Monday, May 4, 2020

Pinto Beans, Sandy Loam Soil and Art!

I soaked a pot of beans yesterday and put them on to cook in the crock pot overnight.

Amber and Mike saved their Easter ham bone for us and it made such a good meal!
I had it in our freezer and brought it down knowing I was going to cook up some pinto beans while we were here.
Amazing to wake up and know your main meal is already cooked!
I brought home made cornbread from home (frozen) and added sliced sweet onions!

I had a side salad with avocado.
Avocados were so inexpensive at Aldi's that I bought a dozen or more!
I am serving them with any and every meal!

Louis Dean was a happy camper!
After lunch we came inside to take naps and he had been asleep for an hour or so when Sherry called to let us know the sand man had arrived!

Louis Dean had ordered 8 yards of sandy loam soil for his garden.
It's all in who you know - or in this case - who your son knows!
Dean hooked his dad up with a friend who has a trucking company!

It was exciting!!

The fence around the garden isn't up yet because Louis Dean was waiting for that soil to be delivered.
Mixed with the dirt will make an excellent garden!

Wish my grands had been here to see this!

It was just 3 years ago when Louis Dean started building what is now our front room.
He does love a project and readily admits he likes STARTING one a lot more than FINISHING one!

I set up the art table this afternoon and intend to leave it out all week.
I'm hoping to get a lot of painting done starting with finishing two Christmas paintings.
This one is mine from 2019 and the other one is to be a birthday gift to friend Kimmy born on the 4th of July! And then I have a few more small projects planned.
Life is better when I can do art!

I forgot to add this video of our bee work on Saturday so I am putting it here.
I think I will go back to that post and add it there, as well.

Sister Nita works at a food service company and even THEY can't get an order of hand sanitizers!
So my clever sister makes her own!

She shared her recipe with me along with this pic of her ingredients.
You can use an essential oil if you choose.

In other news.......


Here's a little update on Susie's Teddy Bear! As in Susie of She Junks fame!
He goes to the bone marrow clinic tomorrow.
May 1st marked his one year transplant anniversary so he has an excellent chance of complete recovery! Susie is still without Internet but hopes to get that fixed in the coming weeks.

And here is another update on our Chandy Girl!
She is Louis Dean's beloved granddaughter and is smack dab in the middle of a high risk pregnancy.
She saw her doctor today and the baby looks great!
The health risks are about HER.
In addition to those - she fell a few weeks ago and her doctor is referring her to a physical therapist because he thinks her hip/back/leg pain may be from a bulging disk on her sciatic nerve.

The last time we saw Chandy and the family was early in December.
We are so looking forward to going up to see her as soon as that is possible.
These are weird times we are living in right now!
I don't know how I would cope if I did not know the Lord and the power of prayer.


Ginny Hartzler said...

I have saved your hand sanitizer instructions, thank you! You always have something useful for us, or new bits of interesting information, or good recipes! Since the sand man came, you should both sleep well tonight (get it..sand man?) ha ha!!

jujupage1 said...

Making your own hand sanitizer is a great idea. I used the same ingredients as you did and it works really well!

Carol said...

I was thinking of Susie and her husband yesterday as I had not seen anything from her recently. I am glad you knew. I love your header- of course, horses are my favorite animals along with zebras.

Those beans look delicious and I am glad LD got his sand. I did not realize you could use sand in a garden. Interesting what you need or use in parts of the US that I have never been too.

Sandi said...

Love that you put Christmas in this post! 😄🎄

Deanna Rabe said...

I make my own hand sanitizer. Equal parts of water, rubbing alcohol, and witch hazel, and essential oils that are good antibacterial ones. Lemon, tea tree, etc...

I can relate to Louis Dean that starting a project is more fun than finishing one!

Changes in the wind said...

That is going to be some kind of garden! Funny hubby and I had pinto beans, chopped onion and cheese and tortillas for lunch:) All the bee work will pay off.

Arlene G said...

Those avocados look great. I love avocados and tomatoes. Love seeing a garden come together! And your painting. I know it brings you peace of mind in these times. I did order some hand sanitizer from Bath and Body Works online. My sis saw they had some and alerted me. I am sure yours is more economical than mine was!! Looking forward to seeing what LD grows in his garden this year.

Debbie said...

everything you cook always looks so amazing and perhaps it is the way you describe it!! YuM!! i don't know how to buy avocados and never have much luck with it. i love them and wish i were better at it!!

you bee video is so super amazing...and also a little scary to me!!

i'm so happy you gave an update on susie, ted looks really good!! chandy girl looks good, it must be a difficult time to be pregnant!!

Nancy Chan said...

Avocados are expensive here. I haven't got used to eating avocados. Bees are scary but I love honey.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Ham and beans is one of my favor meals and always havae onion with mine too. I haven't' had any for quite some time, but thankfully my son and daughter that live lose by had some and shared some of theirs with me. It was a really treat. And cornbread s an extra added bonus I never heard of adding sand to soil before but I suppose it depends on where you live. Here lots of people add compost to their gardens. My painting table is always set up but sadly I've no had any good thoughts on what to paint so it sits there waiting for me. Enjoy your week and time to paint.

Hootin Anni said...

Amen to your last words!! And, I hope she will be,alright throughout the pregnancy.

As for the sand I have Mr. Sand man song running through my head!

Oh, and those beans...yes! Delicious. Enjoying your walk on the ranch today? Wishing I was there with you.

Vee said...

Ted looks great! He's got that million dollar smile.

The garden is going to be beautiful this year. It will certainly keep your darling busy. Course, you two are always busy.

Oh I am sorry that Chandy is having any back troubles. Pregnancy doesn't help that much so I hope that there's relief ahead.

Thanks also for the hand sanitizer recipe. I am going to whip up a batch for my car.

photowannabe said...

Yes and amen to the Lord and the power of prayer....anytime and all the time...
Your meals always sound and look so delightful...LD is such a lucky man.
Enjoy your painting and the prospects of the new garden.
Glad to see LD looking so much better.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

prayers for chandy and the baby.. LD looks happy getting his dirt to play in. i kept up with your photos while off line, just looking at them to make sure i saw all the critters and bees. i can't find a bottle of alcohol on a shelf and even amazon has none

Carole said...

You are such a trooper. always a delight to read your posts

LC said...

Avocados are so expensive here. Hubby and I had beans today, too, red beans and rice, a staple of coast cooking. Instead of potato salad that was the traditional traditional side in my husband's family, our side was cole slaw which Hubby, chief cook in our home, made with a bit of mayo but without the sweet pickles traditional in my mom's slaw . He is great about helping me stay on track with diabetic-friendly fare. Thanks for news and day-brightening photos with the Oswald Chambers closing quote.

BeachGypsy said...

YES!!--the kids sure would've loved to have seen that big truck doing it's job and delivering it's load! My goodness if there's a supper I love---it's pinto beans and cornbread and onions......that looks so good!!

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Lots going on at your place, as usual, Linda. The first photo with the beans made me a bit hungry so close to dinner time. And then to see Louis Dean enjoying the meal! Nice that the sand man came (also thinking of that song now) and the garden work will begin. It's great to have an outdoor project for distraction now as you also have with the bees. Thanks for the health updates and will be keeping all in thoughts and prayers. Your art setup looked like your happy place for sure!