Sunday, January 10, 2016

Our Country Weekend!!!

We have had a wonderful weekend - albeit a COLD one!!!
Saturday morning Louis Dean bundled up and went down to work with his son on some heaters.

We don't need a lot of heat in Texas - even in the winter sometimes - but Saturday was COLD!

I put on several layers of clothes + my mud boots!
Under that jacket with hoodie was another jacket WITH hoodie!!!

While Louis Dean worked with his son, I helped Sherry paint the trim on her windows.
The best thing about that is the VIEW from her windows!!!

This was what I saw when I looked out......

We went back to the camper with the wind howling!
Louis Dean had pulled in the canopy early on to keep it from being torn loose!!

I spent some time writing and Louis Dean took a nice little nap.
When we are on the ranch it seems like we think about food more than we do at home.
I thought the fantastic cookout on Friday night when the weather was so wonderful would be hard to top! However, Dean and Sherry managed to do it!!

They brought up the makings for a supper we will long remember!
AND they proceeded to cook it! Win!! WIN!!!

Fried Chicken, Cream Gravy, Mashed Potatoes, Fried Okra, and Blackberry Cobbler made from berries Dean and I had picked last May! He froze the ones he picked while I ate the ones I picked!!

My only contributions were the mashed potatoes and the backed wrapped, cream cheese stuffed jalapenos! It was a meal to remember!!!

Maddie seems to be enjoying the time down here - even if she can't go outside as she does at home.
It was so cold this weekend I don't think she missed it!!

I think it was 29 degrees last night but we slept as snug as a bug in a rug.
Our bed is piled high with warm blankets and heavy quilts.

This morning Louis Dean fixed our late breakfast/early lunch.
If you look at the clock you can see that by the time we had coffee and completed our morning reading and devotions it was after noon!

Since we don't get TV reception in the camper, we watched a few episodes of LOST instead of watching football!

I whacked up over a  dozen pair of jeans a friend of mine gave me to use in my quilts while I watched TV. Thank you, Marie!! 
Tomorrow I will use my trusty ceramic tile to trace around and then cut all that denim up into squares. I love having a stack of squares all ready and waiting to be turned into quilts!


Talk about quilting inspiration!!!
This is from my friend, Pati, from Pati's Way Thru Life!
 That is her adorable daughter sitting on a one of a kind special quilt made by her great aunt!!
Is this not the cutest thing you ever saw???
Pati's daughter is so cute - I love looking at every photo of her!!!
Pati and I are friends on Facebook and she has brightened up many a day for me just from her posts!


Here's another gorgeous quilt from Facebook!
You can find her blog here at: The Texas Flag Quilt!
I am planning on making my version of this using denim squares.
I already have a stack of red denim I have been saving for just such a project!

So while I have spent several hours today writing, what has Louis Dean been doing?
He plays his music and sings. It's been too cold to do anything outside.

Now he's reading a book by Glenn Beck and just waiting for me to finish my blog so we can watch another episode - or two - of LOST!

It's cold tonight but I love the coziness of our little camper!

We will go into 'town' tomorrow.
The town of Mart. I'm enjoying the country too much to even want to go in as far as Waco. 
Just a quick trip in to the grocery store for fresh fruits and vegetables and the Dollar store for a couple more candles. I keep three burning all the time except when we are asleep! I also need to mail a couple of packages of Texas Trash to friends so a trip to the post office is in order!

As cold as it is in Texas - it's NOTHING compared to the cold in Finland!!

These are some recent photos my friend, Jutta, sent me.

The sea was in the process of freezing.

I cannot even imagine the cold but it does look so very beautiful!

I am continuing in prayer for her son in law, Peter, as he undergoes treatment for the cancer, and for her and the family. You are all in our prayers, sweet Jutta. 

I don't know about tomorrow;
I just live from day to day.
I don't borrow from it's sunshine
For it's skies may turn to grey.

I don't worry o'er the future,
For I know what Jesus said.
And today I'll walk beside Him,
For He knows what is ahead.

Many things about tomorrow
I don't seem to understand
But I know who holds tomorrow
And I know who holds my hand.

Every step is getting brighter
As the golden stairs I climb;
Every burden's getting lighter,
Every cloud is silver-lined.

There the sun is always shining,
There no tear will dim the eye;
At the ending of the rainbow
Where the mountains touch the sky.

Many things about tomorrow
I don't seem to understand
But I know who holds tomorrow
And I know who holds my hand.

I don't know about tomorrow;
It may bring me poverty.
But the one who feeds the sparrow,
Is the one who stands by me.

And the path that is my portion
May be through the flame or flood;
But His presence goes before me
And I'm covered with His blood.

Many things about tomorrow
I don't seem to understand
But I know who holds tomorrow
And I know who holds my hand...

This was the song Louis Dean and Jutta sang all the way to the airport when she flew home to Finland from DFW.

