Monday, February 2, 2015

Easy Monday!

We have enjoyed this Monday from start to finish!
Not often do I wake up in the morning and NOT have a list of 'Things to DO' a mile long!!
It's a good feeling!
One reason for this is that we haven't started any new projects just yet.

It was 29 degrees when we woke up and we sipped our coffee fireside.

We decided to stay warm and cozy in the den and simply take the day OFF!!

We watched this movie for the very FIRST time ever!!
HOW did I MISS this one??

We ate leftovers we found in the fridge today - although this plate is from yesterday when we partied with Roy and Ruth Ann watching the Super Bowl!
I made oven fried chicken wings to go with the Taco Soup Ruth Ann was bringing.
Homemade guacamole and queso dip with lots of chips and Mexican pastries for dessert rounded out our menu! We scrounged up what leftovers we had from that plus a couple of other 'things' we found in there! We will get 'new food' tomorrow!!
I am so happy that Louis Dean likes leftovers as much as I do.
In my mind - I love NOT wasting food and while I like the IDEA of cooking - I'm not all that crazy about DOING it!

After our movie, Louis Dean went off to play his music and I did a bit of housework before spending some time at my sewing machine.

I have promised myself to sew on my birthday quilt a little bit every day until I get it DONE!!!

Since it's been an easy going DAY, we thought we would kick back and have an easy evening as well! Louis Dean is sitting with the kitty while I finish this journal entry.

Lucy is nestled in her minky bed close to the fire.

Let's see what movie I can find now!!!


Ginny Hartzler said...

A perfect day of rest. Almost like an extra Sabbath! And you both NEED it because you are so busy. We loved Legends Of The Fall, and we love leftovers! We don't have a fireplace to sip our coffee beside, but we have plenty of throws of every thickness!!

Denise said...

How is the kitty adjusting? We are getting Ashlynn a sewing machine for her fifth birthday! Her mom practically taught herself to sew and she makes Ashlynn such cute clothes with embroidery stuff of them!

Wanda said...

I can't think of a better Monday. Your home is so cozy and warm and inviting. We had unbelievable warm weather today. I was sleeveless and sandals. After sleeping in I took the walk and took pictures of the flowers and trees, then a Costco Run for the Month, and gas for the car. Came home and made a batch of cookies with the new KitchenAid. Finished off our leftovers of Chili and cornbread.
Love your pictures of your darling dog and cat. Precious animals. How we love our Molly as we know you love yours too.

Joy@aVintageGreen said...

Just the very best and right thing to do. What a GOOD day. Hugs.

Deanie W said...

I am so HAPPY to know that YOU can take a relaxing day & do what you want to do & not always what you need to do, good job sister 👏❤️

Linda said...

Easy days are much needed, Linda, and I am glad that you and Louis Dean had one today. Please give your cat and dog a hug for me. :)

Penny said...

Louis Dean looks so cosy snuggled underneath that quilt! Sounds like a lovely relaxing day X

Changes in the wind said...

I could do this one:)

Stacey said...

Sounds like the perfect day. It was beautiful and sunny yesterday but was shockingly cold when I went to the grocery store.

Lynne said...

Linda! Hello!
I am so far behind on my blog visits!
The holidays finally ended on Super Bowl Sunday!
Seriously...we partied every weekend! On the weekend between the AFC & NFC championships and the Super Bowl, we attended three events that were planned specifically not to interfere with football.

The BIG game gave fans a good ride!

Next weekend I will be watching the Grands...the weekend after...a well planned rest like your Monday is in order!

You always mentor me so!

Lynne said...

I am not certain that "You always mentor me so" is a proper sentence...
My words just roll like I speak!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

kitty and pup look really happy to have the two of you taking an easy day at home with them. we love leftovers. bob will eat them for days, i only eat it the second time and i am done.

Arlene G said...

I am with you Linda, when I can spend a quiet day at home, it is a great day!

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

We all need a day like this every once in a while!

Glad it was so relaxing and easy!


SImple and Serene Living said...

Looks and sounds like a wonderfully relaxing day, Linda xo Laura

Cheapchick said...

Looks like a warm and cozy day - I need one of those!

Dee said...

Oh I just love relaxing days like that. The Legends of the Fall was a great movie, too. I saw it years ago and I loved it... :)

Beth said...

A good day, no to do list! I loved seeing you and Louis Dean and Maddie and Lucy relaxing. What a privilege it is!

Susie said...

Linda, that just sounds like the best day. You and LD need to do this a bit more often. The pets just look so content. It's nice that you and LD both have interest in things you can do in the house but separately. Blessings, xoxo,Susie

Anonymous said...

Linda, that is such a romantic yet tragic movie. Enjoy your cozy evening!

Lux G. said...

This post makes me want to kick my shoes and put feet up and watch this movie again.