Saturday, March 30, 2024

A Good Friday and Saturday....

 Friday was my first 'normal' day in nearly two weeks!

By the end of the day I was basking in the glow of a mostly clean home!
I don't know why I love looking in from outside - but I do!

The Santa walls remain but hopefully not for long.

The living room looks so much bigger now that the Christmas tree is down!

I love my Angel wall.......
My sister, Nita, will always be in my heart and on my mind.

I love all my pretty things.

And I love feeling better!

It felt good to be cleaning and fluffing again.

No more sick days in bed!

Between eating healthy and being ill - I've lost 13 pounds!

It was a beautiful Saturday morning and I took my first cup of coffee out to the side deck to enjoy the greenery.

Everything is so green and growing fast!

The honeysuckle should be blooming any day now.

I love the overgrown English garden look.

When the ground cover and honeysuckle is thick enough - the weeds can't grow as easily.

I'm not a natural gardener so I love anything I plant that survives.
Three skinny asparagus plants have been stepped on by Louis Dean more times than I can count and yet have hung on for a couple of years. I put the wire basket over them to give them a little more protection.

These survived the winter and I plan to plant a whole lot more of them!

I planted this ground cover years and years ago - like maybe 20!

It grows no matter what! I thought it had been wiped out more than once and yet it always comes back!

English ivy is my all-time favorite!

I spent a good part of this day in the kitchen.

My pecan pie smelled delicious.

Lemon pound cake with glaze.

Smoked chocolate chip cookies with chopped cashews.

The last thing I made was dilly bits!

Saturday night salad supper!

Tomorrow is Easter and I am so thankful for my Risen Lord and Savior.


Chy said...

I'm so glad you're feeling better. it's great your energy is returning but don't do too much!

Happy Easter!

X Chy

Anonymous said...

Happy Easter, you guys!
You were really a busy girl, especially that pretty food you made! Making me drool over here at after 12 midnight!
I pray you and Louis stay healthy and that you have a wonderful Easter! Praise the Lord for his mercy and grace!

Love you, Trudy

Ginny Hartzler said...

Your pound cake and cookies look delicious! What are these gorgeous red and fuchsia flowers? I'm so glad you are back to normal, but don't like it that you have lost so much weight!! We need considerable padding in case of falls! Perhaps a few chocolate bunnies tomorrow?

MadSnapper n Beau said...

not a fun way to lose weight, but happy you did, not happy you were sick for 2 weeks, but happy you are back to your normal self. enjoyed all your baking and plants today. Happy Easter

Arlene G said...

So glad you are feeling better Linda....Happy Easter!

Changes in the wind said...

Wishing you a blessed Easter......

photowannabe said...

I'm so glad that the 2 of you are back to "normal" again. That's a lot of weight to loose in just 2 weeks but I think you will feel better because of it.
Your garden is so lush and lovely. I don't blame you for wanting to sit out side and enjoying it and your coffee.
Happy Easter and He is Risen!

Susan~aredheadonthego said...

Happiest of Easters to you and Louis Dean. I love the whole notion of rebirth. So glad you are feeling well again and can enjoy your life and your home and family. Love your zest for life❤️

Anonymous said...

Happy Easter. I too would like to know the name of the beautiful red and fuchsia flowers. Do they come back every year. Jan

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Thanks for bthis great update, Linda, and glad tob read you are feeling better and congrats on eating healthy and the weight loss...good for you! The baked goods looked so good and would be hard for me to resist. Hopev that you and Louis Dean enjoy a glorious (and delicious) Easter Sunday.

Susie said...

Linda, Happy Easter, I am so glad to hear you are feeling better. A clean house, love that. I worked Friday and Saturday in the yard. I have to weed whack and lots of outdoor painting to do. I'll clean house on the rainy days coming up. If my feet didn't hurt so badly I whack weeds today. Had a great Easter gathering at my oldest daughters for a late lunch. Enjoyed that. But I saved room for a piece of that pie. LOL I like ivy also. The greenery is looking so good. Blessings, love you guys, xoxo, Susie

Great-Granny Grandma said...

Glad to hear you're feeling better.
Happy Resurrection Sunday!

Deanna Rabe said...

So glad your feeling better!

Your pretty red and pink flowers are Dianthus and are a part of the Carnation family! I love them.

Rita said...

So glad you are feeling better! You have really been going to town with the cleaning and baking and cooking! Wow! So very glad to know you are better!

I love the ground cover plants. Was just reading how manicured lawns with all that grass are actually not good when it comes to fires. Burns really fast. I never thought about that before--lol! Anyways, I love your English garden look to your yard.