Monday, April 14, 2014

Tuckered Out!

Last night Louis Dean, his son and I sat outside our camper visiting.
The camp was over and everyone had gone home.
The weather was perfect all weekend!

Then in the night WINTER returned! It rained, turned COLD, and the WIND!!
Oh, the wind was fierce!
Poor Louis Dean was plumb tuckered out!
He hates being COLD so I was so happy we had plenty of warm blankets in the camper.

Even Lucy was tired!

We decided to take our time and lingered over our coffee and Bible reading this morning.
The wind was still howling so we fixed us a bite of lunch and ate before packing everything up.
The rain grew heavier so Louis Dean went ahead and moved the truck up on the road by the camper instead of in the yard area. We did NOT want to get stuck in the mud!

But we DID!!! His son was able to get behind the wheel and get the truck back on firmer ground.
Dean has had a lot more experience getting trucks out of the mud than his dad has!
I actually drove the rest of the way up to the gate while Louis Dean walked.
We had pulled through the gate, locked it back and had taken off our mud boots when I remembered!
THE CAT!!! I had left the cat in the camper!
I put my mud boots back on and walked back up to the camper with the cold COLD wind blowing like crazy! It was quite a trick to get the boots off, go in and get the cat, get the boots BACK on while HOLDING the cat, and getting the door locked WHILE HOLDING THE CAT!

I had just completed the process and was walking BACK to the gate when Louis Dean phoned me from the truck and asked me to check the pump - to make sure I had turned it off.
BACK to the camper, unlock the door, take off the boots, check it out (YES! It was OFF!) and then repeat the whole process - all the while HOLDING THE CAT!
Once again I was walking back up the road when ONCE AGAIN my phone rang. Just answering the phone was a real trick. It was Louis Dean AGAIN! Would I please check the water faucet outside and make sure it was turned OFF? Praise God I didn't have to go inside the camper again to do this!
YES, it was OFF!!

FINALLY I made it back up the road and to the gate!

We were finally on the road!
Louis Dean was more than willing to stop and let me take pictures of bluebonnets on our way home!

We are starting a bluebonnet painting in art class tomorrow so I HAD to snap some pics to study!

It LOOKS like a pretty spring day but it was COLD!

We came home and turned on the heat in the house.
Louis Dean took a nice hot soaking bath and went to bed.
He is getting way too tired and I am going to slow our life down!
His doctor told him once, "Don't forget! You're not 65 anymore!!"
He will be 78 this year and I want to keep him a LONG time!!

It's always good to get down in the country and enjoy all that it affords.
But then it's just as good to come back to our own Home Sweet Home!!!

PS.....we unloaded the truck and I was busy doing laundry and putting stuff up when I remembered!
THE CAT!!! She was still in the truck!!
Poor thing! I hope we're not giving her a complex!


Kathy said...

Poor Maggie. You are going to have to tie a string on your finger to remember her. What a time you had with that mud! Glad you had a safe trip and glad you are back home.

Deanie W said...

Oh my gosh! That was definitely tricky with the cat, boots & getting in & out of the camper twice! Yes it was certainly cold & windy, I was surprised when I went outside. Tell LD he has to rest so.he will have energy for his grand entrance Wednesday!

Wanda said...

Oh Maggie...wonder if she keeps a cat diary (tee hee). What a great story and you tell it so well. Well LD is looking mighty good at 78!!! And all the work he does. I try to slow my dearest down at 76, but it's not easy.
What a wonderful, interesting and funny post. Loved it.

Jutta said...

I like very much to read your texts - you have the talent to write so lively. :)

Ginny Hartzler said...

Oh my goodness, the adventures with the cat! So sorry abut the mud, but glad you are both home and warm now. The inside of your camper is so cozy and looks like inside a comfy, pretty cabin. You would never know it is a camper room. Are those bluebonnets? WOW! One of our favorite songs is about bluebonnets, Nanci Griffith's Gulf Coast Highway.

Deb said...

Glad you are home safe and sound... Poor kitty cat I'm sure she forgives y'all

Vee said...

Awww that was so amusingly told that I might forget what miserable circumstances you found yourselves in. This swinging back and forth between winter and spring must come to an end. We're on the gate with you and holding on tight. Hope that you both were able to get warmed up and had a great night's rest. I have a kitty story in the works...hope that yours doesn't hold anything against you. (They say that cats don't have that much cognition, but I think they are brilliant.)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

smiled all the way through your perils of Pauline store, make that Perils of Maggie... my hubby will be 78 Oct 1... i am doing a post on what the doc said to him at his last visit.

Susie said...

That darn cat !! remember that old movie. Linda you and LD just go full steam ahead....Take a nice break , get warm, get some rest. I showed Ted all that food you guys cooked for everyone. He said wow what a feed ! LOL. Can't wait to see the picture you paint of the flowers. Blessings, xoxo,Susie

Jackie See said...

So funny Linda! Those bluebonnets are so pretty, and this time of year is full of surprises. We had the same wind here, it was blowing so hard it hurt our face. Then it snowed! The Ranch is such a wonderful place for everyone to gather. Thank you for sharing your photos, I love looking and seeing our beautiful country!

Jan said...

How funny! We were in Midland TX this weekend and the wind was horrendous! I'd forgotten how bad the dirt blows out there! Will you let us see your bluebonnets when you've painted them? You're so talented!

Sweet Tea said...

We had the sameyukky, windy, rainy, cold weather that you had. I was lucky not to have to get out in it. You are a Trooper!

Angie said...

If cats could talk, you might be in trouble
LOVE LOVE your boots. I need a good pair of muddin' boots so bad
I'm glad you all are home safe and staying warm. We got snow today. It's insane!