Sunday, April 26, 2020

Our Country Weekend......

Louis Dean spent a few hours late Friday afternoon working on the camper roof. Trailers aren't built to last much more than 10 years and Louis Dean bought this Wilderness Camper in 2000. Its skin is getting thin.

The sun and rain has taken its toll and there's been some damage in the bedroom but nothing Louis Dean can't take care of.

He did what he does best - fixing things!
He had to do that before we left as he is not allowed to be up in the air when nobody's around to watch him.

We were to pick up the bees at dusk and we arrived right on time.

There was already a long line of trucks waiting for the treasurer of the beekeepers association to get there and finish the paperwork as we pick up our bees.

Did I mention that Louis Dean got his truck stuck in the mud?
It was Friday afternoon and he was wanting to get another gate from across the field at the corral.
So....he decided to go in his truck. He was gone a long time and when I called him - his phone rang, all right! In the camper! So I put on my boots and started off to see what was going on. I met him just across that road over by the bees. There he was coming through the trees dragging that double wide gate with him. I could see his big white truck still up there at the edge of the property.
He was embarrassed about getting it stuck! He said, "I'll never live this down!"
I sent Sherry a text letting her know to allow time to get the tractor and pull Louis Dean out so we could use the truck to bring the bees home!
That's what all the mud spatters on the mirror's about!

Sherry and I suited up once the line started moving.
Everything went smoothly and the two hives were loaded into the back of the truck.
It has a shell on it but we had brought a roll of paper towels to use to stop up the entry to the hives.
The guy said that wasn't necessary - the bees would be fine.
So we didn't.
Another lesson learned.
We drove straight back here to the ranch and when we opened up the back of the truck - bees were all over the place! And they were none too happy, either!

Sherry and I carried the first hive and set it on the cinder blocks.

Then we moved the second hive in place.
Hundreds of bees were still buzzing all around.
Bees are funny things and we don't know is they could even find their hive in the dark after we left.
Plus we still had bees all over us and it took awhile to brush enough of them off to get in the cab.
There were still some by the time we got over to the camper and even after we had pulled our suits off and Sherry had left, we found another bee or two. By this time it was cool so there's no telling how many died just because we hadn't covered up the entrances to the hives.

Saturday morning was the beginning of another adventure!

Louis Dean had said he was going to dig post holes for his fence but once he started he quickly decided that was a bad idea. The ground is HARD and it was not a job for any man much less an 83 year old one!
Here's Sherry to the rescue!!!

She made light work of it thanks to her tractor and the auger tool.
It didn't even take an hour!

And Louis Dean was at work setting up his fence posts!
See that red handled tool? That's his post hole digger and it was no match for Sherry's auger!

I spent Saturday cleaning the big bathroom.
Louis Dean is storing a rollaway bed mattress and some boards against one wall.
Later I covered that whole thing up with a pretty cloth!

He loves having a sink big enough to wash up at.
Never mind that the water heater is still not hooked up.
It has something to do with needing the electrical company or a master electrician come to install 220 wiring. Plus the water pressure in the sink is really low. But there IS water going to it and the toilet works just as it should. For that I am VERY thankful!

And we have a shower!
Louis Dean has perfected our shower routine.
He brings two white dishpans full of really hot water.
(We have a water heater in the camper so the water is piping hot!)
We can cool the water down to the perfect temperature with cold water from the shower by holding a big yellow Dickies cup under the spray head and pouring it into the dishpan.
Easy peasy!
The nights have turned off chilly so he turns the Dearborn heater on low to take the chill off.

I think Louis Dean has grown used to me decorating everything even when it's a work in progress.

Dean and Sherry came down for Saturday night supper!

We ate outside at the picnic table because it was such a perfect evening.
Blue got the bones and good treats from the table.

I had steaks - which Dean grilled for me - and pepper poppers, toast, cream cheese corn with rosemary, fully loaded baked potatoes, a fresh fruit salad and Sherry's good deviled eggs!

