Monday, January 25, 2016

Quad Weekend and What The Children Say......

We had QUAD a weekend!!! It was full of smiles and laughter and lots and lots of LOVE!
Mike's birthday was Monday and our gift to him was 24 hours ALONE WITH HIS WIFE!!

I love it when they arrive!!!
They are so excited - and so are we!
My heart just melted when Logan gave me a pink necklace to match hers!

The kids arrived at lunchtime on Saturday and I had it all ready to eat!
Grilled cheese, sweet potato fries, a dill pickle spear and fresh orange slices.
Dessert was Peppermint Chocolate cookies from Trader Joe's!

It was already late in the afternoon so the kids played while I did the dishes before I read a chapter in The Little House on the Prairie and we ALL took wonderful naps in the den! Over 2 HOUR naps!

The kids haven't played with all the tea sets and play food in awhile so that was once again a novelty and they played long with them!!

Harrison discovered tiny napkin rings and NO napkins to go with them!
You better believe this MeeMaw found some for him!!

Tea Party things are Harrison's connection with his sisters! The rest of the time he is all about dinosaurs, cars, trucks and boyish things!!!
He is an amazing brother to his sisters!

I pull out different toys every week so they don't get bored.

Play food is always a big hit!

While the quads played with their 'food'....Louis Dean was in the kitchen preparing his Goulash for Saturday night supper!

His version is totally unlike mine!
He uses hamburger meat, onions, celery, potatoes, carrots and green peas.
It smelled delicious!
I use hamburger, macaroni, onions, bell peppers, and tomato sauce in mine.
Mother made this when we were growing up and she called it 'Slumgullion!'
Sounds awful but it is really good!

While Harrison and Trystan laughed and played in the living room, Logan was making garlic toast and Kailey was looking at the 'pishurs' on my iPad!

The kids wolfed it down!!!

I served garlic toast along side of it and we ate every single piece!

WE love watching the kids play and listening to what they say.

Amber was missing her little ones so I sent her photos throughout the evening!
They colored the first 'Rules of This House' that their mother colored when she was 5 years old.
Rule #1:
In this house....
We obey the Lord Jesus Christ.
Amber had drawn a rainbow on her paper back in 1990.
All four quads colored a rainbow on theirs as well!

They are always interested in what we are having for the NEXT meal!!
So is Granddad!!! Harrison dearly loves hash browns and the last time I served them here, I only had PATTIES from Trader Joe's.

Can you guess who's is who here?
Harrison is broad and bold on the far left!
Trystan is next with her defined coloring after she scratched through the ones she didn't particularly like! Logan's is on the right with her neat and precise and appropriate colors.
Kailey's is below with her vivid emotional colors!
The very same paper done with four different personalities!!

The time flew by and it was bedtime before we knew it!

Our featured entertainment was a movie!

It was a HUGE success!!!
It kept the kids totally engrossed and Louis Dean loved it!!!
We only watched half of it before we bedded down for the night!

We didn't have a mattress on the guest room bed so Louis Dean suggested they all sleep in the den where we have a heat unit as well as a fireplace. Since it was cold, I built a good fire and it made the den nice and cozy. We turned the movie off at 10:00 and Harrison was soon asleep followed by Kailey. It was midnight before Trystan and Logan nodded off!!
That's when I went off to bed and Louis Dean slept in his recliner for the night.
He is my knight in shining armor!!! I slept for 8 1/2 hours!!! So did the quads!

By the time I got up, the kids were watching Paw Patrol and Granddad was cooking breakfast!

My favorite thing to do is to listen to what the children are saying.......
they repeat what they hear their mommy and daddy say.
Things like - I love you, thank you, please, you have choices, may I help you, do you need help, and other uplifting and encouraging phrases.

After I did the dishes, we all gathered in the den for a Bible story.

This is a wonderful book given to us by my daughter in law, Leigh Ann.

It was Day #4 for us to do the Karate exercises so the kids joined in with us!

They loved it!!!

Louis Dean had such a good time teaching them how to do them.

The kids took these Karate exercises very seriously!!

Granddad wants them to be able to impress their Uncle Dean!
They go to the gym with their mommy so they know all about exercising!!!

We put on the last half of Chitty Chitty Bang Bang before their parents came to pick them up.
The girls wanted to brush my hair and Logan was worried that she would have to go home before she got to do my hair!! The photo was taken by Kailey!
Amber and Mike arrived just in time to finish the movie with us!!


