Friday, July 4, 2014

Red White and Blue 'Red Neck' Camping Potty!

Louis Dean was pretty proud of himself today!!
He has been working on a camper potty. Actually a FRAME to go around the plastic camper potty we already had! Louis Dean felt it was just a little too 'flimsy' for him!

He was bound and determined to get this done in time for MiMi Camp 2014 which will kick off Sunday afternoon.

He thought a red/white/blue color scheme would be just the thing!

His patriotic camping potty!!

Now our camper DOES have a potty in it - but when LD ordered it back in 2012 when we were getting the camper all ready to take to Katy and live in for 7 months - he ordered a tiny one by mistake.
Let's just say it is VERY low to the ground and makes it very hard to use if you are a large tall person - like Louis Dean for example!!

We didn't get out to watch the parade in downtown Irving this morning nor are we going to see fireworks tonight. We have turned into a couple of old fogies!!!
"An older or elderly person, or someone younger who resembles or has the traits of an older/elderly person in thinking, actions, or demeanor."

We both have an aversion to crowds!

However, we DID get into the spirit of the day with our Red/White/Blue camping potty!!


Deb said...

He is very clever! Enjoy your evening!

Vee said...

Well, we both have questions here, but we are way too polite to ask them. LOL! It is a fine camper potty. Very decorative and solid.

Linda said...

The top lifts off so you can remove the lid to the 'potty part' and then place the top back on. It's a two step procedure!

Cheapchick said...

I am with you on the crowds. We celebrate July 1 in Canada and we went to the beach and then proceeded to walk 1 mile where there was no one :) No parades for us. I love the patriotic potty!

Kathy said...

What a patriotic camper potty. Just the thing to be doing on July 4th. I love the fireworks and wish I could go to see them, but it would do a number on Joe because of his epilepsy. So we settle for watching them on TV.

Sweet Tea said...

Ever the Patriot, a red/white/blue potty. Too cute!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Hilarious! And if potties can be said to be pretty, then yours is beautiful!! Old fogies I think not. You have more energy than a barrel of monkeys! After I read your Quad Wednesday posts, all I want to do is get a fuzzy blanket and take a long nap! But in the same way, they DO have a way of making you feel young!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

really about the cutest potty ever... we are fogies also and crowds we do not do... we were just watching the morning news and the shots of all the people trapped in traffic getting to and from our beaches yesterday and trying to find parking spots to watch all the parades and fireworks, many had to try to get back home

Susie said...

Linda, You would think being raised with 10 siblings and having 4 daughters....I would be good in crowds, and I used to be...but no longer. I like peaceful holidays too. Having our reunion and enjoying everyone and the good food...I was ready to be home and sit on the porch. I do not have to see the fireworks any more. When we were kids I would have loved seeing them. A couple times mom and dad would load us all up and go to a country road near where we could see the fireworks...... So I say , "I can not watch fireworks unless I am in the back seat of an old Mercury stuck to all my sister and brothers with mosquitoes biting my arse." LOL. Blessings, xoxo,Susie

Judy said...

Now that's the spirit! Hope your patriotic biffy works out splendidly for you!!!

Carla said...

How funny. Sooo where does that potty sit and who used it exactly.