Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Dr. Phil on Sunday, The Solar Eclipse on Monday and Tuesday's Treasures!

 Sunday was an amazing daay at Fellowship Church!

Dr. Phil was IN the house and he had such words of wisdom!

I've always loved Dr. Phil and have read many of his books and some have greatly influenced me these last 25 -30 years!

Dr. Phil and Robyn used to live in Irving when Fellowship Church was right here in the arts district where I live. They were members and Dr. Phil served in the parking ministry during that time.

At the end of the service, Ed gifted him with a custom made parking vest with 
"How is That Working for You??" on the back!

It was a great service and I sat with the Bells - Louis Dean didn't attend as he said he had been run over by a truck during the night!

I went back home to pick him up and we made a trip to Green Acres for rose bushes, herbs and bedding plants plus tomato and pepper plants.

Louis Dean loves to save bottles and fill them up with water!
Any bottle! Any size! Rows and rows of them!
He was so excited to show me that he actually USES them to water his plants!

Monday was the solar eclipse and I happened to be working book fair from 11:00 - 2:00!

Perfect timing!
The school had glasses for everyone and all the classes went out as for a fire drill to their assigned places to watch the eclipse happening.

I found Trystan next to the area I was in and went over to visit with her a bit.
She had her iPad working on an activity recording what she was seeing.

All the kids were so involved and well mannered!

Trystan's teacher was so cool and had brought treats!
Sunny D juices and Eclipse mints/gum!

Plus she had activities as in showing the shadows from the eclipse. 

All eyes were looking UP!

As the eclipse happened and the sun was blocked you could feel the coldness of the air.
Louis Dean called me while it was dark and I told him I couldn't come home before daylight!

This was such an awesome experience and the school did a great job in allowing all the students and staff to witness it.
There was calm and order throughout the entire time.
I just love the ambiance here!
I have never heard a bad word or witnessed anything but good behavior during my time here at the book fair. 

This amazing photo is from a friend!
I have no clue how he got such a great picture!!

Jennifer (the librarian) has some amazing recipes and shared this one with me.
As soon as the eclipse was over I headed straight to the grocery store and picked up all the ingredients and went right home and made this!

Summer arrived from Arkansas and she gave this dinner an A+!

Here is her dinner partner at the table keeping her company!

I met up with Brenda at Texas Thrift right at noon since I had signed up for the 2:00-4:00 shift at Book Fair! Tuesday is my favorite day of the week and I always look forward to seeing Brenda and we visit as we shop. This time she didn't find much but I felt like I had a good dose of 'friendship' by the time I checked out. There's a couple of ladies working there that we have become friends with and someday soon I am going to host a high tea one Tuesday afternoon as they get off at 4:00. Christine has visited Fellowship church and it was like old home week when we saw each other after the service that time!

Thrifting with Brenda is such a gift.

Found three sweet sheets to use as the backings for 5 denim baby quilts I have lined up to make this spring. The denim is all cut out and I have three boy quilts - one for Tray's baby boy - the other for Mark Bell's baby boy and the third for granddaughter Kaitlyn's soon to be born baby boy!
Then two baby girl quilts - one for Stephanie's granddaughter - who is over a year old now but better late than never! I make them larger than a crib quilt so they can use them as they grow up for covers.

The last quilt is for my brother Buster's brand new granddaughter whom he told me about last night in a cozy phone chat! He and Anna Marie are hoping to come down here and visit before the intense heat of summer arrives and I hope to have the quilt ready by then. I will still mail it as his daughter lives in Nebraska but this gives me a goal and incentive!

My sewing room is back so I should be starting a quilt tomorrow!

Brenda spied the orange Eiffel tower and suggested I spray paint it black!
Great idea!

What to do with 18 gorgeous faux carrots???
I already have them in place!
Some on the dining room table and others in a basket in the sewing room.
SO 'springy!'

We finished at the thrift store and Brenda went ahead of me while I was loading my treasures in the car and I met her at Chick Fil A - she came right out with my lunch in  a to go sack!
Talk about a thoughtful friend!!

I meant to nibble on it as I drove to the middle school over in Dallas - but it started a torrential rain that lasted all the way there - AND my passenger side windshield wiper blade broke off early on so it was a stressful drive - especially since it was raining so hard I could barely see!

As soon as I got close to the school - I pulled over and calmed myself down and drank my tea and ate my chicken tenders before driving on up to park.

Thankfully by the time I left to come home - the storms were gone and it was smooth sailing!

Tonight's dinner was a shrimp salad and it was delicious!

Summer and I watched The Starling movie with Melissa McCarthy .....

It was really good.

It's a cool night with light rain here in the DFW area.
The attic fan is on and it's on the chilly side in the house.
Perfect sleeping weather!
Louis Dean and I are going to have a night cap in the living room to close out our day.

Wishing you all a restful night and a good day tomorrow!


Anonymous said...

What a lovely and news filled post! Thanks for taking the time to share. You have really had a busy time, including children and grandchildren!
The Avocado and Shrimp salad looked so yummy!
The pictures throughout the blog looked wonderful, and Louis Dean looked boyish! You are certainly taking good care of him, and he you! I am so glad you found each other!
Love you! Trudy

Ginny Hartzler said...

I had to google The Starling and research it. It looks so good! We do not get Netflix though. I have a bunch of different sized carrots and don't know what to do with them now that Easter is over.

Great-Granny Grandma said...

Good message by Dr. Phil.

Pamela M. Steiner said...

What a wonderful post, filled with so much fun and love and beauty, as always! I enjoy visiting here with you so much. You have such an exuberance for life and family and everything around you! Thank you! Love the pictures...the items you found thrifting, and those sheets for the quilts make me wish I was a baby! LOL. Have a lovely week. Blessings abound!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

we watched the starling and I liked it a lot, bob tolerated it. the sheets are perfect for the baby quilts. Summer looks great and also very happy to be home with mama,

Deanna Rabe said...

What a fun time to be at the school!

I know you love book fair time. Do the kids go to public school or a private school?

I love your joy filled life!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Celebrating the eclipse in school would be great ! We didn't see much here as it was cloudy. I never got to warch much of Dr. Phil, but certainly had heard about him. Nice you had him at your church! I always love your Tuesday treasures and the way you keep in touch with your friend! Hope you have a great week!

salemslot9 said...

🍽dinner partner🐱cutie🍽

photowannabe said...

I'm so glad you still do the Book Day with your lovely daughter.
You Linda, have such a joy and zest for life.
Love your Thrifting and those baby quilts are going to be treasured.
Summer looks great and I'm glad she is there for a while.

Donna said...

Looks like you had a fun time at the book fair...including the eclipse.
We won't get to see it in 2044...the next time it comes through here.
Well...maybe not!lolol

Debbie said...

this was a fun post...all of your posts are fun!! ld is still looking so good and happy planting his plants!! nice to read how impressed you were with the school and that you got to see the eclipse. i couldn't see it from my bed, i was still in covid mode!! i like that recipe, i may try that!!