning!!

It seems I am paying more attention to meals since we have been home all the time.
Although it is close to 10:00 as I write this journal entry and I did not make dinner. Oops.
How can I forget about eating???

I had been looking forward to a special visit this afternoon!!

At 2:00 I placed a group video call to my siblings!
We had so much fun!
We talked and laughed for an hour and a half.
It seemed more like 15 minutes!
We are all doing well .....or pretty much.
Nita had a pinched nerve last week and this week she has shingles.
Now we have to drag information out of her when she is sick because she never complains and seldom lets anyone know. As opposed to me because when I am in pain I cry out and let everyone know! Deanie looks good and is doing good! She cooks and exercises and stays busy. She still has tummy troubles but I was just so happy to see her with my eyeballs!
Lonnie made us laugh and showed us his cat....a HUGE cat!!
He lost his beloved dog Pepper Jack last year and his wife bought him this beautiful gray cat.
I should have asked him for a photo. She has the most gorgeous yellow eyes.
My siblings were so impressed with me putting together this group call.
They shouldn't be.
I learned how to do it from 7-year-old grandchildren!!

I finally made the Tex-Mex popcorn this afternoon.

It was really good and a real treat as I do not usually butter my popcorn.

Another chilly day so we had another fire using bark from the elm tree and logs from our pecan tree.

Popcorn and a movie!!

Louis Dean and I laughed our way through this one!
I recorded it off TV and later went in and recorded some other movies for us to watch.
Louis Dean is not a big fan of movies.
I scored on finding one he liked.
He said it was like watching a classy Three Stooges!!

This evening I have been sewing masks.

I cut up a really high quality red and white patriotic shirt someone gave me that was too big.
It made up into several face masks.

I had a cotton Dallas Cowboys bed sheet that will make up into a lot of masks!!
I love how our country is coming together to do what we can to support one another.
These masks will go to family and friends and neighbors and anyone who needs them.
Now we are advised to wear them when going out and since this virus is going to be around a good while, I think any protection is helpful in addition to all the social distancing we are already doing.

Louis Dean is a happy man!
He's even happier when he is doing his music.
As a life long learner, he continues to improve in his music.

I will close tonight with this song.....
If I Could Only Fly.......

Love and prayers from me for all of you.......


Ginny Hartzler said...

You are a good mask maker. I guess I will be trying it shortly. I love your pretty green one. Louis dean is good evening entertainment, as the news is almost more than I can take now. Funny, on Friday morning I got woke up as well, with a call from my doctor explaining the video visit!

Bluebird49 said...

Glad you are both good, except for your sleepless night. (You could have been working on your memoirs,maybe?) No sleep is a pain, but at least we can read or look at something on the computer if we cannot sleep. I have been yawning all day and have dropped off to sleep for a few minutes twice. I don't usually sleep in the daytime, but haven't slept well for several nights. Too much doing nothing, I guess -- and allergies!😒
I love your masks-- they are snazzy.😷
I don't know how to do groceries online, but I may have to learn.
Glad our menfolk can play and sing. I think it is important to keep learning and to be able to entertain yourself.
Y'all stay well!

Blondie's Journal said...

I love catching up with you, dear lady. I love your new-to-me hairstyle. And your mask! So many of you crafty gals are coming up with some fun and colorful ones. Yay!

I order quite a bit from various stores. I have never felt stocked up, although I did buy a lot of frozen foods back in February, we have a freezer downstairs. Cooking has been my therapy so I've kept track of perishables I need and day to day items I run out of. I know that these stores are very grateful that less people are actually coming in, possibly with germs. And the shoppers/drivers are hired independently and making money during these hard times.

We are so alike with our sleeping issues. My husband falls asleep immediately and I toss and turn. Thankfully it doesn't bother him when I turn on the lamp on my nightstand to read, and I also listen to various podcasts with earbuds. But I live on iced coffee during the day!

All the best to Louis safe.