We were all four so tired I thought sure everyone would sleep like babies.
Except I think we were all TOO tired.
Louis Dean didn't go to sleep until nearly daylight!
I got up at one point and looked out to the front room and he was listening to Willie Nelson on Alexa.

Sunday morning!
I listened to Fellowship Live and whacked up some of the clothes I had purged from my denim closet! I'll make masks from some and quilts from the rest.
Our grandson Piercyn will be 7 on April 30th and I am making him a denim quilt for his birthday.
Chandy has arranged for the fire department and the police department to do a drive by parade in front of their house at 6:00 to help him celebrate!
How cool is that??
His quilt will not be ready in time for his birthday but we hope to deliver it to him in person in the near future!

Sherry made her famous homemade pizzas for dinner tonight!

She is so cool!
She arrived wearing a hat she fashioned herself of newspaper and written Pizza Delivery on it!

It was the BEST!!!
After we all ate - they went back to gardening and worked until dark.
Louis Dean was finishing up a project he was working on and I was inside the camper doing some cleaning. We are all tired but not as much as we were last night!

I love to see my loved ones wearing the masks I made them!

Sherry (my SIL) sent me this pic one of her customers took of her at work.
Sherry is one of the essential workers who has been on the front lines of this whole Covid 19 crisis.
Sherry is my ex husband's sister. (Not to be confused with Sherry here in the country or Sherry the friend Summer is living with.
Today is April 26 and if I had stayed married this would have been my 57th wedding anniversary.
I am so grateful for the life I am living now.
The new will never wear off of it!

Here is Summer wearing her patriotic mask at Big Lots.

Remember the 3 dimensional puzzle she was working?
Well, she finished it! Amazing.
And I have AMAZING news!
Summer is scheduled for the spinal cord stimulator on Monday, May 11th at 10:30!!!
Hallelujah and praise God!!!
Thank you all for your concerns and prayers for Summer.
Our hearts are so much lighter now knowing she will be feeling better and has a really good chance of 'getting her life back' as I call  it!

I close this journal entry on our weekend with a grateful heart.......


Ginny Hartzler said...

Oh my, what a bee disaster! I didn't know Sherry works at Wal-Mart. She is brave and dedicated! Her pizza looks really yummy. Your chair and sunflower cushions are so pretty.

Bluebird49 said...

Boy, when you and Sherry get together, stuff gets DONE! You make a great team, and all the food looked and sounded great.
Yes, you can get too tired and keyed up to sleep. And, I think y'all have may be been staying up longer at home, so changing is a little harder.
So good when the right too!s are around, isn't it! That auger was awesome, and I think that cute little Sherry can do anything she tries. What a wonderful gal Dean got! He and his dad both got great wives.
Great news about's only about 2 weeks, right? Hoping for total relief.
This June 30, we will be married 54 years, Lord willing. More ups than downs, thank you, Lord. We definitely grew up together, but at least we both grew up! Some people never do...and some people aren't meant for one another. I think you and Louis are, too.
When I was 16, I don't think I'd ever used the word pandemic in a sentence. Well, I have now. 😨
Be careful going back to the big D!

Hootin Anni said...

Your journal is just FULL of life!! Keeping busy, happy and resourceful is the key to success...and that, y'all do with pizzazz, laughter and love. I always enjoy coming here and getting updates...but, this time, the bees just blew me away. Wow. I could never do that.

Vee said...

Yay for May 11! That is GOOD news.

So you should have put the paper towel rolls in to contain the bees? I hope they've settled down and are enjoying their new place.

Is Sherry wearing her mask upside down? I really like the one Summer is wearing.

Always a project for you two...rolling stones gather no moss and all that! 😊

MadSnapper n Beau said...

you should have a Sherry Party. ha ha... that pizza looks yummy. poor bees. i think you should rename this blog and call it the Adventures of Linda... your life never has a dull moment. in FLorida when the trailers get thin and need new roofs, they do roof-overs. there are many company that do ti here. but i bet you could find out how for LD and Dean to build one for your country home. basically a shed with a roof over the trailer.