I have to say, I spent quite a bit of time this weekend pondering the things children say.
They do, indeed, mimic what they hear. I praise God with every fiber of my being that all eight of my grandchildren are being raised by godly and caring and loving parents. I am profoundly grateful.
I am also proud of my precious next door neighbors who are raising their delightful daughters on the Word of God and of my beloved  Megan raising her children in love and prayers. I wish to God that every child had caring parents to guide their little ones in love.

Alas, that is not the case. As Louis Dean and I sat at the dining room table Sunday morning, lingering over our coffee and listening to what the kids were saying......
this song came to Louis Dean's mind.

Skip a Rope by George Owens.
I don't mind telling you - this song has haunted me since LD played it for me yesterday morning.
It makes my heart sad.
However, it goes deeper - as I am writing a book about our childhood - my siblings and mine, I have to tell you that I am a firm believer in a God that can redeem any child and any childhood. He redeemed all of our lives......Linda, Deanie, Lanita, Lonnie, Luann and Shari. 
I find great comfort in that!

As soon as the quads left for home with their parents, I took myself off to a PARTY!

My dear friend, Debbie, has graciously included me in her FUN GIRLS group!

They meet every month and have a meal or snacks and a fun craft project!

This is one of the most beautiful ladies I know.
She's also my friend on Facebook and often times when I am in a photo, Facebook will ask me if I want to tag myself. The only thing is - the tag is that of this dear lady!!!
I am so flattered that Facebook thinks we look alike!

Debbie of Ladybug From Texas has THE most beautiful chickens!!!!
She has named them all! Talk about sweet chickens and a cool chicken pen!!! She HAS it!!!

As soon as I got home, we were invited next door to a football party!

Stephanie and Mark are great neighbors and they are so much fun!!!
We hung out with them and their friends and family in the garage watching the Patriots and Broncos game.

I have to say - I was rooting for Peyton Manning!!!!

Enter Monday morning!!!! I didn't sleep really well until the wee hours of the morning so it was 10:30 by the time I got up. Coffee, Bible reading, news, and .......
Day #5 of our Karate exercises!! We are on a roll and can already tell the difference in our bodies and how we feel!

Louis Dean went of to do some errands while I did my Grandma Deed of the Day!

I ironed all the play money in the cash register!
Granddad is working with them on putting them in order of denomination.
I admit to a moment of thinking - I'll just throw all these away! Then I remembered how much Kailey especially loves her 'cash regisher' and all her money.

I took my phone outside and sat in the sunshine talking to my sister on the phone.
Maddie was enjoying her time outside as well!!

I was out in the front yard when Louis Dean came home with a new mattress for our guest room!

We felt an urgency in getting this today!!

Along with the mattress, Louis Dean brought home some wine!
We have been OUT for a solid week!

LD poured a glass right then and there! We had our very own tail gate party!!!

The new mattress is IN the room!!!
I will put everything in order - tomorrow!!!
So far I have been true to my new 'Dial it Back' attitude.
At the end of the day, I stop. I do NOT keep pushing and doing and going.
I stop and rest and will pick it up tomorrow!

Today was beautiful and warm and pretty.
Tomorrow will be cooler but still NOT winter weather!
Since all our rose bushes are still blooming, I am wondering - do I still prune them all back next month??

I am ready to close and go join Louis Dean in the den to watch a program or just sit and visit before bedtime. Changes are coming this weekend. We will be bringing Mother home with us on Saturday and she will be staying a few weeks. I have not been a caretaker before but I have seen what it has done to my sisters. The Lord spoke to my heart this morning and more or less said - "GET a mattress in that guest room and bring your mother home with you!"
We did and I will!!!

Still, my thoughts are with the children in my life tonight........

The more I am around my grandchildren, the better person I want to be!
I think to myself, "What if they grow up to be JUST LIKE ME??"
Would I be proud of that?


Jackie See said...

A most wonderful post Linda, L.D's ghoulish looked delicious. You are my inspiration to me. I feel that God knew I needed your positive inspiration and I am so blessed to be part of your amazing life!

Joy@aVintageGreen said...

Wonderful visit Linda, thank you for sharing such love.

Linda said...

I was so anxious to see this post. It's amazing what you do with the quads. They're getting big enough for Louis Dean to morph back into being a teacher. You seem to have weathered it all very well. Good for you. I understand your desire to do your part in caring for your mother but I've walked that path and it is not easy. As busy a lady as you are with the quads and all your many activities you and Louis Dean are going to need to have a plan. You're such a people person it will be very tempting to leave your mother with Louis Dean while you go out to do things. Can't do that my friend. Your marriage will suffer. Spreading yourself between your husband, your mother, and the quads will not be easy. It can be done but it takes planning. People are living so long now their children are senior citizens themselves & still caring for parents. We had a family member die recently at 100. The daughter caring for her was 82! I'm sending good wishes your way.

