Thursday, May 28, 2020

Deer! Dining! Kittens and Art!

Louis Dean and I were sitting out on the deck Tuesday afternoon when he said,
 "Look, Linda! I think that's a deer!"

And so it was!

We have been coming down here for over 10 years and this was our first deer sighting.

I had my music on and Louis Dean and I had been talking so it wasn't like the deer couldn't hear us.
It went on down the fence line casual as she could be......

until one of Mr. Jackson's cows came over to visit with her and she turned her tail up and ran back into the tree lines at the back of the property.
We may be silly but this was pretty exciting to us.

The fourth Tuesday is our bee meeting night but, once again, Covid 19 cheated us out of it.
However, the monthly meetings will resume in June but in the meantime,
Sherry, Rosey and I decided to have our own.

We arranged to meet in Marlin which is convenient to both of our places.
First - we stopped at Walmart so I could shop for kitty things.
I did, indeed, decide to take two kittens so I bought two beds, food, a flea comb, a brush, nail clippers, treats, a carrier, two fancy collars, litter and a scratch pad thing plus a couple of other fun toys.

Shopping done and we drove right across to El Charro to meet up with Rosey!
We talked. We laughed. We nearly cried. We laughed some more.
Everyone in the restaurant was doing the same thing!
The tables were few and far apart but you could hear the joy in all of us!
One guy sitting at the bar turned around and toasted all the diners proclaiming it a wonderful thing to be out and enjoying ourselves.
I hope I never take 'normal life' for granted ever again!

This morning, Louis Dean told me I should go down and get our kitties!
Like someone else was going to come in and snatch them away from me!

I had to go down and check on something for Dean and Sherry so I took the carrier down and brought our two kittens back with me.
This pic of Samantha and Louis Dean was when he first met her.
I had shown him pictures but he had not been down there to see any of the kittens.
It was love at first sight!
He said, "I never dreamed I would have my very own kitty!"

It's so silly but I took a ton of pictures of them today!
Thankfully, I deleted a lot of them!

Storms came into the Waco/Mart area early this afternoon and they looked serious but all we got was some light rain.
This pic is from this evening when it looked like we might get some more weather.

Grateful we 'dodged the bullet' on this storm!

Started some paintings for the Ardmore Craft Fair in November.
One more session and they will be done!

I'm painting two of the Mr. and Mrs. Santa for me and one for BJ.

I based in this one and it will be so much fun to paint!

Tomorrow I will work on these two.
The bee on the honeycomb is for Summer.

Little Samantha is exploring all sorts of hiding places....and there are many.

But they are tired and are snuggled up for the night.....
so I think we will follow their example.

May I close this journal entry out with a prayer request?
My friend Dee - who came to lunch at my house just last week - is in serious condition in the hospital and it doesn't look good. She is our Leah's mother in law and son of Patrick whom we all love dearly.
Dee's husband has Alzheimer's disease and Dee has been the one keeping their life together.

And tonight I am praying for Dee......


Bluebird49 said...

Yes, prayers for Dee, of course. I sure hope the situation changes for her!
The kitties are sooooooo cute! What a life changes for y'all! I know the quads' kitten is rotten already. 💕😻

Chandy Johnson said...

Praying for Mrs. Dee!!! May the Lord be with her and her family 🙏🙏❤❤❤

BeachGypsy said...

Oh gosh, hate to hear the news about your friend Dee--and sure hoping it turns around and she comes through this strong and well. Oh my goodness!!---those sweet little so cute. So one is named Samantha right? Did you name the other one. Look at that striped little tummy, so full and happy. They are so sweet when they sleep. Do they purr yet????? Kittens purring is one of the sweetest sounds!! I'm glad you took 2---they will always be together and be happy. They will keep each other company and never get lonesome. Love seeing all the neat things you bought for them---fun fun fun to shop for new little puppies or kitties--all the fun stuff!

Vee said...

Adding my prayers to yours for Dee. Sounds as if she is very much needed in her family. I pray that The Lord will restore her to them.

Those kittens are adorable. They are going to provide many photo ops.

