Sunday, May 17, 2020

Our Weekend in Town!

We came home from the ranch last Saturday so I guess this is our second weekend at home.

Summer continues to recover and has done exceedingly well considering the few pain meds she has taken. Sometimes the pain pills can make one so sick, you would prefer the pain. 
That's Summer's thoughts on them and, while she has taken a few over the last 7 days, it's not been very many. This crab salad with butternut squash soup was her supper tray on Friday night.
Sabrina made the soup and froze it in serving size bags back in January when they were here in Texas.
It was delicious!!

I'm in the sewing room as I write this journal entry on this Sunday night.
We just came in from working outside in the front - we worked until dark!
Louis Dean is taking a hot bath - I love that he is a bath guy.
Did you know there has been a run on bath stuff at the stores?
I could not find any bath salts, bubble bath (other than a child's one that I thought I best not get!) OR even any bath oils. I looked in three different stores on Saturday!
Summer is in the den and I can hear her talking to Rayne on speaker phone.
I dearly love hearing Rayne's sweet voice. And I so admire how Summer - aka Mummers - keeps their relationship going long distance. They talk on the phone a lot and even watch movies together. They play games and read books and I think it is awesome!
Summer is so creative and sends a box every month to Rayne with bits and bobs of things for her.

Back to Friday. Once we finished working out in the front yard, Louis Dean started our makeshift campfire. It burned for several hours while I did some sewing and Louis Dean worked in his garden. Lots of healthy tomato plants with many flowers but no baby tomatoes yet. The vines are all real pretty. But we are hoping for tomatoes! 

 We settled down in the gazebo with a glass of wine just as the air started cooling and by the time we went to bed we had put on a light jacket and sat out a little longer as it had started to rain.
No better way to close out a Friday night!
It was so cool, we slept with the attic fan on all night!

Saturday was a beautiful day - if you like rain and I do!
 No need for AC!
It literally rained.

Louis Dean was still sleeping soundly when I woke up and slipped out of the bedroom.
Summer's door was closed so she was still asleep.
I took my coffee out to the gazebo and had an hour all to myself to spend in prayer, meditation and reading.
For pleasure, I am reading one of my all time favorite books again!
Mountain Man by Vardis Fisher.
I feel like I am back in time when I open up the pages.
Crow Killer by Raymond Thorp was the other book the movie, Jeremiah Johnson,  was partially  based on.
It's a biography of John Johnson.
I have read it before but no longer have a copy of it.
I need to change that!

We are gearing up for the Quad's birthday party!
I've had so much fun finding their unique gifts with each child in mind.
This one is Harrison's and I wrapped it in a big square of black denim.

Inside are three gifts for him to unwrap.
A pair of binoculars.
A good waterproof compass.
A nice watch.

I've got Harrison all wrapped up!
Logan's gift arrived so I started working on hers!

It's a mini sewing machine!
An electric sewing machine that is NOT a toy.
You can also use batteries when you need it to be portable.
I opened it all up to make sure it worked.

In this photo you can see how small it is.

I took this pic so I will have it to refer back to when I need to help Logan thread it.
I unthreaded it and put it back again just to make sure I could.
It's not a Swiss made machine like my Bernia but it does sew a firm sticth that I could not pull out.
She will need supervision when she uses it - at least for awhile.
I'm thinking of giving her some denim squares to cut into smaller squares.
She can sew them together to make bean bags.
That was the first sewing project Amber ever did - and I still have those denim bean bags to this day!

Another gift for Logan is a sewing basket.
Her first sewing machine and sewing basket!
So perfect for her!
At least I hope so!

I looked online for a new one for her but after reading all the reviews and looking them over,
I decided to make her up one myself using one of my very own sewing baskets, pincushion, scissors, some spools of thread, a packet of self threading needles (from Summer) and a tin of buttons.
Plus a fat roll of fabric squares that I had in my stash. I think my friend, Louise, gave them to me.
It's nice to have an assortment of things that you can put together an entire sewing kit with what you already have on hand.

While I haven't wrapped Logan's yet - I think I am ready to get that done.

So only two more to go.

We already have Kailey's guitar and are waiting for the silver personalized pick we ordered to come in. 

Then there's Trystan! She was more of a challenge but I think I have hit on the perfect theme for her!
The kids recently did little videos as a schoool project where they picked someone in history to do  a report on. Trystan chose Vera Wang.
She was adorable as she told about Vera Wang being famous for her wedding dresses.
Trystan was all dressed up like a little fashion model herself and had a tiny mannequin sitting on the table beside her!

Hard to believe these 'babies' are going to be 8 years old on May 31st!

This photo came up on my Facebook memories yeterday.
Amber was holding onto the babies for as long as she could - to the detriment of her own health - to give them a better chance of survival.
She held on for another 15 days.

Saturday I filled all our med boxes up and had to make a flying trip up to Walgreens to get more calcium and vitamins. I'm always glad when I get that chore done and thankful for enough boxes that I only have to do this once a month.

Saturday night, Louis Dean made good old fashioned hamburgers for our supper.
My contribution was the roasted potatoes.
I don't have an air fryer or any of the new fangled cooking things.
I just peel the potatoes, rinse and dry them, place them on a foil covered sheet and drizzle a good olive oil over them. Sprinkle with garlic salt and add a stem or two of rosemary.
Bake at 400* for 20 minutes. Delicious!

I also tried my hand at a home made margarita!

Using some of my Patron Tequila. 
Not bad but it can't compare to one at a Mexican restaurant!

