Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Last Art Class of 2015!

It stormed last night with heavy rain and high winds.
I knew nothing of it until today!
I was so tired I slept like a rock!!
Louis Dean asked me if it had rained much and I said I had no idea!
I was asleep all night!
I didn't wake up until nearly 10:00 this morning and only heard on the news and from those at art class tonight just how bad it had been here in Irving. As I made up the bed this morning I glanced out the bedroom door (which was left open last night so normally I would have HEARD the weather!) to see if our gazebo was still there - and it was so I didn't think much more about it. It was only later in the late afternoon that I went out and found the big lamp had been knocked over - but the bulb was still burning! The den was dry! It would be next to impossible for water to come in the kitchen now!
It has been a long hard battle to ensure we do not flood again! We still have work to be done in the den to ensure that doesn't happen any more but the kitchen is good to go!!! 

I stayed in a stupor for a few hours after waking up.
I sent Louis Dean off to do errands while I put the house to rights and started laundry.
The quads will be here in the morning so I just organized their toys and will do housework on Thursday. The kids play better when the toys are in order and in place.
LD brought Subway sandwiches home so we ate a late lunch while watching a Scorpion TV episode to 'relax!' It was a stressful impending train wreck that kept us glued to our seat! I told Louis Dean it was just about as tense as watching the NEWS on TV! I can't even begin to comment on how heavy our hearts are over THAT!

All afternoon I was tracking a United Airlines flight from Helsinki, Finland to Houston, Texas.
My friend, Jutta, arrived around 2:30 PM - landing in the middle of a thunderstorm!
It rained all the way on her limo drive to Galveston!
She had traveled 6,418 miles and it took 16 hours and 15 minutes!
Normally, Jutta visits the USA every November just about this time for 10 days of sun and warmer weather! It is DARK in Finland - and COLD!
Her usual destinations here are California, Florida and Hawaii.
I am so honored that she chose Texas to spend her precious few days this year!!
I spoke to the hotel in Galveston several times today - anxious to hear that she had arrived safely!
Carl and I are good friends by now! He works at the front desk and I have called several times for information and advice about transportation from the airport in Houston!
I highly recommend Casa Del Mar!
We have been staying there for years and have many happy memories!
Back when Amber was a synchronized swimmer, we would always spend a few days there after the Houston meets. She and Ben would surprise me with a home cooked breakfast made in the little kitchen and served on the balcony with a view of the water and beach..
I love that place! I also love Benno's on the Beach for some delicious Cajun seafood!
I can't wait to get down there Sunday and take Jutta to all my favorite spots!!

Since it is at long last cool enough that we do not need the A/C ( or attic fan!) and warm enough that we don't need the heat - I celebrated this fine weather with a big pot of potato soup! I served that tonight at art class along with garlic bread and fluffy salad! You know the kind! Cottage cheese, Cool Whip, Jello, crushed pineapple (drained) and chopped pecans. I also served Mimosas!!!

This was our last class for 2015! Anything not done will be finished on our own!

My paintings.
The one on the left is DONE!!! I still have a bit of work on the other one but hope to get it done before Christmas! Especially since it's a GIFT!!!

Sabrina just needs to sign hers! She painted two and this is the 16X20 one.

Ruth Ann did a great job on hers and just needs a few details and to sign her name.
She hasn't been painting nearly as long as I have  - or even as long as Sabrina!!
I said tonight that I wish I had kept an art journal of my classes. I have no idea how many ladies have sat around my art table or how they came to art in the first place! My classes have always been by invitation only so I know that somehow I convinced each one to try their hand at painting.
We always start our class with a word of prayer.
Lots of crazy things have happened in art class over the years.
Summer's gerbil had babies one night as we were painting back in the 70's!
In 1985 while I was pregnant with Amber, I was SO sleepy I gave instructions while lying on the floor! I would get up to check on everyone and than lie down again!
I could tell you so many stories.......

but I digress!!!
These are the ornaments Sherry painted!!!
All beloved dogs of my step son!!!
Kujo, Liz and Little Girl are gone now but never forgotten.
Rufus is the back right one - gray and white. He's Dean's ONLY dog right now - even though we have offered him our Lucy time and time again!!! Lucy doesn't bark at HIM like she does Louis Dean!! She seems to be a city dog that loves visiting her country cousin, Rufus!!!

