Monday, October 2, 2023

Gentle Quiet Days....

Things have calmed down around here and we have enjoyed several gentle days together. 

Much like this lazy squirrel, we have rested and napped and just puttered around.

Our traditional selfie in the doctor's waiting room but this time I was the one being seen.
I had a small cancer spot on my arm that they finished dealing with and we were in and out in less than 15 minutes!

Louis Dean came right in and settled in his music room where he stayed the rest of the day.
He loves his room and listened to several records, played his guitar and sorted some of his 'stuff!'
He moves it around and 'organizes' tools and continues to add shelves and redo things.
It's his version of busywork while mine is nesting and cleaning and fluffing.

I've been going room by room putting things in order and Saturday was the kitchen.
I rummaged around in a cupboard for a vase and found this old yellow Tupperware pitcher from the 1970's! The four plastic trays were from that same time and they survived the house fire in 1983 and I still use these trays every week!

The flowers from my birthday party a week ago are still pretty!
I rearranged the large bouquet into several smaller ones.

I put this sign that was one of my birthday gifts up and I love it!
I am MiMi to Sam, Faith and Levi and when Same was a wee little boy, I gave him some pecans from our trees in a bag with a good nutcracker. I set him up in the den and when his dad told him he shouldn't crack the pecans in the house, he looked up at him and said, "But Daddy!! I'm at MiMi's house!!!!"

I felt like a florist surrounded by all the pretty flowers!

I am learning my way around our Smart TV and the apps to watch movies and such while we still have Spectrum for football games and recorded shows like my Classical Stretch program with Miranda Esmonde-White.

I saw that Toby Keith sang his song - 'Don't Let the Old Man in' at an awards show.
He got the idea from Clint Eastwood and it was included in his movie.

Louis Dean likes the actor so I thought he would enjoy the movie.
Alas, he couldn't follow the story line but he did enjoy the acting while I enjoyed the movie.
Don't Let the Old Man in.....there's something in that.
Clint Eastwood is doing it well and I think Louis Dean is, too.

I realize that Louis Dean loves his favorite old movies because he knows them by heart!

So the next day we watched Midway!
I actually enjoyed this very much and have watched it with him before - more than once.
It was a star studded film and so GOOD!
We had popcorn and Diet Cokes so it was a lot of fun!

I went in and found several movies that I think he remembers and I will alternate them with the ones I like. Win! WIN!!

It's the little things in our daily lives that are really the BIG things!

Today (Monday) we finally got the Handicap placard in the mail!
It took three tries but the third one did it!
First - I didn't fill it our right!
Second - I missed one of the signature places.....
and third - I forgot to put our phone number on it.

The mail came late today and we could have used it at Home Depot because that's where we had to go to get rat poison. I took Louis Dean's lunch in to his music room and while he was eating he saw 4-6 RATS at the birdfeeder outside his window!
He flew into action!
And that made him feel good!

So as I write this journal entry tonight - I'm writing from the den instead of my sewing room so I can watch his all time favorite John Wayne movie with him!


Ginny Hartzler said...

Oh my gosh, rats at the bird feeder, SCREAMING now, can you hear me? I used to have the handicapped placard; in fact I still do. But now I also have the permanent handicapped license plate, too. Why were you called Mimi? We call our oldest granddaughter Mimi, she has always been that. But her real name is Anne Marie.

Donna said...

Anything with John Wayne in it is wonderful...My favorites are, The Quiet Man, McLintock and Rio Bravo...The Searchers, oh, and True Grit! Who can forget that one?!! Lol...I like JW !
Love the Tupperware!
Glad the cancer was removed...

Anonymous said...

I'm a Mimi, too! I love it and wish I could see mine more.
Hope all is well with the Chapmans!
Sending love, Trudy

MadSnapper n Beau said...

PLEASE do NOT USED THAT RAT POISON. use traps, we trap ours. the rat poison will kill your birds and possums and all things that eat the rats. our beautiful owl died a horrible death.the rat posion makes them bleed to death inside and they suffer horrible pains and get so thirsty they drown themselves. we know our owl drowned in our rain barrel because we found rats that drowned themselves in the pool. someone of our neighbors was putting out poison. it should be banned. it kills the possums in the same way, or maybe even your raccons.
there are easy to set traps, at the hardware stores like Ace.

photowannabe said...

I love your title..Gentle Days,,,
I need a few of those too.
You are such a loving person and the things you do for LD show that.
Hope you can get to the Ranch soon and continue your Gentle Days.
Love John Wayne and pretty much any of the old movies. They are so much better than most of the stuff coming out of Hollywood nowadays.

Rita said...

Glad you had the skin cancer removed.
What a great idea to intersperse the movies LD remembers well with ones you want to watch. Perfect!
I agree--put out traps please! The poison gets to a lot of other critters. :(
Nice to have some quiet time together and peaceful days. :)

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

So glad you got to enjoy some peacoefilled days Thank goodness the skin cancer was removed and not spreading. Too often something like that goes unchecked. As long as LD as his music I think he'll bee content. Have a lovely week and keep the good thoughts flowing!

Great-Granny Grandma said...

Love your Mimi sign and the story about Sam and the pecans.

Jan said...

I am Mimi to our grands and my husband is Pop, which is what he called his granddad. I need a sign now!

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Linda. I am glad you and LD are enjoying some nice peaceful days at home. Those old movies are still classics, and even now, no one can beat John Wayne. I hope that your summer heat is fading away with the fall. See you again soon.