Saturday, October 7, 2023

We are Missing Our Big White Truck!

Our truck's been in the shop for over 3 weeks now and if Louis Dean has said it once-- he's said it 100 times, "I wonder when they're going to get my truck fixed!"

It was a major oil leak that required ordering parts and since the mechanic has to take so many things out to even GET to the problem, and since the truck is 23 years old and has over 300,000 miles, he said it would be best to put new parts back.
Louis Dean dearly loves his truck and it looks like he'll get it back next week.
Alas, he refuses to go to the ranch in the car and says he would fret the entire time because he wouldn't have his truck!

So we are home and redeeming our time and staying busy.

Louis Dean made a musical instrument the other day - a mouth bow!
He is never bored and can find a multitude of things and projects to keep him busy.

Plus, he's as cute as he can be!

Thursday night Summer was still in town and our friend Sharon from Florida was here visiting her daughter and they picked us up to go to dinner with them!
On the Border and we laughed and talked and caught up with each other!
Her daughter, LeeAnne, moved to Texas to join the Pirouettes of Texas when she was 17 and I love her like a daughter!
It was such a good evening and I loved getting out for awhile.
LD stayed home alone  watching football!!!

Friday morning Summer headed back to Arkansas but she will be back in time for her birthday on the 26th!

I've been cleaning up the back yard and found these three pieces of wood....

so I turned them into pumpkins!

I had put off going to the grocery store thinking I'd stop at HEB in Waco on our way to the ranch.
I finally broke down and shopped Aldi on Friday.
Louis Dean isn't supposed to lift heavy things so I unloaded and brought it all in and put it all up.

I noticed all the lights were on in the bedroom and found Louis Dean stretched out on the bed reading.

He said he couldn't find a spot with decent light so he made one!
Guess what he's reading!
Bells on Their Toes!
As in Cheaper by the Dozen!

The weather finally broke last night and we celebrated by grilling a steak and eating outside in the gazebo!



I turned the AC off and the attic fan on and was so happy to feel that cool air coming in our back door I nearly cried!!! We slept so GOOD!!!

Today my son, Jesse, and his girlfriend came to visit and we sat out in the gazebo and visited before the mosquitoes got us and we came in to visit some more!

I've been working on my Christmas paintings - this is a small canvas board.

I still have a long way to go on this one - which will be my Christmas card this year - but I am having fun painting it!

The cooler weather is like a gift and I was able to spruce up the gazebo.
I'll  finish it up tomorrow afternoon when it will once again be in the 80's.

But tonight it will be 53 degrees and I may need to put an extra quilt on the bed!!!
I'm so excited!!!


Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Linda! So glad that your weather has cooled off. That is such a cute picture of L.D. stretched out on the bed reading. That's a good book he is reading too - one of my favorites! I hope he gets his truck back soon. Your food looks delicious and your paintings are always so lovely. You are a talented woman! Have a great Sunday. See you again soon!

Ginny Hartzler said...

It is 40 degrees here right now. And a cold wind that cuts right through. Now I want to know why it is called a mouth bow, since it is not played with the mouth. I love your wood pumpkins, so pretty and creative!!

Unknown said...

I love, love, love that painting with the red truck and all the trees and snow. So, so pretty. Glad it's finally cooling down a bit in TX.

Donna said...

Hasn't the cooler weather been wonderful?? Love it!
Sorry LD won't go to the ranch without his truck...but home will be nice, as well.
The food looks wonderful as does your painting.
Happy Sunday!

Deanna Rabe said...

I love the photo of Louis Dean reading on the bed! That is a good book he’s reading!

I’m so glad your weather has finally cooled! What a delight to sleep with the windows open!

I’m glad the truck will be fixed, and that you’ll get to the ranch soon.

You always find a way to enjoy your days! Cute wood pumpkins!

NanaDiana said...

First off, that Christmas Card painting is fantastic. You are so talented and put so much love into your projects.
I am happy LD enjoys reading and keeping himself busy. John has a GMC with almost 300 miles on it and it runs like a top still...and, because we take care of it, it looks like new. He is fussing because it has been sitting outside the garage all summer. lol

So glad you got a chance to get out and enjoy yourself a bit. Have a wonderful, blessed Sunday- xo Diana

Jan said...

Slowly but surely, fall is making it's way to Texas! Wasn't yesterday lovely? It was 46 here this morning. Looks like one more warm spell and then maybe it will stay cool!

Changes in the wind said...

Always glad to hear all is well with you and LD and hope he gets his truck soon!

Anonymous said...

Hope you've gotten that cool air! It is supposed to be 44 tonight! Yay. I love to wrap up in soft blankets!
Looks both you and Louis can always find something creative to do.
Sending love and hope for cool air! Trudy

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I like to read lying down also, i use 3 pillows and each one has to be in the right place, just right looks about like LD looks while reading. that pickers bow is something I have not seen before and you are right, he does looks so cute picking and singing. I don't want 50's but we did get no humidity and 73 and when we went to the park with Beau is was a chill in the air and I love it. we will have 3 days of nice weather and might hit 69 a couple of days. it feels so good. ours will be back to heat next week but we are loving this. sorry you are not at your country home, hope the truck gets fixed.

photowannabe said...

I sure hope that precious truck gets fixed asap!! Poor Louis Dean, its like he doesn't have his "Baby" around. Love, love, love, his mouth harp..and it was so fun hearing him sing and you giggling.
We're happy for cooler weather too. Its going to be back to about 65F by Wednesday before it goes back up for maybe it's final fling of hotter weather.
Love your paintings. They are going to be so awesome.

Pamela M. Steiner said...

Hey, it was 56 degrees here in Florida this morning! What a blessing...and only up to 75 here now at 3:30 p.m.! Hooray! Fall has arrived! I love your "pumpkin" design with the three pieces of wood! You are SO clever! I love seeing LD with his bow and also reading on the bed. Your supper looks so good. I wish you'd come cook for me! LOL. I hope the truck is fixed soon and then you can go enjoy the ranch. I am sure you are excited to get away while the weather is so nice. Take care and enjoy it while it lasts! Blessings to you dear friend. OH, I LOVE both of those paintings!! You are so multi-talented!!! Thank you for sharing your beauties with us!

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Too bad that Louis Dean's truck is taking so long to repair, but i can understand how he wants to wait until it's ready to head to the ranch. Most likely you can carry a lot more in it! The Christmas card art looks wonderful, Linda and I know that anyone who receives it will be delighted. The ones you have sent in previous years are always part of our holiday display (really). Glad to read that you have finally had a break in the weather.

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to leave a note to let you know that you are such an inspiration of a godly kind soul. Your love for your family, husband and God is to be admired. Every time I read your blog I strive to be a more uplifting person. I don't have a google account, so I am leaving this comment as anonymous. But please know that it is sincere and meant to brighten your day, just as you brighten so many. May God bless and keep you. Signed, A reader named Bev.

Brenda said...

That video is the sweetest ever ever. It must be upsetting about his truck. Prayers