I close tonight with this thought about the choices we make.
I started making different choices about 15 years ago.......
and I'm so glad I did.


Wanda said...

A wonderful weekend at the ranch. You made my mouth water as I absolutely love fried okra. My cousin grows it in his garden, and had given me several packages to freeze and use.

We went to church, watched some football, did our daily reading, and went out for an old fashioned hamburger tonight. It was really good. Finished off with some leftover cheesecake. A good day.

Hugs and stay warm.

Wanda said...

PS How I love that song....and your quotes about choices. Saw it on fb too and love it. So very true.

Jutta said...

Love and hugs from Lumi and Jutta. Sleep well under your blankets!

Ordinary J said...

Finland is beautiful:) Last time I was there was when I was 16, with my folks on holidays. Haven't been back ever since... but I hope I will re-visit one day:)

Deb said...

It has been a cold weekend that is for sure! The wind cuts through you! I'm glad y'all are enjoying your time in the country!

Nancy Chan said...

A fabulous weekend yet a very cold one too. It is an opportunity of bonding relationship with your love ones. Beautiful photos of Finland and a beautiful song.

Nita said...

I bet you do sleep well under all those blankets. Jutta's picture are beautiful, makes me want Hot Chocolate under a electric blanket. I hope and pray Peter is doing well.

Vee said...

Your descriptions of life at the ranch are so much fun. Hope that it warms up so that you can enjoy the great outdoors again. Would you believe that it was warmer here in Maine than there? It was 55° here yesterday. Course it was a driving rain and so we did not exactly enjoy it. The furnace doesn't get such a workout and that is good for the pocketbook. The description of your meals alone make me swoon. =D Praying for Jutta and her precious family.

Debbie said...

This all looks and sounds soo cozy. yep, twenty nine sounds pretty cold. We've been not getting much over 55 all week which for us Californians is pretty darn cold. I have turned my heat on a couple of times, which the last couple of years I haven't turned it on even once which is nice. Probably won't think so when I go to pay the bill though, lol. Enjoy your time there....though I KNOW you will!

Arlene G said...

You two are staying busy!! Loved seeing the quilts! And the view out of that window is so pretty. I would not even put up curtains. Love the song, I know who holds tomorrow. My mother's best friend used to sing as a solo at church when I was growing up. Sweet memories. Have fun in Mart. I am going to the Mall to walk as it is COLD here as well.

Estelle's said...

There is something so enjoyable about know how to fill your time being productive with such a variety of things! What divine meals you are all enjoying in such a small space. Stay warm and cozy! Always so enjoyable to read about your ranch living!

Susie said...

Linda, I know that Dean and Sherry must love having you guys there with them on the ranch. It's family Important. Sounded like a great supper in the camper. I could not bear to live where Jutta does...too vast and cold for me. Blessings to all of you there at the ranch, stay warm and safe. xoxo,love you,,Susie

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

I'm glad for your time on the ranch! Sounds wonderful.

Jutta's photos are amazing! Prayers for Peter and all of them.

I love the lyrics to the song LD and Jutta sang. Such good truth - we may not know what tomorrow holds for us but we know who holds us and the future!


Daniela @Frugal Aint Cheap said...

it has been cold here as well. We were hoping for a milder winter this year...which it has been, until now.

Cheapchick said...

Stay warm! I can't handle the cold, part of the reason we moved away from Alberta due to my arthritis. It does get cold here on Vancouver Island but not nearly as cold. I use an electric blanket to supplement regular heat so that I don't have to pay large electricity bills and so hubby doesn't get too hot. You look so cute all bundled up lol. Maybe a hot buttered rum to go with those candles?

MadSnapper n Beau said...

that is the cutest quilt ever and so is the baby. that is way to cold for me. we woke up to 52 and it is only 58 now and we are cold cold cold.. but the sun is out. that menu for you meal has me drooling....

Jane@Bluebird1959 said...

To this Wisconsin gal (who woke up to sub zero temps), your weather is almost beach weather, lol! Ok, I exaggerate. Kinda. Not really. Sounds like you and Louis Dean had a lovely time on the ranch in your cozy camper. Loved the beautiful quilts, too! Prayers for your Finnish friend. Jane

Jutta said...

Make sense - but if you are hit by cancer and if you happen to be the mamma to that grandchold - no choices ever. Just try to kerpup the normal. I think.

Penny said...

Lovely post as always Linda. You brighten my days with your warmth and love for those around you. X

Wilbert Bowers said...

Camping does make a person long for hearty food, like fried chicken and mashed potatoes, because there is usually so much work to do when you first arrive at your camper. As we got older, my wife and I bought some hunting property and brought out camper with us for each visit. This allowed us to have ready, so there was more time to eat and relax.

Wilbert Bowers @ Mirr Ranch Group