Good thing Louis Dean has a fence around his garden! 🦌

Jan said...

Praying for Dee and her family!

Donna said...

Adding your sweet friend Dee to my prayer list (and her family). The bitty kitties are going to be so much fun. Louis Dean can make them a cat tower when you get home. They will love chasing each other up and down.

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

Sweet kitties, and prayers for Dee.

I’m jealous that you ate out. Our restaurants are still only open for take out.

Susie said...

Linda, I am praying for Dee. Care giving is a tough job. The kittens sleeping together is so sweet. LD's big work hands seem to be gentle with his new kitten. :) Makes me smile. Your bird paimtings are so pretty. Love them. Wow, you have a lot of art in process. Blessings to all of you, stay safe. xoxo,love you guys, Susie

Changes in the wind said...

Prayers for your friend Dee. That taco looked fantastic, made my mouth water:) The kittens are cute and will be spoiled rotten for sure. Love the Mr. and Mrs. Claus painting, can't wait to see it done.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Keeping your friend, Dee, and her family in our thoughts and prayers as well, Linda. Glad you were able to get out and enjoy yourself with your friend and that everyone else was happy too, The two new family additions are very sweet and they have already won your heart and Louis Dean's as well.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Prayers for Dee.. so glad you got two kitties, they need feline friends to. what did you name the other kitty? they are preicous. so glad you had an outing.. so far we have not had an outing other than lap swimm at the Y..

Latane Barton said...

So glad you have your kitties to keep you company. They are cute as can be. And, yes, prayers for Dee.

Shirley said...

Good Morning Linda, Prayers and gentle hug are being sent for your friend Dee.
I know what it is like to being a caregiver which I was for a lot of years. I am praying that she can have family with her because our hospital will not allow it. You and I both know that we need someone with us if we are there.
We had a storm come through, but no damage. I enjoy reading your blog and watching your little ones grow which they do much to fast. Take care and enjoy those kittens. Hugs and Prayers Shirley

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

It'll be my honor to pray for your friend Dee. May the dear Lord comfort her with healing and blessings to some. I love that calico kitten . The coloring is breatutful. You will have some new adventure coming your way with 2 kittens I'm sure. Have fun keeping them out of the paint. Good thing Lois Dean is working on a fence you'll need it to keep the deer out.

photowannabe said...

Lord, you know the beginning from the end and you know all about Dee and her precious husband.
You know, even when we don't understand...
Lord give the family peace and hold Dee's hand, for it is ALL in Your Hands.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I'll keep Dee and her family in my prayers. You need to do a painting of your new kitties! They are adorable!!! Hugs!

LC said...

Have enjoyed this journal entry, and yes, prayers for Dee are on the way.

Ginny Hartzler said...

I am so sorry about Dee! I, also, have a good friend in the hospital. This is the worst time ever to have to be in the hospital! Samantha is a good name for this kitty, she is just SO cute! And your pictures are great. I love the cute one of her in Lois Dean's big hands!! It is a picture that does speak a thousand words. How adorable that they are all snuggled up to sleep!!! Our cats used to do that. Isn't shopping for kitten things such fun? But wait! what is the other one's name? all the experts say that wet food is a lot healthier for them, yikes I have already started giving advice. But we are CAT people!!


Praying for your friend Dee--
and oh what cute kitties--you are in for some lovin times with those two-
luv, di

Wanda said...

So sorry to hear that Dee is ill. Will lift her up in our prayers. Your kittens are adorable. I love cats, and always had several until grandchildren came along, and several were severely allergic to cats. Sad day when I had to find new homes for them. Figgy and Manana. My two favorites.
Shih Tzu seem to not have the same affect so when we got Molly, the grandkids were ok with her.

Love your painting...I trying so hard to get motivated to pull out my watercolors and paint something new.

Carole said...

Wishing you and all yyour friends and family health - especially Dee. Kia kaha.

PS Samantha is sooo... photogenic

jujupage1 said...

Love the kittens. They are so cute! It kind of makes me want to have a kitten myself but maybe once I've actually left home since my mum's not exactly an animal person. 😂💜