Monday, May 11, 2020

Thursday and Mother's Day Weekend

Thursday was an absolutely beautiful day to be in the country - or anywhere for that matter!

The big tank is not normally this blue!

Sherry told me to be sure and go down to see the Six Flags Duck Pond!
She had put in a water treatment that made the water look like Six Flags!

Sherry had a project in mind and I went down to join her in it!

We were going to see a sister beekeeper the next day and she wanted to make her a sign for her bees!
First she found an old piece of tin and cut it into a nice size.

One idea fed another and pretty soon we had the sign made!
We are thinking it took maybe an hour start to finish!
Sherry painted all the bees and even put little pads of pollen on some of their legs!

Friday was a Girl's Only day and we left the guys on the ranch and headed to Marlin, Texas to do a little shopping. 

Lakeview Drive-in is a good place to eat and so we did!
It was my first time to dine in since March 10th!
The tables were distanced with every one between having a CLOSED sign attached to it so all the tables open were 6 feet or more apart. Who knew we could get so excited about a simple lunch?
Only 4 Covid 19 cases in all of Falls County makes it far safer than in a city.

We drove on out to the country to our friend's place.

What a great afternoon and evening we had!

Rosey has some truly beautiful cows and calves.

Lovely fenced pastures.....

gorgeous cacti....

which her bees were visiting!

It's always good to see other beekeepers' set ups and this was a good one!
Only one I know of that is decorated with a beautiful rug!

This is where she hung her bee sign!

We lingered long visiting with each other - a regular hen party - and we had a great time!
We then made a date for our next get together!
It was dark before we got back to the ranch and when I called Louis Dean to tell him we were on our way - he said he was, too! Come to find out,  he had gone to Home Depot shortly after Sherry and I left that morning and then he and Dean had gone into Mart that afternoon.
And right before sundown, he discovered he needed more fencing so he made a mad dash for Home Depot arriving just 5 minutes before closing! They were only too glad to help him get what he needed and then he was on his way back. He arrived back we did and had a campfire burning when we got there. Sherry went on home and Louis Dean and I sat out on the deck and told each other about our day.

Our friend was in the military for 30 years and I told Louis Dean how she could say all these codes as fast as we can say our ABC's!!
The windy day had turned to a still but chilly night and I sat out there with him as long as I could. 
I had changed into a long nightgown and wore my robe with a hood and even had a lap blanket around my legs. But when I crossed one leg over the other - and that leg was as cold as ice - I jumped up and said it was time for me to go to bed!!

I had partied all day long on Friday so Saturday I had to pack up and clean up the camper/cabin so we could go home.

It was another gorgeous day and that made leaving even harder!
Dean has done an excellent job with his big garden!

Sherry painted markers for the different vegetables.
She is so creative!

While we meant to leave much earlier than we did - and the fact that we both took afternoon naps cut into our departure time - we were facing the blinding sun half of the way home.

It was a beautiful sunset, though!
The first half was with the sun in our eyes so driving was hard and the second half was in the dark so we couldn't see very well at all.
We had forgotten about our inability to drive at night!
It was 10:00 when we finally made it home and midnight before we got in bed.

This morning we took our coffee outside and admired all the flowers and the growth in his garden.
I picked our first bell pepper and jalapeno!
Thanks to Pam, who came by and checked the house and watered for us while we were gone, everything looked great!

Amber and Mike with the kids at church today.
All sporting the masks I made for them.
It's wonderful to see the church taking every precaution to keep the congregation safe.

Louis Dean and I are going to continue to worship online for the foreseeable future and limit our exposure as much as possible while in the city.
I quit looking at how many Covid 19 cases are in Dallas county and now I look to see how many are in our zip code. So far around 70. The hair and nail salons are now open but I am biting the bullet and not going just yet - even though my hair is a mess and I can't stand it!

I spent hours of this Mother's Day Sunday doing laundry!
Then I put clean sheets on the guest room bed and changed the spread to the vintage rose patterned quilted comforter. I left Louis Dean on his own again and came over here to Rowlett to spend the night with Summer.

She made a beautiful and delicious salad supper for us tonight.
We ate late as her surgery is in the morning at 10:30.
She is to have the Spinal Cord Stimulator done!
We are praising God and trusting him for his best for Summer and her life.
I will be taking her home with me tomorrow so she can recover there.

I will close this journal entry with the Mother's Day card my son, Jesse, made back in 2009.
I am most grateful for salvation through faith in Jesus Christ.
The next thing I am most grateful for is that God made me a mother.


Vee said...

Interesting to see the differences in dealing with covid-19 (I refuse to capitalize it anymore) between Texas and Maine. I laughed that you can't stand your hair. I hear it from almost everyone these days and I can't stand mine either. You folks are all going to have some amazing gardens! Ongoing prayers for Summer.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

sorry you had to leave your country home, and oh so happy you made it safely home to a home that was OK... you had quite the Mothers day... i know wht you mean about not standing the hair. there is a certain length that i just can't stand it any more.. the family mask look so cute. although i wish they did not need them... i wore your stars mask to senior shopping, worked beautifully, although i feel like i can't breathe in our summer heat. don't know what i will do when the HEAT hits us soon

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

Praying for Summer!

You are being cautious and that’s fine. I think you’re smart to spend as much time in the country as you can! Fresh air and freedom!

Changes in the wind said...

Love the tin sign you two made and what a great time you all had. Between the ranch and home garden you may want to think about canning:) Glad you made it home safe and sound.

Bluebird49 said...

The sign is perfect.
Wow, you wore me out just talking about all you got done. 💕
Hope Summer will do great.
Yes, I agree -- salvation is the first and most important of all our gifts from God!
Have a great week.

Arlene G said...

Yes, we are being cautious as well Linda. But hoping these 80 degree temps will knock it least for a while. I think we will see it back in the fall just like flu. Loved the sign you and Sherry made. Perfect!!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Our resturarants are only open for outside seating right now. You are little ahead of us in opening up, but I do have a haircut appointment for the 21st. I can't wait ! I haven't had hair this long in forever so I'll be glad to get it cut. We can only continue to keep our selves safe as we can but life does go on. I'll be praying Summer's surgery goes well. Thank goodness she can finally have it. Glad too she can come home with you to recover. You'll take the best care of her I'm sure.

jujupage1 said...

Glad to see that you have a little more freedom now! Some regulations are lifting here in the UK and we can finally travel a little further. I know what you mean about going to the hair salon. I've not stepped out onto my nearby street in two months so I'm just happy to go a little further than my village!😂💜

Ginny Hartzler said...

We have all been praying for Summer! Wow, these cactus blooms are fabulous!! And I love the bee sign, it is country chic!

Carole said...

Hoping the surgery delivers for Summer. Am hating my hair too! Cheers

Judy said...

Your comment that you had forgotten about your inability to drive in the dark made me smile. We forget that thinks aren't like they used to be! I think there are many of us dealing with hair we don't like right now! I'm thinking mine might just grow long for awhile...long enough to tie up. Praying the surgery goes well!

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Belated Mother's Day Wishes to you, Linda, and glad you had a nice day. That hen party wounded like such fun and it seems that LD and Dean had their own male bonding time. How wonderful to sit by a warm fire at the end of the day, and I always enjoy hearing about those times. The sign for Rosie's Bees was a wonderful gift and very impressive that she has a rug there too.