Deanna Rabe said...

My Sarah and I were talking about how important it is everyday to remember to be thankful for what God has given to us. Your last quote is the same thing! Even in these stressful times, we can look for signs of his goodness and see it, everywhere!

You and Sherry now know to trust your instincts with the bees.

I'm glad your in the country.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Busy busy days for you there, but all good, so I see. Yes, hope the bees have calmed down and like their new home. You are so brave to have them flying all around you. Thankfully no one got stung. Looks like a big ardent must be in the planning. there. How nice to have the help of the tractor and Sherry there getting things done. We haven't had much nice weather at all but today is suppose to be sunny so yard work is planned for here today. take care and stay safe !

Arlene G said...

So so glad that Summer has her surgery scheduled. We need to get back to doing elective surgeries. No sense in hospitals sitting empty. We got our bees in a nuc and we had no trouble with them. We just put them in the back of the Highlander. Marvin is going back to put them in the hives this week. I told him to be sure and speak kindly to them so they will stay.:) Loved seeing all the activity at the ranch. That country air is good for what ails you!!

Stacy said...

I would have been freaking out about the bees being all over the place and mad! Glad you got them where they were going without getting stung.

Thanks for sharing all your pictures. I love seeing different places on blogs and seeing how we all live. And your dinner pics...I'm hungry now!

Debbie said...

i am new to reading about the "bee thing", i must have missed that!!! it must be so rewarding to see your friends and family staying safe with the masks you made for them!! they look great by the way!!

awesome news about summers surgery, i am really happy for her!!!

photowannabe said...

Praises for the good news about Summer's surgery.I just know it's going to make a huge difference in her life.
Life is never dull for you where ever you are.
I sure hope the bees have settled down and you didn't loose too many.
Goodness your meals look divine...I would be 12 feet wide if I ate all that.
Love coming here and seeing how wonderful life is for you.
Sue of photowannabe

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Linda, at first I was tempted to say that you have been as busy as a bee, which is certainly true! On second thought that still is a good thing to say and in the best of ways. Glad you were able to pick up the bees and that all is well with them. Yeah to Summer's surgery being set. Boo Hoo on Louis Dean getting stuck in the mud, but things happen and glad the tractor came to the rescue. yeah to you for continuing to make such colorful masks that are proudly shown off by family members. Wow on that great looked spread of delicious food :-)

Carole said...

I could do with a sherry or three myself! Great work with the bees! Cheers

Aloha Acres said...

Bees are on our list of things to add to our farm, but I have so much to learn. That frustrates me that the gentleman told you you didn't need to close the holes, yet you did. It's so hard to know who to trust. Glad it worked out. I'll be following your bee journey.

Christie Hawkes said...

Good luck with your bees! Our neighbors just got a hive. I'm curious to see how it goes. I found your blog through a comment you left on Pat's Mille Fiori.

Wanda said...

Life is so full for you Linda. I so enjoy following you from place to see what you are doing, and what you are eating, and all your many many activities. Love your life and energy.

The new header is lovely...I think I would like to ride a horse before I die. Added to bucket list. (We watch so many westerns I think I'm being influenced..haha)

Judy said...

Never a dull moment over there! You two are always 'making it happen'. Had to smile at LD's truck getting stuck in the mud...and your state-of-the-art shower. Keep on enjoying life...and sharing it with us! BTW My niece had bees on order for a long time and her hive arrived this week. She is so excited about her new venture in 'bee farming'.

Terra said...

I like your story of Sherry and the post hole digging equipment. That home made pizza looks good. I hope your bee hives are in good shape and that not too many bees died. Lesson learned for next time.

Buttercup said...

Loved your post. So much going on and so lively compared to my quiet life at home. I'm glad I ate dinner before seeing your post. Your dinner looked so good!The masks are great. I've got a denim mask I love and I'm waiting for an order of print masks. Living here I figure I'm going to wear masks for quite awhile and I'm looking for cute and especially comfortable ones. Take care!