Saturday, April 6, 2024

The First Week of April!

The days, weeks, and months are flying by so fast!
Spring has sprung in North Texas and I waited and watched the honeysuckle every morning as the flowers formed and at long last burst into bloom this morning! 

Wednesday Amber and I helped set up the Scholastic Book Fair at the Bell grands' middle school. 

We work well together and book fair is important to both of us.
I remember when Amber was little - too young to read yet - but she loved books!
Once time she said, "I love the way the words look on the pages!"
She's been writing since she was 5 years old and has been a professional writer since she was 21.

We finished with the set up and celebrated with a deli lunch together!
Amber and I see one another often but we seldom really have the time and opportunity to talk.
That day we lingered long over our lunch and connected in conversation.
It was wonderful.

Thursday was a 'stay at home' day - my favorite kind!
I started on the sewing room and made some good progress!

Friday afternoon I worked the book fair again and so did Amber.
It's fun to watch all these six, seven and eight graders.
There's a good vibe here and it's a pleasure to be able to volunteer.

Louis Dean was left home alone but did well. Still he was glad to see me when I got home.
I took a nap and then he and I sat on his room listening to records.

He has a most unique room!
I am no longer surprised when I look around and see cans of tomato soup, a large jug of laundry detergent or any other unusual item tucked up on a shelf..
This room is totally HIS but I strongly discourage him from using spray paint or power tools in there and NO bringing dirt in to start his gardening - all of which he has done and more than once!

This morning (Saturday) was so nice as we sat out on the kitchen deck with our morning coffee.
As I looked all along this side area - I remarked to Louis Dean that this was the prettiest it's ever been.

Later on in the afternoon, I took a little nap and when I woke up he had pulled everything away from the side of the house and started cleaning the deck and reorganizing the deck box (which he had just done earlier that morning) and the garden cupboard.

This was a big project and it kept him busy for several hours.

He stayed right with it, though!

There's still a few thigs to pick up and put in place but, for the most part, he finished what he started!

As did I!

The sewing room is now all decked out in her spring/summer colors!

I used yellow last year in the gazebo and decided to dress the sewing room in yellow this year.

This room hasn't been useable for the last couple of months!
Now I can get to my sewing machine and start making some baby quilts again.

I love all my honeybee things!
So many of these were gifts....

Back to my normal blogging spot!

It's good to have the room back!

It's a Sunshine kind of room!

Candles lit!

Louis Dean and I had a tea break out in the gazebo.
Will be getting that 'room' done next week.
Summer is coming home on Monday so I am motivated in getting the guest room all clean and organized before she gets here!

Tonight's salad supper!
Louis Dean came in and took a hot soaking bath before we ate and he's already in bed.
He said his feet hurt, his shoulders hurt - even his hair hurts!!

No wonder! He worked hard today.
Earlier in the week he spent an entire day repairing one of the big gates.
I'm happy he still likes to 'go outside and play!'


Ginny Hartzler said...

I am calling this your "Bee room". It all looks so cool, and there are interesting treasures everywhere. I just made a bee shelf, but now you have given me the idea to put the bee things in a cloche instead.

Anonymous said...

What pretty photos, and the salads you make look so good to me at midnight!
Amber is such a special girl and a beauty, still! Like her mom.
Nice you're getting a lot done. We're really not! 😑

Love you girl!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I meant to say the last time I was here that I love your new blog look, it is back to LOOKING LIKE LINDA again.. Yellow is the color of joy for me, and your rooms is now a joyful room for you.. it is good that LD can entertain himself by doing the same thing in two days. no wonder he was tired and aching. Good news summer is coming home. I know you will be happy to see her. last but not least I can NOT believe it is time for the book fair again which means another year has gone by in a fleeting moment

Donna said...

LD did a great job of the deck...nice!
Love your computer/sewing room! Yellow is so pretty...
Your girls are so pretty...
Happy weekend!

Estelle's said...

How delightful this post was....fluffing for summer....just a treasure trove of home decor...I love it all!

Arlene G said...

So glad to hear from the Chapmans! I just took down my Easter things and I am liking the change for now. As I sit in my stitching room I can see the pretty trees all budded out in the back. I do think the time goes faster the older we I remember hearing my parents say that and now I can attest to it. Have fun at the book fair. I am so glad to hear that middle schoolers still like to read.

photowannabe said...

Yes indeed...there is always a reason to smile....and you do it so well.
I think you are the example of turning the lemons life gives you into lemonade.
Every time I see something "Bee" I think of you. I do hope your bees are doing well.
You and your sweet daughter make a fabulous team. I'm glad you can work together on something that's so dear to your hearts.
Hugs to LD and his Will to Do attitude.

Susie said...

Linda, You and Amber look so pretty . Time spent with grown children is wonderful. I had a nice visit with my youngest, she came to town to eat lunch with her all time best friend, then came to see me. I love how she makes me laugh till we are in tears.
Oh that working man LD. Bless his heart, stayed with his job till it was completed and shining. I bet his hair did hurt. I tell my girls, after I have done a major job, that my everything hurts.
The yellow goes well with all the bees. Blessings to all, love you, xoxo, Susie

BeachGypsy said...

So glad you stopped in to visit me! I know you're excited to get back to the country soon. Love how you do the Book fairs. We never had that when I was a child--- I sure would've loved it! I was an early reader and have a life-long love affair with books and reading. Books are so important for kids! I buy LOTS of books for Fairy Granddaughter!when I was a little girl we had the Bookmobile in the summertime--- I sure loved that

Rita said...

Looks like your yellow "bee room"--so cheerful!
LD really worked hard! No wonder he was tired and sore. He really does stick with his projects, though. :)
Looks like you are ready for Summer to arrive. Have a great week. :)

Judy said...

Love the look of those salads! Good job with the book fair...and the sewing room...and the deck (LD!). Happy April to you and yours!

MCS, TX said...

Linda, I believe you get prettier as the years go by!! You are such a good role model for your entire family. I think you are handling Louis Deans health challenges like a champ. You take such good care of him, and that is something you will never regret. I know because I traveled that road with my husband. We all want loving care as the years go by, even if there are sometimes loud words,and trying times. We are all pulling for both of you. God bless you both.

Carla said...

Wow LD was very ambitious. He did good and so did you. I love your sewing room in yellow. I love how decorate and it looks so comfy and homey.
Hugs my friend

Jim and Barb's Adventures said...

Looks like you have a cozy little blogging spot there!