Wednesday, September 14, 2016

A Slower Pace.....

My days are usually full to overflowing and the weeks whip past so fast I can barely keep up.
Not so lately. Life has slowed down to a crawl. Instead of looking up at the clock and thinking 'Is it ALREADY that late??' I am now glancing at it off and on all day and thinking 'Is it ONLY whatever time it is?' It's been a long slow week since my surgery and I have been getting lots and lots of rest.

There's just something comforting about a bowl of tomato soup!
Louis Dean made a late lunch for us today and we sat at the kitchen table to eat it!
Louis Dean normally likes to eat in the den sitting in his recliner and more often than not - watching TV! Having that on all the time has nearly driven me crazy - which I know! It's a short trip!
But seriously!! News, news, news, news, NEWS!!! The thing about that is - there IS no real 'news!'
It's all old and endlessly repetitive.
SO! We ate in the kitchen with no noise other than Neil Diamond singing softly in the background.
It was nice and I think we shall be doing more meals sitting at a table.

Deanie and Lonnie came over to check on me the other day.
They were worried about me since I have kept such a low profile lately.
We laughed and talked and had a good time even though Louis Dean and I were coughing our heads off and you KNOW what a germaphobic Deanie is!!! It is a testament of her love that she came to see us! I am positive she went home and took a shower and put all her clothes in the washing machine!

This has been my view lately.
I have spent days and days in bed and it's not been a bad thing.
I have read, played Scrabble and Words With Friends, prayed, napped and often simply lain in bed doing nothing at all other than think. And remember. And plan.
All good things to do and all require time which I have been gifted with this week.

Most mornings, actually EVERY morning this week, I wake before Louis Dean.
He is having a terrible time with insomnia and only goes sound asleep in the wee hours of the morning. Today I made my coffee and carried a cup outside to sit in the gazebo for a few minutes. I filled the ponds and watered the plants for the first time in over a week.

It's still hot in Texas and I have lost several pots of marigolds and such to the heat and lack of watering. It was so humid I didn't last long and by the time Louis Dean got up I had already gone BACK to bed!

Late this afternoon we decided to try and 'act as if' we felt better.
The air felt much better than it did this morning so we took our iced tea to the gazebo and did what he loves to do best!

We sat! Feet up and relaxed.
I don't think it hurt us to go out for a bit and it probably did us some good.
My foot is doing so well. It has some tingling in it but no real pain.
This recovery has been so much easier than the other foot! But, then again, this one was not nearly as damaged. I haven't had to use crutches, walker or even so much as a cane!

I had several wonderful surprises that arrived in the mail today!!

This box was so fragrant I could smell it before I even opened it up!
Sweet Annie sent all the way to Texas from Michigan!
This is from my friend, Peggy, at A Primitive Plot.

There was also in that box a bag of special goodies!

I have often admired Peggy and her wonderful crafting skills.
This pin will look prefect on a tweed fall jacket I will wear if it ever gets cold enough!
He will live on my dresser when he's not on my lapel.
Thank you, Peggy!!! You are wonderful!

In another package was this darling banner!
I won Arlene of Nanaland's  September Giveaway!!

I went right out and hung it in the garden!
Thank you, Arlene, for the banner and the inspirational card!

AND I had even one more package to open!!!
Note cards from Summer in the best pumpkin color imaginable!!

This set of four hankies arrived over the weekend from her, too!
What a treat to get so many lovely things in the mail!!
Thank you, all, for the cards and emails and messages and phone calls.
I am so blessed!

I hung the fresh Sweet Annie on the lace covering the lamp shade by my bed.
This was the fresh piece.....

Peggy sent me two dried clusters and I hung one here in the hall....

and the other one here.

It's a good thing I had cleaned house before my surgery because I haven't done much since.
I cleaned out my chest of drawers - you  know - the one I look at from my bed.
Filled two sacks with Goodwill donations. Took this nightgown and cut a pair of pajama bottoms for Trystan out of it.

It will be a bit shorter than the pattern and I cut it where I can use the existing hemline for the pants.
Trystan is the shortest of the quads so it should fit her just fine.
I really do like redeeming things and using stuff instead of throwing it away.

This Guess lightweight shirt has seen years and years of wear.
I like to put it on when I want a little something on my arms.
After the last washing, I noticed a pretty good sized hole near the bottom so today I sewed a denim heart over it. Now it will be good for another few years!!

I close with this plaque I have in the hall.
It is old and worn but I do love it and paused today when I was hanging up my Sweet Annie to read it once again.


Joy@aVintageGreen said...

Hugs Linda. Keep up the good healing work. Loved reading your blog tonight.

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

Are you and LD certain you have allergies? Not something that needs an antibiotic? Praying for you two!

God sometimes allows things just so we can slow down and rest. You are both making the best of it!

