And this is my very FIRST bouquet of MY very OWN honeysuckle and roses! The honeysuckle was planted by a bird some years ago and this is its first full blown bloom year! I am thrilled!!
The roses have been planted since my marriage to Louis Dean...he adores roses and we have over 2 dozen bushes!
I bought one trellis for the honeysuckle earlier this month and then today Louis Dean went back for THREE more! One more for the honeysuckle and then two for the roses.
Hopefully the trellis' will add some needed height to the garden and keep the honeysuckle from swallowing up everything else! I have HUNDREDS of marigolds coming up from last year's soon there should be a riot of color out there! As I sit here at the computer with art still out and the turpentine still open....all I can smell is the heady aroma of HONEYSUCKLE and ROSES!!! THANK you, Lord....for sending that little bird to drop that honeysuckle seed!!
I bought some new trellis's this year, too. I love them and yours, too!
Hi Linda, Thank you for stopping by my blog. it was good news as people have written me saying they were not getting a feed on their dashboard for mine.
I love your design for your blog. I need to revamp mine.
I, too, started out following R. Simmons and was quite faithful for a few years. Like you, I do love to walk, but I do it in the warmer weather. Winters are done in the malls.
I think I should move down South as all of you are so welcoming and gracious. Please stop my again and I shall finish reading yours tonight.
P.S. Linda, I have been searching for a font similar to yours where it says "Pages from my day to yours". I want the straight stick look ad the curl of the "g". I has been searching for ages. Do you have any idea of what it is called ?
If you do, and you wouldn't mind sharing, I would love to know the name of it. Just love it and it's a change from the everyday fonts.
Just an afterthought.......... :-) c
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