Friday, July 22, 2016

A Family Kind of Day.......

It was kind of an impromptu invitation to meet up with one of my cousins and her daughters and their daughters and then THEIR children!!! The whole gathering was in honor of yet another cousin's (sadly deceased now) daughter who lives in Houston and was up here visiting HER cousin - which is the daughter of MY cousin's daughter!! Got all that??? Doesn't matter! We had a whole group of 'FAMILY' who gathered together to share a meal and part of a Thursday afternoon - simply visiting and enjoying each other's company. I love Facebook for so many reasons and this spur of the moment casual invitation by Danna opened the door to developing even more family relationships!!!

Let's face it .....


Mother is front on the left with our cousin, Joyce, by her side. The guest of honor was Shanna sitting next to her Aunt Joyce and then.....never mind. Even I am trying to figure out all the who's who and what have you. Suffice it to say - we had a BALL!!!!
There were three children there and they kept us all entertained and totally impressed!!!
Thank you, Danna and Pam, for including us this afternoon! It was truly the highlight of my day!!!
I was ever so excited to see my sister, Deanie, actually enjoying herself! She has been on a 5 year journey trying to find her health as every year it deteriorated more. At long last she has a diagnosis and a plan of treatment but even then, the doctor says it will be a full YEAR before she feels better.
She was the life of the party today - just like old times and I nearly teared up seeing her so animated!!! We used to have to tell her - really!!! - to 'Dial it Back!!' Now all I want to say is, "Bring it ON!!!!" 

I had gone to Deanie's house after a quick trip to my favorite store other than Publix and HEB - Trader Joe's! We loaded Mother up and then met with everyone at Spring Creek BBQ.
I have no idea where we were! Not actually Fort Worth so I turned on my trusty Google Maps for help in getting us home. I didn't like that one so I tried Waze. Bottom line - I drove home a route I have never been before with TWO voices giving me directions! A male and a female. All the way home. Mother just looked at me and shrugged. She knows it's always crazy around here!!

Funny how that wonderful Family Lunch and all the good feelings still could not defeat fatigue.
We arrived home and she settled herself in the guest room while I collapsed on the bed and rested a full TWENTY MINUTES before we got ready to leave for the music jam session. LD had already left an hour ago. He wondered why he was the only one there but thought everyone else was running late. He got his guitar out and started practicing his songs when a lady came in and said the session had been cancelled. Oops! They had forgotten to call him. He called ME when he found out but Mother and I were already half way there. We turned around and came home.

We staggered out of the car all hot and tired and weary.
Mother saw the chairs on the driveway and said, "Can we?"
Of course we can!

She didn't even go inside the house! 
I brought her a glass of Sangria with a slice of fresh peach and she pronounced it GOOD!!!

Louis Dean arrived shortly thereafter and joined us on the driveway.

Just what we needed! A little down time!

Who needs a jam session when you can make music right here at home WITH an audience of TWO?

It was nice sitting in the shade with a light breeze blowing.
But after and hour and 5 songs, we decided we needed A/C!

Mother came in to rest and I went to work in the flower beds - pulling weeds and mulching - while Louis Dean made a run to Quadville to pick up a house guest!

Guess who?

Logan will spend tonight and tomorrow with us and then we will trade her in for Harrison.
Mother is enjoying seeing the quads one on one and wants me to take lots of pictures of her and the kids together this week.

Granddad asked me to get my camera so I could snap this pic!
He said, "Look! How sweet her hand looks on my arm!"
We ate a Trader Joe's shortcake biscuit with sliced fresh peaches and vanilla ice cream before bed.
Logan and Mother are now fast asleep and Louis Dean and I are going out to the gazebo to have a glass of wine and spend some time together.  
No matter how busy our days are and no matter if we are going different directions, we always try to end the day together.

Good night, Folks!!!


Penny said...

Hello dear Linda, I am so happy to see this delightful family gathering, and to hear that Deanie is starting to find her way with her health problems. Health is wealth that is for sure. Thinking of you all, much love XX

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

Precious family time! You know the value of it!

Have a great weekend!

Changes in the wind said...

Special times and nothing like a light breeze and fresh air to refresh a soul.

Susie said...

Linda, I truly love the way you end your day ...with your sweet heart and a cool drink relaxing. So good to hear about your sister Deanie. Your mom looks like she is doing very well. I love the tenderness of how the kids love their granddad. Blessings to all, Love you, xoxo, Susie

MadSnapper n Beau said...

wow, another whirl wind day for you... we did the cousin thing a few years ago, about half showed up. we are all 1st 2nd and 3rd removed. maybe 20 of us i think. i could tell your mother was enjoying the music.

Vee said...

So special to read about the love of family. I am thrilled to know that Deanie is feeling so much better. Praise God! And the photo of interconnection between Louis Dean and Logan is precious. May you all enjoy a happy, happy week!

Pondside said...

Family time, no matter what the venue, no matter what the ages and relationships is Good Time! I hope you enjoyed your one on one time with the little ones - and then your feet up and glass of wine at the end of the day!

Pondside said...

Family time, no matter what the venue, no matter what the ages and relationships is Good Time! I hope you enjoyed your one on one time with the little ones - and then your feet up and glass of wine at the end of the day!

Curtains in My Tree said...

What wonderful together time
makes me homesick for my family

Ginny Hartzler said...

L.D. is RIGHT! The photo of the hands is wonderful! I loved seeing the video of your mom, and as always L.D. singing!! What was Deanie's diagnosis? We love Trader Joes! It is the most cheerful store in the world! And do you know they have just gorgeous unique greeting cards for only a dollar.

Carol said...

Great family get-together and I am certain you had fun. I love that you and LD spend evenings together just the two of you.

PATI CLARK said...

You are Blessed indeed !!!!

Nonnie said...

So many blessings! You are a rich woman. Love the pic of Logan and her Grandad.