Thursday, September 1, 2016

September Morn! My Favorite Day of the Entire Year!

My all time favorite day of the entire year finally arrived!!

The very first thing I did was change the perpetual calendar!!
Ah, September at last!

I turned the coffee pot on (pumpkin spice flavored!) and while it brewed I cued the CD player and put a few of the Pumpkin Snaps on a pretty fall plate.
 This is my treasured fall coffee cup and I always use it on September first. It's chipped but I well remember the day I bought it at Marshall Pottery in Marshall, Texas. Amber was about 10 years old so that makes it 21 years old. We had another home schooling family with us and were traveling in my big conversion van. After shopping and before getting back on the highway to come home, we pulled in to a small campground they had right there by Marshall Pottery. I had a small coffee pot in the van ( I could have set up housekeeping in a moment's notice right there in that van!) and I had also bought some gourmet flavored coffee - so we brewed us up a pot right there while our kids gathered pine cones and played. Originally I had two of these but one broke a few years ago. 
Anyway!!! I played September Morn for the very first time as I sat in the white rocker and sipped my coffee!

I have been celebrating September First for as long as I can remember! 
 The traditions have pretty much remained the same......

Neil Diamond singing September Morn,
Pumpkin Spice Muffins
Fruitcake Cookies and Fall Decorations!

I made the muffins just before lunch and will make the cookies tomorrow.

I had a little surprise when I heard someone at the door.....
Sherry and Ruth Ann had been out to lunch and noticed a field of sunflowers next door to the restaurant. They picked a bouquet for me and brought them over!!
That just MADE my day!!
I have been inspecting these blooms closely as I am painting sunflowers.
I see now what I need to do with the centers on mine!

This was a good day for having a friend over for lunch!
Brenda and I both have September birthdays making this her favorite month as well as mine!
I'd like to wish another friend a happy birthday TODAY!!! Linda is a blogging buddy from Oregon.
Happy BIRTHDAY, Linda!!!

I forgot what kind of flowers these are but I planted two bushes beside the upper kitchen deck and they just bloom like crazy! More so every year!
I went out here to cheer my heart before I went to the front yard again this evening.

I used the weed whacker and hedge trimmers until my arms ached.

That loud buzzing is LOCUSTS!!

I was too tired to rake up the trimmings or even blow them into a pile.
I just staggered to the trunk of the car and stowed the equipment in there until tomorrow!

You can see more of the stone walls now!
Louis Dean wasn't able to help me. I didn't even let him come outside to see what I had accomplished.
He's still down with a really bad allergy attack. The ragweed has been up and both of us are sensitive to that. Thank goodness I'm not suffering as much as he is.

One more set of pajamas - DONE!
Only two more left to stitch up tomorrow.
I cut this one a bit longer since Kailey is a bit taller than the other two girls.
Logan is shooting up now, too!

It's been a wonderful day!
And guess WHAT???
God has given us THIRTY September Mornings every single year!!!
I'm going to celebrate all month!


Jutta said...

What a happy day! If only LD were feeling better - and soon He will!! 🌻

Kathy said...

Happy September 1st! I was just thinking that there should be greeting cards with that sentiment that we can send to each other. Glad you had such a good day. Your muffins look good. I'm making mine tomorrow, Lord willing. Hope LD's allergies get under control quickly. You are right not to let him out with all that pollen. You did a great job on your garden.

Ginny Hartzler said...

You have such a joy for life! You make every day special. I saw a Neil diamond concert, and was in one of the very front seats!! This was when I was a teenager, and he had just gotten popular. Loved seeing him sing Solitary Man! Your table is beautiful!!

Anonymous said...

Sounds that you had a wonderful time:)

Susie said...

Hi Linda, I thought of you was a truly beautiful day around here. Ted was off cutting wood and I was shredding and sorting. How quickly it seems that Sept . came this year. It seems important dates sneak up on me now. I mailed a birthday card off to my brother and hope it reaches him in time. I loved your story of the cups and it is good to have traditions . My girls and I used to go to Brown County State Park every fall. It was something we always looked forward to, I miss those days with my daughters. Hope LD gets well soon. I have always loved Neil Diamond. Did you ever see him in the Canter ? That's a good movie, where he sings. I hope you get to enjoy your whole September. I love the PJ's are a good seamstress. Blessings to you, love, xoxo, Susie

jamarson1 said...

Happy September 1st! I am gonna try out a couple of these things today to get me into the fall mood also. Sending positive thoughts and prayers for your upcoming surgery.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I am smiling at your celebration, I don't even celebrate my own birthday or any day at all.. you are the queen of celebrating life ...and it is to bad the whole world can not make themselves as happy as you celebrating on sept 1...

Arlene G said...

I am celebrating September right along with you Linda. I love your story of your mug!! Can I confess I bought three more fall things yesterday? I just could not resist them. I will share them on the blog next week. I just love the colors of autumn. And it is very cool and crisp here this morning. NO Humidity...which is a cause for rejoicing!

Changes in the wind said...

Didn't the pj's turn out cute!! Happy Sept. 1st

Linda said...

Thanks for mentioning my birthday! I love the report of your special Sept 1 day. I'm concerned about LD, that this not plague him like it did las winter, or perhaps it was the winter before. It's no fun being sick for long periods of time. Those pj's are very cute. You are very clever. It's 70 degrees today and I am loving every minute of it.

Mrs.T said...

I was thinking of you yesterday knowing how special Sept. 1 is for you. Even though I personally plan to hang onto summer until the first day of fall, I did have my coffee in a fall mug yesterday in honor of you!

I can't believe all that you accomplish in a day. You are amazing. Loved your comment that God gives us 30 September morns. Very inspiring thought!

Nonnie said...
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Nonnie said...

Your tradition and photos make me smile. You are such a positive person enjoying life. I think the flowers are plumbago. I have one that size and it usually looks like that, but not this year for some reason. I'm going to check Pinterest for the fruitcake cookie recipe. Sounds interesting. Happy September. Let's try to stretch it out 'cause I love it, too! The pj's are darling.

Hootin Anni said...

I love how you celebrate the 1st day of September!! What a wonderful, warm and fantastic way....cherish the special moment as you did Linda.

Speaking of Linda...TWO special Lindas celebrate birthdays this month? Cool.

Oh and the blue/lavender bushes are Blue Plumbago. We have 'em here in our yard too.

Vee said...

Now I want an autumn mug, a cup of flavored coffee, and a fruitcake cookie with Neil crooning in the background! I am highly suggestible. The pjs are cute and you are clever to be able to whip them up so quickly.

PATI CLARK said...

Love this time of year !!!!! Your home is all cozy !!!!!

BeachGypsy said...

I think your September traditions are just lovely! I do like so many of those old neil diamond songs!! Him and elvis----so great! Do you like elvis as well? Those jammies sure are cute. I cant sew or paint so i enjoy seeing your projects. Hope louis dean feels better tomorrow!

Gypsy Heart said...

I share your excitement for September! :) Do you need my address for the cookies and muffins?


Carla said...

Those are blue plumbagos. David loves those and so do I. Lilley likes to walk under them and the flowers stick to her fur. Love your opening picture for Sept. 1. Cute PJ's too. As fast as the kids are growing you're gonna have to make them some every 6 months. ;o)