Monday, April 13, 2020

Pound Cake, Masks and Weather News from the Ranch......

I have been meaning to bake a cake for over a week and today I finally did it.

It's a delicious pound cake that is unusual in that it calls for 3/4 cup of cornmeal.

The recipe makes two loaves.....

and you can see the texture here.

It's not a hard recipe but it took a good while since you mix it for so long.

The only mistake I made was putting the baking powder in with the flour and cornmeal instead of adding it to the 10X sugar! I've made this several times and in 1998, Amber made it.
I love seeing her writing on the card.

While the cake baked, I went back to sewing masks.
These two are for a friend......

and these are for Kimmy and June.

I have four more to sew tomorrow that are promised and then I need to make some to mail down to Dean and Sherry.

Speaking of  Dean and Sherry.......
Sunday morning about 5:00 a tornado tore through the ranch zigzagging its way up through the meadow taking down a tree.

It brought a lot of rain with it!

This looks like a big tree!

That's meadow back there under water.....

My goodness!

Dean had some videos of the spillway from Lake Toguchi......aka the big tank.
I never know if  I'm spelling that right!
The amount of water down there is crazy!!

Thankfully, their house and all the critters are safe and they only lost one shed that was empty and up by their garden area. Our camper is more or less across from there and apparently the tornado turned and headed toward Mr. Jackson's place and then on the Steve's and they both had damage.

These photos are from Dean and Sherry.

It's sobering to see the damage and amazing there were no injuries.

Dean didn't even know anything about it until a neighbor called him Sunday morning.

I am so grateful our camper was spared.

Most of the damage to the neighbors looks like it's to the barns and out buildings.

Lots of cleaning up to do.

It's a sobering thought to know how close that tornado was to Dean and Sherry.

These are wild times we are living in.
The virus, the weather, the economy.......

God has a way of working everything out and I am trusting him.

Our bees are due to arrive the last week of this month and I am hoping and praying I will get to go with Sherry to pick them up. I missed it last year and I would be thrilled to be there this time.
Bees are vital to our existence!
I'm glad the tornado didn't take our hives out when it roared through!!


Lisa said...

That pound cake looks delicious!!
Those mask are adorable. I had one made too. Never thought Id be wearing them much less calling them adorable!!!

Ginny Hartzler said...

You are an excellent mask maker! wow, that damage is no joke! Even though your trailer was spared, I am glad you were not there. You would have been so scared!

Vee said...

Oh that is a lot to clean up. Very glad for you that your country home was spared. That looks like a close call. You are one prolific mask maker....

Bluebird49 said...

Glad to hear everybody at the ranch is okay, and very sorry for the damage. We were under tornado watch here this morning for hours, but we were blessed to have been spared.
You are just getting so much done. When you go back and read the 2020 edition of your Journal, you'll be amazed at all you got done while in quarantine.
Seriously--for the economy -- I do hope we can get mobilized soon. People's jobs... My son's job is considered essential, thankfully but he's working from home 2-3 days a week. (He said that was enough to drive him nuts! He's very hands on, and hates to try to help troubleshoot through e-mail and phones.) He really needs his customary time away at he office, though.
Ever since Sunday it has felt like Sunday, and now it is Tuesday morning!
Keep writing!😍

Beyda'nın Kitaplığı said...

Kendi yaptığın maske daha iyi.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Those were terrible storms and I'm glad everyone is ok! What a clean up job though! Love the masks you are making...I'm making some too. Take care and have a good day!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

That tornado was a little to close for comfort and I'm so glad they are ok and didn't get much damage. It could have easily been much worse. Your pound cake looks very good . I'll copy the recipe. It is very unsettling times and like you I believe God will take care of it. we just need to trust and believe. Let go and let God. He can handle things so much better than we can...

Deanna Rabe said...

I’m so glad that your homes on the ranch weren’t hit and neither were the neighbors. Springtime weather can be wild!

I hope you get to be with Sherry to pick up your new batch of bees at the end of the month. I should try making some masks.

Changes in the wind said...

Yummy cake and love the masks. Sorry about the tornado but glad it didn't hurt the house or trailer. Can't imagine how awful it is for all these people dealing with the virus and now tornado's!

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Good morning, Linda, sorry to see all the damage the tornado caused and I watched some news accounts today as well. It's amazing how devastated some places can be and others are unscathed right near by. Glad your family and your camper are safe and you are so right that there is so much to worry about these days. The cake looks wonderful and I have also been doing some baking. yesterday it was a loaf pan bread and we enjoyed with dinner and today for breakfast and there's more left.

The Feminine Energy said...

Oh my word.... poor folks in that tornado!! I'm grateful Dean and Sherry would basically spared and that your camper is still in one piece, Linda!! But the trees... and the neighbors... and... and.... how hard! Yes, as if this whole virus thing isn't enough, now comes bad weather. I was watching a YouTuber on Sunday night, hosting a "live" reporting of the bad weather everywhere. God bless those who lost their lives and had significant damage.

Your cornmeal pound cake looks wonderful. It looks like a sweet cornbread loaf... with frosting. :-) I made a recipe called "Chocolate Tea Bread" on Easter Sunday. It was made in a loaf pan too. The recipe for it had been cut out of a magazine or newspaper or something years ago. It was all yellowed around the edges, in my recipe box. I never made it before so I decided to give it a try. My husband and youngest daughter said it's delicious. I can't eat things like that anymore, since I'm a Type II diabetic. *sigh* :'( I watch my diet closely as it is but now, with this virus, I'm being especially careful. They're saying that people with hypertension and diabetes have a harder time recovering from this virus, if they recover at all. I've got both those diseases so I figure I should be wise and really take care of myself. But it's hard. Pooey!!! Love you, Andrea xoxo

Arlene G said...

I have a pound cake recipe that was Marvin's great Aunt Eunice's prize cake. It says Butter....NO Yes Butter makes it better for sure. I may have to make one after seeing yours. They are so good with strawberries and whipped cream. My hometown was hit with a devastating tornado on Sunday night. So tragic. Thankful for no damage at Grimmwood. It will take a long time for Chatsworth to recover. They made the headline of the Atlanta Journal...that is how bad it was. But everyone pulls together to help so that is the plus of a small town where everyone is connected. Hope Sherry and Dean get everything done at their place. I am glad your little house was spared.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

my first thought when I heard about the farm in the path of a tornado was the bees. so glad they were not harmed and that the farm is wet but safe and your 2nd home is safe.. so glad they are ok.... the cake looks good. I wore a mask to Walmart today and did not like it, but I did it. don't know how people wear them for 8 to 12 hours a day

photowannabe said...

I do love your masks and know all those that receive them will be so thankful for them too.
Yummy looking cake.
I'm so thankful your Ranch survived and Dean's too. Very scary and wow, that's a lot of water everywhere. Glad you were't down there during that time.
Hope you can be there for the Bees though.

Beth said...

So glad your camper was spared. I saw a photo on the internet of a "safe room," which was a small room with thick concrete walls - and it was the only room left standing following a tornado. Glad no one was injured in Dean's neck of the woods. Hope you can make it down to the ranch soon.
Peace and blessings, Beth

Susan said...

I really like the denim material. You must have a lot of material. I wish I could find more elastic. I checked on Amazon but delivers will not be here until June since most places are coming from China!

Judy said...

I love that quote...'faith is about being OK no matter how things turn out'! It seems like we are all in a storm right now, and sometimes more than one storm at a time. Glad your camper is still there for you! Good job with the masks! I've sewed a few over here as well. Take care and keep on 'making lemonade out of the lemons'! :)