Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Tuesday Treasures....

We woke up at 5:00 Saturday morning and started in cleaning the cabin and loading up the truck.
Jesse's truck lid was frozen and wouldn't open - so he had to crawl in to store the stuff away - and we had a LOT of stuff! He's always thinking ahead and had taken photos before we left the driveway in Irving so he used that as a guide to how to put it all back in!


Jesse organized an assembly line where the young people and Rachel carried the things out in the order he had lined them up and he made it all fit!

Just as Louis Dean was making his way to the truck so we could leave - he fell in a big drift of snow.!
No big deal! Jesse and Sam were right there to help him up and into the truck!

I spent a couple more minutes admiring the scenery and thanking God for the wonderful time we had.
Jesse and Rachel were amazing and her daughters and their fellows along with Sam and Nora were sweet and kind!

It was a magical week for all of us - so much so that we hope to do this again next year!

Jesse and Rachel had one final surprise for Louis Dean!
This set of John Wayne CDs features 25 films and a documentary!
We watched McClintock on the way out of New Mexico!

We left the cabin at 8:00 Saturday morning and pulled into our driveway at 7:30!
It was good to be home!

Having fun can be exhausting so we spent the next couple pf days doing laundry and getting back to the business of taking Christmas down.
Yes, the big tree is still in the living room - all lit and decorated!
However, I focused on the foyer and finished it yesterday - nearly!

Today (Tuesday) I met Brenda around noon and we spent a couple of  hours of thrifting ending with tea at Whataburger - since I am fasting today and have barely eaten since we got home - all in preparation for my colonoscopy.in the morning. If all goes well, it will be my last one!

I scored a few finds!

Two green towels for Louis Dean's bathroom, and two spring wreathes ..

I found a king size flannel sheet to leave at the cabin next time we're there.
Now I will be looking for a fitted one.

I'm thinking about giving this charcuterie platter and two appetizer plates as a gift.
They are Rosanna AMUSE BOUCHE and I think they are so pretty.

This will go down to the ranch with me when we go back.

I was so happy to find this marble cheese slicer for just $3.50.
I had one before and absolutely loved it!

Brenda found all four of these tops!

I may wear the top right one in the morning with a pair of Chico pants.
Easy on and easy off .

Right now I am watching movies on Netflix before I take a shower and sleep for a little while.
My alarm is set for 4:00 when I will drink the rest of my 'concoction' and Amber is coming to take me to the clinic - I need to be there by 9:00.

I'm so looking forward to EATING when this is over!!


Anonymous said...

Scored agaun, huh!? And I am glad to hear youall had such a great time at the cabin. The snow was so pretty.
Glad LD didn't get hurt when he fell!
Sending love! Trudy

Ginny Hartzler said...

The prep for the colonoscopy is so much worse than the actual procedure! I hope you go out for a real fun meal afterward. Those icicles are wicked!!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

prayers for the colonoscopy to go well and so happy LD is ok from the fall. you made a lot of fantastic memories together with all your family.. wow on the 12 hour drive home. I don't think I could ride that long, and I know bob could not. just a 30 minute ride cripples him

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Glad you both had a safe trip home and yes coming home is always a good feeling, but there is all that catching up to be done. Hope all goes well with the procedure and glad to be done with those as well because everyone knows the prep is the worst part.

Kathy said...

I'm so glad you had such a wonderful trip. And now on to the dreaded colonoscopy. My friend Kathy had one last week and I helped her with a ride home. Joe has his on Monday. Seems to be the season. My next one isn't for 2 years. I think that is going to be my last one also. Take care. And eat well afterwards.

photowannabe said...

What a wonderful week you and Louis Dean had and what a wonderful family you have too. Precious memories.
Praying your procedure went well and you had a wonderful meal after it.
You always score the best things on your Tuesday travels.
Love your posts Linda.

Rita said...

What a wonderful vacation!
Great thrift finds, as usual.
Hope your procedure goes well and you have something really yummy to eat afterwards! :)

BeachGypsy said...

By now the procedure is over and hope you've had something delicious to EAT!! Glad yall had a great time and arrived home safely. Wow those snow pictures look brrrrr cold! Good finds at the thrift store! Happy Spring!!

Anonymous said...

You always find such great things at the thrift stores! I hope your colonoscopy went well! Love you!

Deanna Rabe

Judy said...

A magical time for your family indeed! The concoction is worse than the procedure...I know from experience. Ugh!