Monday, January 5, 2015

A Productive Monday!!! And an Update on Trystan!

It was sunny and cold here today!

Ice on the back pond! It lasted til late this afternoon.

It looked so pretty outside - but it was just too COLD to stay long!

This alyssum is  fresh as spring time in an old fire pit off the side deck.

The birds are all flocking to the feeders - which we fill every other day - and visiting the ponds.

I need to buy some more pansies.

Funny how the photos could look like just about any season!

After a LATE first cup of coffee, Louis Dean and I did our Bible reading and prayer time.
It was fitting that the prayer card I pulled out for today was one from Trystan....and three others.

But mainly it was Trystan on our mind today as she had an EEG to determine the cause of the seizure she had last week.

She got a very good report!
These are Amber's words from her Facebook update:

Trystan did fantastic this morning!!! Daddy was with her during her EEG (while I dropped the others off at school), and we were both with her for the appointment to review her results with a wonderful pediatric neurologist. Diagnosis was that she had an atypical febrile seizure last week. Everything looked normal, no signs of epilepsy. When she gets a fever she does run the increased chance of having another seizure, though, so we are now prepared with plenty of knowledge and will keep a close eye on all four when they get a temp.

This was posted a bit later in the day:

It was definitely some sort of virus that got Trystan last week because it's circling through the quads. Logan was last week and now third out of four just went down, Kailey has 101.7 fever. Watching her close, I'm still pretty gun shy!

On Sunday we drew this Valentine from Rayne for our prayer card.
I love that we keep these! Soon I'll be adding all the Christmas cards from this year to the bag.

Louis Dean did our errands today while I stayed home. While he did a Sam's run for a few groceries and some prescriptions, filled the car up with gas and a few other stops - I did yoga and laundry plus some housework. Later we joined forces and put on gloves and warm clothes to do some work in the back yard. We are changing the location of where we store our Christmas decorations so I organized an outside closet to hold all the lights - some of which I use year round.
Louis Dean began to clear out a place to build a sort of glorified lean-to to hold the lawn equipment.

In cleaning out the old lawn house I found this assortment of Play Doh tools.
These were the very ones Amber and Ben played with when they were children!

I'll buy a fresh supply of Play Doh tomorrow!

I also discovered a large bag of cool sidewalk chalk!

Harrison will LOVE this Thomas the Train Lego set complete with train tracks!

I'm beginning to form a plan for Wednesday when the quads are here!!
Louis Dean is such a HANDY man to have around!
Our front door shifts from one rain to the next!
It locks easy some weeks and months and then will barely close others!
We are IN and SECURE for the night!!

Isn't he CUTE??

In my break time today, I watched the first episode of the new season of Downton Abbey.
Louis Dean is already snoozing in bed so perhaps I will watch the special feature that followed the program last night before I turn in!

I do love a good Monday and this has been a VERY good one!!


Kathy said...

So glad to hear the news about Trystan. I hope all the quads are feeling back to themselves really soon.

Isn't it amazing what we find when we clean things out. The kids are going to love playing with those toys.

Jutta said...

Linda, so happy and relieved to hear about Trystan!!!
It is about 20F cold here. We are melting our freezer and all the food and ice creams are right now in the balcony. :)
It comes very handy that you save everything - those toy sets are like brand new!

Wanda said...

That was a good Monday. I so happy to hear the good news for Trystan. How fun to find some treasures....I'm ready to jump in bed, so I'll say goodnight for now.

Deb said...

Awesome news!!! It was nice to see the sun....take care of yourself eweet frienf

Penny said...

Excellent result for Trystan. Thank goodness the EEG followed on so quickly and put all ypur minds at rest. Another busy day for you Linda X

Pam said...

So glad to hear Trystan's good report! I always feel so good after reading your posts, you are such a good writer, as is Amber! I know where she got her talent from. I read where you were going to buy play dough, but wondered if you had ever thought of making it. When my children were small there was a lady at our church who would make play dough for the little ones, it was a lot less messing and it shaped and was just as much fun. I don't have the recipe but I'm sure you could find it on the internet, just a thought and I know how you and Amber love doing crafts and getting the children involved, which is just wonderful. Thanks again for sharing and stay warm....It's been cold here in East Texas (close to Longview) too! Have a good day! A friend in East Texas, Pam.