Jackie See said...

So good to hear your foot is healing, hope the allergies get better very soon. LD has sure had a time with them, please pass on get well wishes from the Ozarks. You are so deserving of each gift and so much more! Happy September!

Blondie's Journal said...

I am so glad this surgery is over and done, Linda. And good for you lying in bed relaxing. I know it's hard for you as a busy person but it's good. Love to Deanie for that visit. I know what it's like to not venture near germs!!! Yikes!

Sometimes I dream of pretending I'm truly down and out so I can retire to my room and bed surrounded by books and magazines and my journal. Have meals brought to me (most likely ordered out by hubby as he can't cook a can of soup), and just languish! Not in real pain of course!!!

Love to you and keep up your great spirit! Love your sweet gifts! :-D


Ginny Hartzler said...

I am so glad to hear from you, and know that you are doing well. Your poor coughing, and both of you! At least you do not have the bad foot pain to deal with at the same time. My worst allergies are in the fall, what about yours? Are they year round? Do you both take allergy meds? Your gifts are wonderful, you have so many people who really love you.

Linda said...

First of all I'm impressed by the package of delicate hankies. I didn't know they still made hankies. I don't think I've heard of Sweet Annie. I take it that it smells wonderful. What a special treat, all the way from Michigan. Linda I am so with you on that constant TV annoyance. Many years ago Bob began wearing headphones and it saved our marriage. He's worn out two or three sets but they are worth every penny of the cost. Bob doesn't watch news. He watches 'Cops' and 'Judge Judy.' It only takes minutes of Judge Judy to make me flee the house pulling out my hair and screaming like a maniac. Quiet is so blissful. You are right about the news. Cable news is one of the most unreliable sources these days. You really have to be careful about news sources these days. Cable news is my last choice of sources. You have certainly been a pampered person this week. I'm so glad you're able to post again.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

time does drag when you don't feel good and are sick, with both of you sick and with your foot, that is most likely the cause of your clock slowing down. I am with Deanie and you would not be getting a visit. I don't do germs either... I am with you on the TV spouting news ALL DAY EVERY DAY and not one thing new. I am sick sick sick of the news, the media and the sound of the TV

Arlene G said...

I am so glad your garden flag arrived to cheer you Linda. I believe God is in control of even the smallest things as a giveaway on a blog. When I drew your name I thought "how Perfect" Linda loves September. And it looks so pretty in your garden. I agree with you about the NEWS.....I have not watched it in quite a while but I have a sis in law who watches it constantly. It would drive me crazy and like you, it would be a short trip!! Keep following your doctors orders and rest that foot!! I am off to paint this evening and I will be thinking of you.

peggy said...

I'm so happy you liked your things, Linda and the hankies and garden flag were just perfect. Get well now and paint! P.S. if anyone starts sneezing, blame the sweet annie.

Gypsy Heart said...

Good for you for resting!! That's the best way to allow your body to heal. Sorry you're both continuing with the allergy stuff ~ it's just miserable. You know, I don't watch the news anymore at all ~ too negative and yes, repetitive. I don't want that negativity in my space. Maybe you can cut a deal with LD ~ is there a TV in the guest room? :)

Please let me know if I can help in any way!

Cranberry Morning said...

So glad to hear that your recovery has been going splendidly. That's wonderful! I know about time flying by. I can't believe it's already fall. We're having our family Thanksgiving early, mid October, when the Canadians have theirs. It makes more sense in our cold climate to get together when it's beautiful weather and gorgeous landscapes rather than beastly cold and snowbanks. I haven't listened to Neil Diamond for years. I'm going to put him on my Spotify! Thanks for the idea. Have a wonderful day and thanks for stopping in at CranberryMorning. It was great to hear from you.

Summer said...

Nice to know that you are getting some good rest. Slowing down is good for your healing ♥

Bev said...

So glad you are resting... love your to get mail!!

Terra said...

You are resting and healing, good things to do. What fun to get thoughtful gifts in the mail.

Carole said...

Make the most of your downtime, LInda. When I have trouble sleeping I sing a French song to myself - not out loud! And that way I can avoid thinking about things that tend to keep me awake. The song I sing is Les Bicyclettes de Belsize. I'm sure LD has a much bigger repertoire to choose from. Cheers from Carole's Chatter

Susie said...

Linda, I know who Peggy are right she is a talented lady. I love sweet Annie too. Glad you are doing well. Wish you and LD did not have allergies. So good that Deanie and Lonnie came to visit. They are looking good. Blessings to all of you, I love you guys, xoxo, Susie

Penny said...

Sounds like your recovery is going very well Linda, but I am sorry to hear you are somtroubled with allergies, and poor LD is having a miserable time. No wonder you look forward to autumn! X