Kathy said...

This truly is a wonderful post. I loved hearing all about your grandquads. They are such sweet children.

Sometimes I feel I live a parallel life with you. The "pizza" the kids were playing with in one of the pictures is one we have for the kids at church. Your iron and my iron are exactly alike. Your cat and my cat could be twins. I make my goulash just like LD's. We were meant to be friends!

You are so good to take your turn with your mother. I know you won't regret it even if it will be difficult at times.

Deb said...

A busy but fun weekend I am so happy you got to join us! And that you took photos ! Keep that dialed back attitude you deserve to rest! It's good for the body and soul,,,,love you

Nancy Chan said...

Hi Linda, thank you for sharing your family and love with us. It is so heart warming to read of your family stories, especially the time spent with your grand kids. You are a blessing to your family and you are indeed blessed with a beautiful family.

Arlene G said...

I had to laugh at LD's slumgullion...we had something similar in our home and we called it slumgullion as well. Love seeing the kiddos at play. They really are good children and great eaters!! I have just Elliott here for a day or two and he wears me out so hats off to you and your better half for having four for the weekend.

Changes in the wind said...

I recently heard that a person is able to love others as much as they were loved....I think the quads will be awesome.

Debbie said...

i read this entire entry, there was no skimming!!! i am amazed at those 4 beautiful children every time i see them!! the smiles, the giggles, the way that they are best friends. and they love to eat, i love that, see too!!!

ooooh and that heart wreath, i have seen those, made with curled paper????, beautiful!!!!

Hootin Anni said...

The short line near the end about "The more you're around your grandchildren, the better person you want to be" just sums it all up.

What a blessing your kids are!! As you two are to them.

Oh, and by the way....Go Broncos.

Jill said...

Love this post and seeing all the great memories being made. I remember watching Chitty Chitty Bang Bang when I was little. Never heard that song by George Strait before... makes you think for sure. Lots of goodness here! Have a great day!


Cheapchick said...

Love the little karate posers - so bloody cute!

Vee said...

Oh big questions and big changes for you over the next few weeks. Praying in advance over those!

John and I really enjoyed the videos. They are adorable and such good helpers and so civilized and refined. Delightful!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i am a huge fan of LD because he cooks. i wish mine would cook for me. i would not even care what he cooked. i think goulash is called that because it can be anything we want to put in it. both yours and his sounds good to me. my brother used to make goulash when camping by just opening random cans of whatever he had and dumping them together and cooking over the fire.. i would like to play wiht the tea sets and fake food to

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

I just loved to hear that the kids are speaking such kind words to each other. Loving words spoken to them by their parents and grandparents. What a blessing.

I am assuming you are going to be giving your sister a respite for a few weeks? My mother in law is 94 and she comes up from Florida a few times a year, and stays with us for weeks at a time. She is rather easy to have around, we mostly just deal with her short term memory loss. She loves being here because it is a busy place with a lot going on. She is such a people person, and we think that living with her caregiver and our sister on the weekends is kind of quiet for her.

Prayers for smooth sailing during her stay with you.


Carole said...

Hate to think how busy you'd be if you hadn't dialled back! I've been on vacation at our beach house for almost a month and am so laid back I'm practically horizontal! Your darling quadlings are growing so fast! Cheers

Susie said...

Linda, I love hearing your grands giggle and talk to each other. They are so sweet. They are learning at your house...I think you and LD are teaching them good values and showing them plenty of love. We like Peyton too...I like to see him win the bowl. Glad you and LD are taking time to just relax. Blessings to all, love you, Susie

Pondside said...

This was a beautiful post, Linda. It is clear that you and I share gratitude for children who are raising their children so well. I loved all the little clips of the children and their Granddad!

BeachGypsy said...

Gosh I had not thought of that skip a rope song in years!! That was back in the 60s right? Busy times at your house and that is good!!

BeachGypsy said...

Gosh I had not thought of that skip a rope song in years!! That was back in the 60s right? Busy times at your house and that is good!!

BeachGypsy said...

Gosh I had not thought of that skip a rope song in years!! That was back in the 60s right? Busy times at your house and that is good!!

BeachGypsy said...

Gosh I had not thought of that skip a rope song in years!! That was back in the 60s right? Busy times at your house and that is good!!

Penny said...

We are all big Chitty Chitty Bang Bang fans here! We know the film inside out. My favourite scene is when Karactacus comes out of the shed with Chitty for the first time, and the music swells. It is a wonderful moment. I particularly like the picnic basket all packed in the car, ready for an adventure! You are LD are marvellous grandparents to all your grandchildren. I so agree that children copy what they hear and see at home. X