Friday, January 23, 2015

Only a FRY Between Us!!!

Louis Dean wanted to go with me to Fort Worth this morning. He said he needed the camaraderie!
He does love my mother and sister and ALL of my family!
Needless to say, they ALL love HIM, too!!
We picked Mother up, ran a few errands and then drove over to The Golden Corral -
 one of their favorite places!

This is where Louis Dean quipped, "Only one FRY between us!!!"
He wasn't supposed to have any of that FRIED food!!!

He loaded up!

The chicken was especially good today!
He said, "Just look at the people lurking over there like vultures waiting for the fried chicken to come out!" Of course, HE then joined the crowd!

Then there's the dessert bar!

I took this picture from our table. We always sit right in front of the chocolate fountain!

Mother was happy!!!
She loves it when Louis Dean waits on her!

He did have a small dish of ice cream but NO caramel sauce!

We all went back to Deanie's and Mother was thrilled to see more boxes of her STUFF!!!
She was so excited!

This is a photo from her 80th birthday celebration.

This is a treasured candy dish my oldest son and his wife gave her at their wedding.

Last week I took a photo album they gave me for Christmas and she spent nearly an HOUR looking at it and admiring all the pictures and how much the kids have grown. 

They live in Arlington but Mother doesn't see them very often. They are all involved in so many activities from Scouts to church........

to sports to music to theater to everything you can imagine! It takes a lot of time.

I took it with me again this week to show Deanie!
You know how proud grandparents show off photos to other proud grandparents!
Since I had already visited with Mother - Deanie and I sat and chatted for well over an hour!

We had hid out in her bedroom and Louis Dean came knocking on the door saying that we were having way too much fun and he wanted in on it!!!
He adores Deanie and she him.
They 'bonded' back in in May/June 2012 when the quads were born and they drove home from Houston together. I stayed to help Amber. To hear them tell it - they had a BALL and the trip wasn't nearly LONG ENOUGH!!! (It was a 5 hour drive!)

We sent him packing after a few minutes so he hung out with Charlie and Mother in the den.

She looks comfy!

Louis Dean took a pic of Deanie and me as we huddled on the sidewalk.
A cold wind had picked up!!!

We said our goodbyes and headed home where I went right to work!

At long last I took the living room tree down.
Or at least I undecorated it and Louis Dean took it down. 
It's sitting on the kitchen deck tonight and will be stored away tomorrow.
I have my work cut out for me when I wake up in the morning!
What a mess that living room is in!
AND there's two more trees to go!

We've done enough for one day.
Time to prop our feet up and watch a movie.
When the kids were growing up, this was a Friday night tradition -
Popcorn, Movie and Cokes!
Now Louis Dean is making that one of OUR traditions and he works hard to find a movie that fits the bill for both of us. He finds them on the FIOS on Demand.

This is tonight's featured presentation!
I do love a Friday Night!!


Deb said...

I love your Fridays! Enjoy movie night!

Denise said...

What a great day! For some reason a lot of the pictures were blank with a X on them - boo hoo. Have a nice weekend!

Debby said...

You had a busy day. Your husband has a good time with all you girls.

Wanda said...

Good day from start to finish. Loved that movie. We had a Golden Corral that my mom loved when she was still with us.

Ginny Hartzler said...

I saw that movie and it was GOOD! We like Golden Corral too! Especially their fried chicken and salad bar. Your tree is so beautiful, I hate to see it go! Louis Dean is an angel!

Blondie's Journal said...

I love your Friday's...although they wear me out.. I would be straight in bed after dinner!!

Love to all!

Jane xx

Creations by Marie Antoinette and Edie Marie said...

What a wonderful post Linda!! So much fun!! I enjoyed every photo and the stories to go with them. Have a wonderful weekend sweetie.

Blessings, Edie Marie

MadSnapper n Beau said...

we sit in front of the fountain to, but we don't like the chocolate on it. and i do put carmel on my ice cream.. i love that soft ice cream. we are also right in front of the fried chicken..

Susie said...

Linda, Isn't that movie sweet? I like Holly and Richard. That was the best watching the clip of LD getting some caramel for your mother. She sure seemed happy too. You know that is one of the things about your blog that I absolutely are a happy bunch, always sharing and caring. Beautiful. Hugs to all, xoxo,Susie

Debbie said...

I soo enjoyed reading about your day. It reminded me so much of having mom living here with us and the things we all did just hanging out together. My hubby waited on mom hand and foot and she LOVED it. I miss her so. Yep, Friday nights are some of my favorites as well. Hubby frequently BBQ's (it was a lovely steak last night) and we pick our movies. I am sure I have seen your selection as it looks familiar, but I can't remember so might look for that. Love all of the stars in it. Enjoy your week-end!

Vee said...

Another movie to be on the lookout for. You certainly deserve those relaxing movie nights. Another wonderful day beautifully documented. =D

Stacey said...

Your little family is so precious. Your mom is a ball of fire and you too!


What a beautiful and lovable family you have sweet friend. Yes, you are lucky to have a hubby like LD who just loves your own family...some don't!
Your sweet mother is a total darling like her DD.
When I came back, very tired caring for my DD, Alejandro just knew It'll be too much for me, been so tired as I was, plus, I needed to entertain the family cause of the nephew...too much, I need to rest!

Anonymous said...

Linda, my internet is being squirrelly so I hope you don't get 2 comments. I don't think the first one went through. As I was saying, I've never been to Golden Corral but if they are all like yours - then I am going asap! My mouth is watering for fried chicken!!!

Love all the pictures of your family! Enjoy the movie!

Linda said...

Linda, your mother looks radiant and I love her outfit.

bj said...

Your mom is just beautiful...I loved seeing all the family photos...
and ALWAYS was a fabulous and sweet sweet movie.

bj said...

P.S. I LOVE your pretty blog dress...:)

Dee said...

What a wonderful post. I always enjoy catching up with your family. I love that you are all so close. That's truly something to treasure.

I love movie nights, too... :)

Carla said...

I love how you get together with your mom and sister every Friday.. I was started to drool over that chicken you had in the picture.
I had to laugh when you said y'all were hiding in the bathroom and LD came a knockin.