Jane 😘

The Feminine Energy said...

I'm not much of a technology gal but isn't the "video conferencing" or whatever they call it just grand? I'm so glad you got to visit with your siblings. I know it brightened up the day for all of you. Be safe, Andrea xoxo

Susan said...

Hi Linda, I have been making mask too. Our country just informed us that we have to wear mask outside from now on. I made some for my daughter's OB office. I posted pics on Wed. I will have to do a video conference with my siblings too. What program did you use?

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I love the fabric you used to make the masks. I have made one for hubby but need to make some more now. The Heat is one of my favorite movies when I see it on TV....they bleep out the bad words! heehee! Take care of yourself....both of you! Hugs!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I am listening to if I could only fly while I comment. love it... your masks are works of art.. I recorded The Heat and bob and I could not watch it. we both never watched the stooges either. we don't like slapstick.. but I love Sandra Bullock, she is one of my favorite actresses..we have been recording movies on a lot of channels. then we can watch when we want to.. they have put a lot of them on a lot of channels to help us through this crisis. bob and I both love movies so it is a big help

Changes in the wind said...

We are all in this together and we will win! I too made a mask out of a scarf and it is a no sew deal. I will have to post a picture of it.

Diana Ferguson said...

I enjoyed LD's music; he did great! I wish I was camping, sitting by a fire, and listening to him and Merle!

Vee said...

Those smart grands who taught you such a good new thing. How wonderful to connect with your siblings. I hope that Nita got some meds for those shingles. Goodness, one thing would be enough without that, too.

Your neighbor is taking such good care of you with those delicious meals delivered to your porch. My son did some delivering this Palm Sunday morning and I am grateful.

Here's to learning more new things!

Arlene G said...

I am going to attempt the no sew masks as I no longer have a sewing machine. I hope I can find some pony tail holders at Publix tomorrow. I have some fabric I can use. I will make two each for me and Marvin. I know they need to be washed between wearings. I also have some bias tape I can probably use as well. I think Hobby Lobby is still open here for necessities. Who ever thought face masks would be a necessity. So good to see your siblings.....hope they are all continuing to do well.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

So good to see your and Louis Deans happy faces and to know you are hanging in there the best way possible. One of my DIL's is making masks for all the family. Best to use them when you are out. I haven't been out in a long time, so don't know when I'll wear mine. They keep binging my groceries to the door.Everyone is enjoying video chats on line. My family is doing one for Easter. Hope it works! Keep safe and keep happy. Love and hugs from Ohio.

Tina said...

So happy to see that you're both staying healthy and busy! That video call looks so fun, I will have to see if I can get my mom to do one. She is getting kind of lonely living by herself. I didn't know you were on Words with Friends! I would love to play with you! Have a great Sunday!

Linda said...

Oh, Tina!! Find me on Facebook and let’s play!!!

Susan said...

Hi Linda, I added a Followers list. I also sent you and Facebook request.
Happy Sunday!

Carla said...

Glad to see y'all are doing well. Loved the music entertainment for an ending.
Today will be my first day of sewing since I got home from retreat and the world changed. Need finish up a couple projects and then start making some masks. This visus stuff can go away anytime.

Carole said...

Good work on the masks. We discovered how to make online supermarket shopping work - our ones do either click and collect or contactless delivery - we prefer click and collect because of our narrow driveway - if you try to order during the day it just shows full up slots for the week ahead - so we set up an order and then my better half stays up til midnight (not a problem for you) and gets in an order when the next free day's slots pop up - so far has worked well. We are pretty well stocked up although getting bread to last is becoming an issue. Good luck with everything. Cheers

Deb J. in Utah said...

I will be making masks tomorrow. Wish me luck. A seamstress I am not! That video chat with your siblings - so fun. My husband doesn't like to do things online - I do it a little more. He is an "in person" guy. I know we will all get through this. God is in charge. He's got this. Have a good week.