Sunday, November 29, 2015

Catching up! Friday-Saturday-Sunday!

It was a wonderful Thanksgiving around here and we just kept right on celebrating!
 Friday evening we took Jutta over to Quadville to meet everyone. Jutta first followed Amber's blog and then found mine about 3 years ago.

We had a lovely evening! 

Amber and Mike had put out a platter of appetizers and I had brought a bottle of sparkling wine.
Louis Dean picked up a stack of pizzas and it was a PARTY!

Kailey got my phone and said, "You got pishers, MeeMaw?"
She found them herself!

I remember the days when I could hold all four in my lap!
Someday not even the love seat will hold us all!

I think Jutta enjoyed meeting the quads!

They each take turns sitting with Granddad during the course of any visit.
They ALL get one on one time with him!

Trystan and Harrison like to use my phone, too!
I never thought I would hand a brand new iPhone to a child!
OR that that child could actually operate it!

Kailey is trying to fill some pretty big shoes!!!
It's a wonder she could even pick up her feet!

I thought I would introduce you to Jutta's granddaughter!
Isn't this just the sweetest photo EVER????
Her daddy is the one who is undergoing treatment for cancer so we are continuing to remember him in our prayers. They are expecting a new baby this spring.


The rain continued all night long and well into Saturday.
Jutta said this weather was much like Finland - except that it isn't dark all the time.
In Finland they only have 6 hours of daylight at this time of year.

Louis Dean cooked up a home style breakfast and played some music for her before she packed her suitcase. His favorite - and hers - was 'I Know Who Holds Tomorrow.' Beautiful.

All too soon, our time with Jutta had drawn to a close.
We sang all the way to the airport and wished her a safe flight back to Finland.
It had been a wonderful experience and we had shared many things.
We shared a traditional American Thanksgiving, shared our faith, our love and our concerns.
She and I  shared tears and laughter and had so much fun together.
We shall always remember our time together and what a treasure it was.

When we got home I went for a long walk in the neighborhood.
We still have roses blooming!

Our Mexican Heather is still thriving with the cooler weather!

It truly feels like fall - at long last!!
I met up with my dear neighbor, Ileen, as she was walking Fudge and I had Lucy.
We walked the rest of the way together and it felt so good to catch up with each other.
Then I came home - it had started to rain - and put on my 32 year old pink flannel nightgown and smeared on a layer of Vick's Vapor Rub and my nose and chest and Ben Gay on my neck - AND WENT TO BED!!! I had been fighting a head cold and now I finally just surrendered to it and went to bed.


We watched The Winning Walk on TV instead of going to church this morning.
No sense in spreading this cold around!

I lit a fire and enjoyed the last Sunday of my fall decorations.
Taking down 'Fall' has begun!

The only guests we will be hosting in the foreseeable future are 4 little quadlings!
So DOWN from the attic came all the toys I had stowed away while Jutta was here!

They are all out in plain sight so they don't have to hunt for them under tablecloths or under the table!

Each room in the house will get Undecorated and cleaned before I start bringing in all the Christmas 'debris!' I did put this plaid runner in the guest room to set the stage.

I love our bedroom and I cleaned every square inch!
I intend to use a lot of red in here for Christmas!

I have tried to pace myself and not overdo things.
SEVEN tubs are now full and up in the attic of FALL!
That's just a smidgen of what will be packed and stored away by this time tomorrow night!
Then the decorating can begin!!!
This will be the first year I can get to everything all by myself!
It's all in the old play house right outside my bedroom door.
I can't TELL you how happy this makes Louis Dean!!!!


Kathy said...

I am so glad you had such a good visit with Jutta. What an awesome experience!

I hope you are feeling better. Colds are nasty. I just am getting over one myself.

Seven tubs of fall? OK. You win. I have only three.

Jutta said...

Sorry that you got sick with cold Linda - but you know I DID too! Anyway it is already morning here now and I am on my way soon to meet Lumi! She will love her quiltblanket.... 💖

Susie said...

LInda, You and LD were so kind to Jutta. I am glad she shared thanksgiving with your family . Saw the sweet quads. Got to hear LD play music and sing. With the pain of what is happening in her family, this was a blessing for her heart. You've been on the go for so long, you need to rest and get over that cold...Hugs to you and LD. Love you, Susie

Debbie said...

Good morning! Well we are back from our trip and I am trying to catch up around here! Sure sounds like you had a wonderful week=end and visit with your friend! Wow! 7 boxes of Fall? I have about eight of Christmas and that seems like A LOT! LOL. Your house is no doubt soo pretty and festive! I've got another busy, busy 10 days or so ahead of me and I am going to try to get a post up this afternoon, but it may not happen, lol. Going to give it my best shot though. Have a good week!

Estelle's said...

I can tell you had a marvelous visit with Jutta! How wonderful you two were able to visit! A lovely memory of a new friend....I too am packing up the fall....then....we shall transform our homes into the Christmas season....perhaps some Pandora music will help! Hugs dear Linda!

Bev said...

Wonderful weekend!!

Cheapchick said...

I only have one fall/halloween tub...and 7 Christmas tubs! 1 big tree and two little trees. As of yesterday the decorating is done! Inside and out and I am tired. By the end yesterday I was trying to wrangle some fake foliage onto the fireplace mantle and realized the string of lights I put on them burned out. Put it up without lights this year and just added a couple of candles to the corners where they can't set anything on fire - I call it done!

Linda said...

You are a busy woman! Hope you feel better by now. I'm glad you had such a nice visit with Jutta, that's fabulous that she was able to visit.

Nita said...

We enjoyed meeting and visiting with Jutta. Glad she made it home safe and sound, & sorry she has a cold also. Jutta and her family will be in my prayers.

Vee said...

What a sweet and blessed time you and Jutta had together. I am only sorry that you both have colds to fend off. Praying for her son-in-law.

Good to know that you are pacing yourself. It'll be a Christmas Wonderland soon enough. I decided that I would enjoy the process and things seem to be going better already.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

as i read all this i was thinking you might have forgotten tomorrow is DEC 1st.. but you did not. love your bedroom. yes Juttas grand is beautiful and prayers for her daddy. i still am shocked how big the quads are when i see them all together; love the family photo of them

Sweet Tea said...

Wonderful fun with your bloggy friend all the way from Finland. Wow!
Feel better soon, my friend, there's decorating to be done!

Angie said...

I'm so glad you and Jutta enjoyed such a sweet visit. I know that is memories that will last a lifetime!

Carla said...

Linda you are a hostess with the mostest. I love how you embrace life and people. Jutta became one of the family.
Maybe you can go to finland next