Wednesday, January 14, 2015

A 'QUAD' Wednesday!!!

I woke up early and hit the floor running! I cleaned the kitchen, started laundry and vacuumed a few rooms before Louis Dean even woke up! We did a short coffee/reading time and then I hurried to get dressed!!
I was ready and watching for the Quads to arrive this morning!

Here they came, ringing the bell. We do not have a doorbell at our house!
The ones we've had in the past quit working years ago and the ones we have installed since didn't work well. SO - for years now we haven't had one.

Amber and I visited for a few minutes before she left. We were in the bedroom where the kids LOVE getting on our bed!

Trystan dearly LOVES burrowing under a mound of pillows!!!
Her MeeMaw DOES have plenty of PILLOWS!!

I had things set out for art today so we worked on a Valentine Banner project before lunch.
Louis Dean was a school teacher for 25 years, most of that time spent teaching second graders.
From his research he knows the attention span of a preschooler is 15-21 minutes AT THE MOST for any given project. These kids do pretty well staying with things for that amount of time. Often they get down and do something else for a few minutes and then come back to the table to work on the project some more.

This is the finished product!
I used a white crayon to write words on card stock and then let the kids watercolor over it.
After they dried - I ironed them flat - and then the quads used stickers to decorate them.

Easy peasy!!

Lunch With Charlotte!! 

That's the 2006 film with Julia Roberts and Oprah Winfrey!
We ALL enjoyed it - including Louis Dean!!
He and I intend to watch it once again before returning it to the library - where we will check out some other great movies!

Pizza and a movie = easy peasy lunch!!!
(I LOVE 'easy peasy!')

Naps were in the den again and this works very well.
I sit on the couch and read to them......

while Granddad lies on the other couch and holds Kailey's hand!

After all four were sound asleep - five if you count Granddad! - I slipped out to the kitchen to put dinner in the crock pot.

This recipe was on Facebook and it did indeed turn out every bit as good as I hoped it would!

A trip to the Dollar store over the weekend  provided an entire day of fun for these four - plus I mailed a packet of Valentine supplies to Rayne. She LOVES getting 'real' mail!

Amazing what you can get for $1.00!

This didn't come from the Dollar store but from Hobby Lobby!
I have been taken with these peel and stick things!
They were designed for walls - but with me - anything goes!
The coffee cups were perfect for our coffee bar!
The sign on the drawer was a thrift store find and LD screw nailed it in for me this morning.

He's going to use wood putty to cover the holes. Or plastic wood.
I think it's fine the way it is.

The coffee signs came with the cups but I'm using them on these drawers.
If I get tired of them - I can peel them off and use them elsewhere!

After naps we had a tea party - it's a tradition!!!
Then the kids just played.
Too cold to go outside!

Trystan and Logan are sweet walking through the house holding each other's hands!

The kids love playing together!!!

I decided to serve dinner in the den just as we did for lunch.
They are really good eaters and Amber has always served them a variety of foods!
I tend to cook old fashioned meals. Chicken and dumplings fits that bill!

After dinner - baths!!!

Louis Dean took this picture.
They spend a lot of time playing with this Polly Parrot that Deanie gave me.
I just turn it on and it records what is said - pauses - and then plays it back!

After baths comes the 'beauty shop' routine.
I blow dry the girls hair and add some hair product for Harrison to make him feel special.

We finished up our second movie of the day - Walt Disney's Lady and the Tramp!

Mommy and Daddy arrived to take them home and put them to bed.
Louis Dean and I poured us a glass of wine.
Wednesdays are truly a Labor of Love!


Ginny Hartzler said...

What a wonderful day. They will always remember these Wednesdays with you! they are so cute walking around the house holding hands. The banner idea is fabulous, you hang it up and they get to look and be proud of what they made! OH, I was looking for cabinet decals on the Hobby Lobby website, now I will try typing in WALL decals or stickers. I LOVE your red cabinet with the coffee cup stickers on it!!

Linda said...

I do enjoy seeing pictures of Louis Dean & Kailey. Sounds like there are times he's the only friend she has.

Kathy said...

I love reading about your Wednesdays. The kids are so cute and so well behaved.

I don't have a doorbell either. Mine broke years ago. Someday I'll get it fixed.

Stacey said...

Precious precious precious! You have so much energy. :)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I love chicken and dumplings.. notice out of all the things on this page the first comment is on FOOD.. LOL.... what a great idea to write with the crayon and paint. that is indeed easy peasy... i love them laying down for naptime. great idea and looks warm and cosy

Arlene G said...

What a day!! I would have been headed for bed for sure! My two older grands can wear me out so my hat is off to you and Louis Dean.

Changes in the wind said...

That is one full day of blessings:)

Unknown said...

I used to babysit a lot and that was one of the easier projects that always comes out looking so pretty. It also looks like "magic" to little kids!

We did the chicken & dumpling slow cooker last weekend and it was wonderful and fed us many time over!

Penny said...

Lovely post as ever Linda! I love that LD is such a perfectionist (covering the holes in the sign with plastic wood). Could I just borrow him for a couple of days to do some wee jobs around my house please??! X

Linda said...

You and LD are such good grandparents. I think one of the keys to your success with them is the planned activities as opposed to just plopping them in front of the TV and doing your own thing. The chicken & dumplings sounds wonderful....I will have to see if I can adapt it to low sodium.

Judy said...

It looks like a most delightful Wednesday for all!!!

We just got a lovely new chime for our front door, since the original doorbell was too quiet to be of any use.

Susie said...

Linda, It looks like another wonderful love filled day at memaw and Granddad's house. I love that you actually play, have, tea, and baths. Those children are truly loved. Blessings to all, xoxo,Susie


What a fun and cute post with the ever adorable quads! Such a blessing and what a great time you guys have with them. I enjoyed the cute little videos of them. You both are the greatest grand's, ever!

Lindsay said...

Look into getting Miss Pattycake videos for the quads. They would love her.

Carla said...

I have a that a Texas Texas blanket on those future Aggies or Texas State Quads.... mmmm JK
Sound like a busy day. They love them some Meemaw and Granddad