Speaking of Lucy, she is snoring in her kennel behind me and I think Louis Dean is already in bed too! The quads will be her in the morning so I better call this one a day!!


Nancy Chan said...

Hello Linda. I enjoyed reading your interesting post today. Its fun to have an art class where ladies gathered to paint. Its been a long time I last held a paint brush in my hand. Have a wonderful day!

Kathy said...

So hard to believe that it's the last art class of the year. That means the holidays are almost here. I like the last picture you all did.

Vee said...

It is such a blessing to sleep all night without waking! Hope that you did it all over again Tuesday night. So fun to see the finished/nearly finished painting. The luminescence on the mug is wonderful! It looks as if it is glowing from the inside out. Have a happy, happy Quad Day!

Vee said...

paintingS...everyone did a super job. (So glad also that there were no leaks. Praise God for that!)

Changes in the wind said...

All the paintings look great:) Wonderful accomplishments.

Susie said...

Linda, Hope LD pump did well. We are having rain and wind again today....hoping for sunshine tomorrow or later today. All you ladies did great jobs with the Santa paintings. Like Sherry ornaments too. Wishing all of you a fun day , making memories. Blessings, love you, Susie

MadSnapper n Beau said...

so glad your water stayed outside ad the lamp was not broken.. all the people from cold countries are flocking here, our traffic is getting worse by the day and the week end after thanksgiving will be MAx traffic. glad your friend got their safe... good job LD on the pump and other fixex. i like the ornaments, great idea.

Debbie said...

ooooooh how i wish i lived closer, those girls are so lucky to be able to paint with you!!!!

last night's rain, a good test for ld's work.i am glad all stayed dry!!!!

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

Hurray for no flooding in the house!

Your art class looks like fun, and they all did a great job! Sherry's ornaments are wonderful!

We are going to get rain tomorrow, I won't complain - we've had beautiful weather for November.

Have fun with those quads!


Cheapchick said...

Finally no flooding for you - so glad, I bet LD was much relieved too. Those dog ornaments turned out great!

Art and Sand said...

Oh dear! I am glad you didn't flood. Why can't rain just be gentle and plentiful instead of torrential?

Lori said...

Glad all the hard work paid off for the flooding of your house.

bj said...

first off, dear Linda, I so love your painting of the 2 little boys fishing...
You are so talented...The Santa in the chair is adorable. I keep thinking I will buy a large Santa print at Kirklands ea year at their after-Christmas sale but keep forgetting...until the next Christmas....:)

Jutta said...

Dear You all Linda's readers, I am sound and safe in Texas, my second visit ever. Honestly, it is fun to experience the light and warmth. In Finland this time of the yearwe have less than six hours of daylight. BTW, one commented that visitors make traffic busu, well I always use cabs. PS The galveston beach is AWESOME!

NanaDiana said...

Great painted pieces-one and all. I bet it is a bit bittersweet doing the last class of the year. I can just picture you teaching, pregnant and lying on the ground. lol
Hope you have a great night- xo Diana

Bev said...

Love those pictures!!! What fun your classes must be!!

Linda said...

I am SO happy you are here and cannot WAIT to get down there on Sunday! We are going to have so much FUN!!! I want to walk on the beach and eat seafood together and talk and talk and talk!!!

Carla said...

Glad to hear there was no water! I like to watch Scorpion too. I have it recorded and need to catch up.
Y'alls paintings are awesome. I can't even draw a stick person with out it looking stupid