Vee said...

Wonderful to know that Trystan has a good report. So sorry that the quads caught whatever this stinkin' virus this is. I can inagine that Amber has her hands full and is watching them closely. Praying for their quick recovery.

After reading about your storage solution, I am reminded of my little dream of having a walk-in closet for seasonal items and it would have to be on the main floor. Don't care about the wardrobe, but that seasonal closet I'd love! Have fun with your project.

Linda said...

Glad to hear that Trystan's seizure was not serious, that must have been very scary for her family. Isn't it fun to find old toys for the kids??? Sounds like you are keeping very busy! Happy New Year to you!!!

Susie said...

Linda, I am so thankful for the good news on Trystan. I know you are all relieved. That LD is handier than a shirt pocket. We have a show around these parts, called the Red Green show. He is always saying...if you can't be handsome, you better be handy...LD is both. :):) If you have ice there, I know that's cold for Texas. I just got finished shoveling snow and ted ran the snow blower. Thank God the sun is shining. Tonight they are predicting this fluffy stuff will be right back..but maybe not as bad. Blessings to all of you. Take care. xoxo,Susie

Cheryl said...

So good to hear a good report for that little sweetheart! Praying that all four are soon as right as rain! (A number of sick littles is no picnic!)

Downton viewing sounds like a good way to end the day. :)

Beth said...

Hi Linda, Your yard is looking nice. Ours is covered with 6" of snow. Glad Trystan is doing ok. There is a lot of influenza in our area and so far we have been spared. The play dough is a fun find! The quads will love playing with it when they come over.
Blessings, Beth

Lynne said...

So glad to read the Amber's good report about Trystan. Our precious little babes can scare us. Holland & Ben were sick for the first time before Christmas. They were so sweet because they didn't quite get why they had coughs and runny noses. I kept calling it "the sniffles" and they would laugh at me. Luckily no "temps" were present.

The Christmas virus finally caught with Mr D over the weekend.

I finally took the tree down this morning. It is still so pretty and fresh. I cannot bare to saw it into the three "recycle size required" pieces this year, so Mr will do it while I am at work.

We are raining and sadly flooding up here in the PNW. I pray the slides are few. It is this time of year that I am grateful that we do not live on a cliff with a view.
Be well!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

so glad you got a good report on Trystan and sorry the others are sick.. i would be watching them like a hawk to after the seizure.. praying she will never have another one and neither will the other 3.

Bev said...

Love your posts!! I have been watching Texas weather. We are taking a road trip east as soon as it warms up there!!:) I'm hoping it soon...we just warmed up here in Yuma!! And.... Downton Abbey...we don't get it I have to wait until I can get the CD's.....

Ginny Hartzler said...

I am SO SO very glad about Trystan, that it was only a virus! Wow, you really found a load of old toys! The Quads will go nuts over them! Is that a fountain with stone birds around it, it is so pretty! We need to get our bird feeder out! We have a squirrel proof one and it really works! Well, is it really cold there, it must be because of the ice, but with the flowers it seems warm! It will be seven degrees one night this week, and has been just freezing!

Estelle's said...

I am so very happy Trystan is doing well. We have a little friend in Atlanta who has the very same diagnosis. She was a premature birth and one of a twin. Downton was off to a good start, don't you think? Enjoy your week Miss Linda! Hugs!!

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad that Trystan is feeling better. There is a terrible fever/flu going around. My grandson had something very similar. Scary!!! Love all your pictures especially the first one. Beautiful!

bj said...

So good to hear Trystan is better..lots of colds and sick around where we fact, Mr. Sweet is beginning to get a cold.
Stay warm and healthy...

Carla said...

Glad to hear the actual results for Trystan. Glad it was anything more serious. .Oh wow all that play dough from when Amber was a kid. That's quite a haul.