Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Tuesday Treasures!

Ruth Ann and I were moving slow today but we DID keep moving.

We decided one of the best things we could do to gain a little energy was to walk!

So walk we did! Centennial Park has beautiful well paved trails with plenty of flora and fauna to watch as we walked. 

I have wanted to get some trumpet vine since we were down in Katy and admired a huge bank of them. Perhaps I can plant them along the back flower bed that Sanford and Son has recently vacated.

From walking we went to visit a dear friend for a little while. It was good to sit down and talk and laugh together! This time I did NOT set off any fire alarms or create any disturbances of any kind!

I have been hearing about The Curiosity Shop here in town and we just happened to stop for  a red light at the corner of Rock Island and MacArthur when we spied it!

In we went and we will be BACK!!

It's a good sized place and I am hoping Louis Dean will go over in the next day or two to check out a metal glider I found! Just $45 with cushions and it would be perfect for the new deck in front of out camper!

Ruth Ann and I were both impressed with the shop AND the owner!!!

Since we were already on Rock Island and since the DAV was just down the street - we decided to go there next!

Cute! Cute!!!

I told Trystan all about our upcoming project where we are going to turn wine glasses upside down and paint them to look like pumpkins. She repeated it practically word by word to her mommy on the way over to our house last night!
THESE glasses already have green stems! Win! WIN!!!
And that orange one already looks like a pumpkin!!!

This is what it looked like after I painted the stem with green glass paint tonight!

As I was checking out I heard witchy sound and noticed this strange critter in the corner!
I had to go over and take his picture!

One of the workers invited us to step behind the rope and get our picture taken with him!
Just as we did, the motion detector set him off and scared us!!!
That's when she snapped the pic!!

So THIS was my haul today after we stopped at FIVE different thrift shops!!

AND this!!!
Everything has already been laundered and the rug is in LD's bathroom, the cushions tucked away for after the holidays and the brown pillow cover is on the rocking chair in the gazebo - magically transforming the red one into the fall dress code!!!

We are going to love these wine snack plates!

I also picked up four PLASTIC wine glasses for the quads to paint!
Just $0.35 each!

A Turkey pillow! Doesn't EVERYONE have one of these??

I could NOT pass this up!
It will hang above the door in Louis Dean's bathroom.

Ruth Ann and I limped our way home along about 6:00. We had been out and about for over four hours! I was tired and she was tired but neither one of wanted to disappoint the other so we met at 7:00 back at my house for art class. We painted s l o w l y...... and sighed and by the time we finished we were glad we had persevered!

We had live music in the background from Louis Dean and Brenda!

After we cleaned up art, I was tempted to go straight to bed BUT the quads are coming tomorrow and I knew I needed to change out laundry and empty the dishwasher and put up all my treasures so that's what I did! Somehow I got a second wind to go ahead and write my journal entry but that wind has blown itself out and I think I will try to get to bed ASAP!
Tomorrow is another day!


Linda said...

So cool, Linda, and I love the Canada geese! :)

Wanda said...

Linda, Linda...What a day...what a nice walk and what a HAUL from the no less 5 Thrift shops... I was patting my back because my dearest and I hit two..HaHa. I thought I got a haul and then when I saw yours...my is a mini haul...but I did find Freddie a fish bowl, and several other nice things. Took a picture to share later. Those wine glasses that will be the quad's pumpkins are adorable. Love all you neat stuff. Hugs, and sweet dreams, know you have a big day tomorrow.

Wanda said...

ps ~ love your header painting...beautiful.

Deb said...

So happy you got to go toe Curriousity Shoo I know you will be back often! You found great treasures!

Arlene G said...

I love your idea of wineglass pumpkins. That is a really cute craft for the quads and the plastic glasses are perfect. Like you I sometimes have to summon up a second wind these days!! I think I slept straight through the night last night and that is such a blessing as I struggle with insomnia. Love the photo of you and Ruth Ann with the Haint or whatever he is!! I could just see yall jumping when he went "off"!!

Susie said...

Linda, I like the plastic wine glasses for the children to paint. They will love it. You and Ruth Ann did make a day of it. The fresh air from walking was good. I love that LD and Brenda played music for you to paint by. How wonderful. Blessings, xoxo,Susie

MadSnapper n Beau said...

with your lifestyle you must have 3rd and 4th winds to keep up. i do love the upside down orange glass with the candle. beautiful reflection of it.. lots of things in that store to look at and what deal on the glider.

Terra said...

I like that shop you discovered and would love to find a glider, and what a great price. I think you deserved to rest after that LONG day. The trumpet vine will be a pretty addition to your garden.

BeachGypsy said...

Yes!! Go get that glider!!!

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

You always find such wonderful things at your thrift stores! Lots of useful items, and fun things to paint!


Penny said...

A busy day for you Linda. I love that vintage basket in the photograph of the pretty painted corner unit. I do like vintage shopping baskets, I wish ladies still went shopping with baskets, but I fear I would look a little eccentric using one. X

Carla said...

Y'all are the Thrift shop Diva's.You were busy girls. I can understand why you were so tired.