Sunday has been good.
We watched Fellowship Church live online.
It will be a good while before we will be going in person.

I only took one picture today.
Hamburgers last night and hot dogs today!

I finished the big flower bed we were working on.
Honeysuckle all hacked back off of the roof, stone wall and stone fence.
Mint has been pulled up left and right.
It will come back but hopefully prettier and not as long and gangly.
I spread three bags of mulch and pulled up one rosemary bush that had been ailing.
Tomorrow I will move on to the other flower bed behind Louis Dean's truck.
This once was a pretty area with established bushes in the back and a Dynamite crepe mrtle tree and lined in front with liriope.
Louis Dean hacked all that down the first year we were married!
It's just now getting pretty again with knock out roses and lantana.
That bed won't be nearly as much work as the other one was.
AND I have my weed burner to get the weeds between the bricks on the little walkway to the gate.

But that's work for another day and I am ready to kick back and relax for a bit before going to bed,
Hope YOUR weekend was good and that the coming week will be all you hope for......


Ginny Hartzler said...

I adore your gifts for the Quads! They ae just perfect. So creative and wonderful! And I love how prettily you wrapped Harrison's. Pretty, yet totally boy! Why did Louis dean cut down the Crepe Myrtle?

Bluebird49 said...

You're good at gift giving! The kids will be pleased. I love that sewing basket you fixed.
We had BBQs one night, hamburgers last night and PB&J's tonight! I've had a headache most all week and Ed's leg is still not great yet, so we have done easy stuff. I've probably not been the greatest nu rse, but he said he wouldn't want anyone else. (Good thing he knows the right things to day, huh! 😏)
I wish he enjoyed reading, I'll bet he'd like to know more about Jeremiah Johnson. Such a great movie!
Hope Summer gets a good doctor's report!💕

Arlene G said...

We are home from Grimmwood. I love my happy place but I do miss my laptop!! Like you and LD it will be a while before we go back to church. They are asking over 65ers to stay home for a bit longer. Loved seeing all the things you got for the quads. I may have to order one of those little sewing machines for myself. It would be perfect for doing the straight line sewing I need for my little pillows. I am sure they will all be thrilled with their personalized things. Glad Summer is doing well!

Vee said...

Hahahahaha...that closing very true.

Oh you have put a lot of thought into each gift. They are going to love them. Amber has been an amazing mother from the very beginning.

So glad to read that Summer is feeling better each day. (I agree with her about pain meds...ugh.)

Happy, healing days to all...

MadSnapper n Beau said...

OH MY WORD those are wodnerful gifts and how did they get to 8 years. I have so much enjoyed watching them grow up through your eyes. they are blessed to have the parents and grand parents they have.. glad summer is doing well, so sweet she can talk to them while not with them

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

So many things to comment on in this post, Linda. First, it was great to get the update on Summer and so glad her recovery is going well and avoiding meds is good if one can do that. I'll look forward to seeing her smiling face again in a future post. The birthday gifts sounded wonderful and obviously selected with much thought as to the individual interests of each grandchild. Your choices were so much better than just off-the-store shelf selections, recognizing that you had to buy some of these items, but you added the personal touches that are uniquely you which makes them special. The meals looked delicious as usual.

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

I love how you’re giving the quads gifts that suit each one!

We had a very good weekend! Rachel and Wes got married! Hurray!

Changes in the wind said...

The quads will love their gifts, very thoughtful. That crab salad made my mouth water:)

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Twighlight zone Ha ha. That's a good one! But totally true!; Our church is opening up again memorial day and I hope to go on the weekend after. I have been thinking about getting one of his air fryers . My daughter has one and enjoys it. Looks like the Quads are going to have a wonderful birthday. You have picked out some wonderful gifts for each one of them. I used to hVe flower bed like you do, but left them behind when I moved. I miss them bug can no longer do that kind of work. Making things simpler for yourself is a great idea .

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Your meals look so good! I love homemade hamburgers and hot dogs! Love the gifts you've found for the kids. And that last quote is great! Take care and have a good week! Hugs to Summer!

Estelle's said...

So glad to hear Summer is recovering nicely....wonderful gift ideas for the children and the food, as always, looks beautiful and delicious! Y'all take good care!

photowannabe said...

You are such a wonderful Mom and Grandma...Can I be in your family???
The gifts for each of the quads are so unique and perfect for each one.
I kind of like that little sewing machine myself. It sure would help doing some of the little sew up jobs that i put off.
Yummm, even the simple hot dog meal looks magazine perfect.
I enjoy reading about your yard and all your projects...
My biggest project is going to CostCo today...I'm always tired after going there. Have a great day Linda and hugs to LD.

LC said...

You are the superwoman of creating memorable gifts!

Carole said...

Love that your gifts are so personalised. 8! Wow. Cheers

jujupage1 said...

My weekend was good! I went cycling for the first time in a while. Love the gifts you got the quads. They were very thoughtful! 💜

Carla said...

Wow How can it be 8 years? I think I that about every year that passes for the Little but growing Bells. I remember when we went to see Amber at the Hospital and I was afraid to touch her belly for fear it would pop. LOL. Love all the thought you have put into their gifts. Of course I'm really excited for you that Logan has the sewing bug.
I don't know why but I thought maybe Summer and her family had moved back in town. I do hope she's feeling better than she has in a long time.
Okay I'm stealing your ending picture. Made me laugh. And oh so true.
Glad I could do something nice for you. Book on it's way.