Friday, April 18, 2014

Andie's Video and Pics and Friday With Mother!

I finally got the video of Andie's dance from last Saturday night!
Thank you, Deanie, for sending it to me!!
I'm still trying to figure my video camera out and now that Ben is back in town perhaps HE will help me!

And the crowd went wild!!

She danced to Michael Jackson's 'Smooth Criminal.'

Thanks to my brother in law, Mike, for these great photos!!

She is so GOOD!

That's our girl!!

It was so much fun to watch Andie perform!!

Now back to THIS Friday where once again I was in Fort Worth to see Mother!
I was late picking her up but she was all smiles once I got there!

I asked her if she felt up to going with me to shop for my Easter Dinner groceries at the HEB in Burleson.
She is such a good sport!
However, I had a tiny bit of a problem finding the grocery store there and it took two phone calls to my sister and her husband before we arrived! By then we were hungry so we decided to eat lunch BEFORE shopping!

Being in Burleson reminded me of a dear blog reader who used to comment so often! She would sign herself as 'Pam in Burleson.' I thought of her as we shopped and wondered if someday I might run into her.

Always save room for dessert!

Fortified with lunch we proceeded to the HEB!
Mother pushed the cart while I loaded it up with everything from flip flops for the quads to hula hoops for the older grands to cartons of confetti eggs to a picnic ham 'ready to cook!' Louis Dean prefers to cook the ham himself as opposed to buying the 'fully cooked' ones you just heat up. Our house will smell good Sunday!!!

I left Louis Dean home this morning so he was unattended
I found a box of donuts that seemed to have appeared out o f nowhere and evidence of something FRIED.
But I guess he needed the energy fuel because he had been playing outside.
Louis Dean loves flowers and color and I tend to want greenery/ground cover that maintains itself. 
This winter severely damaged our Asian Jasmine so he grabbed this opportunity to redesign some of the area by the new fence. It is looking very nice. The photo above is some ground cover that fared fairly well in the deep freeze winter we had. It is flourishing!

I came home and did a quick round of damage control and then TOOK A NAP!!
I was so sleepy on the drive back! 
When I woke up - I found Louis Dean had gone to sleep in the guest room.
We stayed up too late last night!
Our young neighbors came over to visit and we all hung out in the gazebo!
I have the lights strung up and LD had a fire going. It really is like having another room to the house!
We all sipped our wine and talked and talked.
This couple is the same age as Amber and Mike. Joe is actually my distant cousin!
Small world. His wife is a musician and she and Louis Dean have plans to play together very soon!
I had just finished last night's journal and LD told her I write a blog.
She asked, "What do you write about?"

I waved my hands at all of us sitting around the gazebo and said, "THIS!"
So that's my Friday tonight and a highlight from LAST Friday night!
Wishing you and yours a blessed Good Friday!


Deanie W said...

Linda you did such a good job posting, I know Andie will be thrilled to know you have put her out there. She does of course plan to TOUR in the future but she won't let me her Mimi or her Mom tag along:) say's I'm too old...wha!
Your gazebo looks great and I'm happy you got a nap! You had some confusing directions to HEB today. I know you will enjoy Easter with ALL of your children at home. Lovz

Ginny Hartzler said...

He is wonderful! Great timing and all the movements in time with the song. I enjoyed all of it. Your gazebo room looks like pure heaven, cozy but gorgeous at the same time.

Amber said...

Jealous you went to HEB! we will have to go together some time...

Vee said...

"What do you write about?" LOL! Queried by one who is clueless about blogging, as many are. Reminds me of my mother's comment about how I get my little dump to look like a haven. Gheesh. A gal gets no respect!

I am going to return to watch that video because of those wonderful action shots. She must have fun with her dancing.

Your shopping trip sounded like fun. Your mom is a trooper!

Hmmmmm...the smell of ham...nothing like it! Will he do the pineapple thing or the raisin sauce thing?

bj said...

Your mom is precious.....
Hope your Easter is wonderful.....

Cheapchick said...

Have a wonderful Easter. I am so glad your kitty is safe and sound from your last post. Thank goodness she had water. Cheers!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

your BIL did a fantastic job of grabbing those still shots of Andy... something for her to keep for her memory book... yet another fun day shopping...

darlin said...

Linda your granddaughter is so precious and what an amazing dancer she is! Way to go Andie!

Your Mom is looking fantastic, always smiling and you're right, she sounds like such a sport!

I absolutely love your gazebo, the lights sure enhance the atmosphere!

Happy Easter!

Susie said...

Linda, Little Andie looked so darn cute...she's loving dancing for the looks of those smiles. You mom's a sweetheart, isn't she? Glad you are all set for tomorrow...don't over do. Blessings to you and LD for a wonderful Easter. xoxo,Susie

Wanda said...

Oh Linda, no wonder the crowd went wild. She is amazing! Love the other pictures too. Those eggs look so shinny are they peeled.... Your Easter dinner sounds yummy with that ham.

Gypsy Heart said...

Andie is adorable...and quite talented! You had a very busy day my friend. Do you mind telling me about the HEB store? I think you're a brave soul to drive all the way to Burleson to grocery shop! Your Mom always looks so spiffy and happy. Glad you had a lovely evening with friends. Are the eggs colored with something special? Look very shiny & so pretty!


Linda said...

Looks like a fun and busy day, Linda. Happy Easter to you and your family, and to your dear mother.

Carla said...

Andie did great! So do you with your blog. I always love reading to see what y'all are up to even if it's just hanging out in the gazebo.