Friday, October 13, 2023

His Truck is BACK!!!

 Louis Dean woke up a happy man on Thursday morning!

He was getting his truck back!!!
Oh, how he has missed it!

It was lunch time by the time we got up there - I had to bake some snickerdoodles for Charles, our mechanic. He loved them!!

Alas, I had to leave my car there as the 'Check Brake System' lights have been flashing for a week or more. I thought it was a computer sensor or something since we'd just had the car inspected last month and they seemed fine to me. 
So while they checked it out, Louis Dean and I went on to do some errands.

First - Lunch at Whataburger!
When we were first married we would water the yard at night during the summer.
On more than one occasion this led to a 2:00 in the morning run to Whataburger!

 From there we went on to Home Depot and then back up to Midas to see about my car.
This is where it gets interesting!

Louis Dean let me out and pointed to where he would park to wait for me.
The lot is small and you have to turn around behind the shop to drive back out the way we came in.
His memory is next to nothing at times and this was one of them!
Between meaning to park and turning around he forgot about ME!

I was standing inside waiting for Charles to finish up the estimate when I saw the truck glide up to the door - and then go right on down the drive and turn onto the frontage road and disappear!

I was shocked! He'd never done THAT before!
Charles said he would take me home - we live just 2 miles away and I could have walked except for the danger of doing so at such a busy intersection leading up to the freeway.

My neighbor, Tamara, dropped everything and came up to get me while my next door neighbor Stephanie, watched for the truck!
I have Air tags in the vehicles and two others that I can use to drop into his overall pockets if need be, so I was able to track him to Auto Zone as that was the next errand on our list. Frankly, I'm surprised he remembered he needed windshield washer fluid.
He remembered THAT but forgot ME!

Tamara and I were just up the street when my phone rang and it was Louis Dean calling from the land line. By this time I already knew he was home.
He asked, "Where ARE you??"

He was so embarrassed about forgetting me and said that - in his mind - he thought I was picking up the car and going home.

Both of my sweet neighbors reminded me that he did not forget me on purpose and I know that!
Still, I was all shaky and discombobulated for a good while.
So much so that I had forgotten to get my key ring before leaving Midas.
I called Charles and said we would be up to get it but I needed some time to calm down first.
He was so sweet and said he would drop them by after work - which he did!


Never underestimate the power of homemade cookies!
And that's all I have to say about that!


Ginny Hartzler said...

Oh my GOSH!!! Well, at least he did not really forget, he just misconstrued the plans! I have a good craft on my blog today that the Quads might like!

salemslot9 said...

I bet that burger was good though 🍔

Granny Marigold said...

It's nice to know that at the end of the day everything was okay. So great that you have lovely neighbours and a helpful mechanic. I hope your weekend is a peaceful one. Blessings, Granny Marigold

Anonymous said...

What an "exciting" day! Louis forgot you, and you forgot your keyring! Sounds like a normal day here!🤗 This getting old thing isn't the easiest thing!❤ Sending love! Trudy

Unknown said...

I am so sorry that happened to you. I don't know who I feel worse for you or Louis Dean. I'm sure he feels bad about what happened. Glad your wonderful neighbors came to your rescue. I'm sure it took you a while to calm down, and I do hope you're feeling better.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

you are so blessed to have all the help you have, friends and mechanics. wow! Glad the truck is back, hope your brakes are ok and there will not be a repeat when yours is ready .

NanaDiana said...

Oh! That is so scary, Linda. One of in-laws had that happen to her two or three times and they finally decided that he couldn't drive anymore. It's just such a sad point in life when they are 'good' sometimes and then other times--away with the faeries---as my Irish father used to say. We have points in time here where John is confused and it is hard. John, however, is no longer driving. I am sorry for LD--as well as for you--because you have to sit and watch and bear what is happening. Love to you---Diana

photowannabe said...

What adventures you have Linda..I would have been discombobulated too, but homemade cookies came to your rescue and wonderful neighbors.
Hang in there..

Rita said...

That was so upsetting!! To both of you. OMGoodness!
Sweet of them to bring the key by for you.
Cookies always help. ;)

Wanda said...

Oh Linda, I didn't know if I should laugh for cry! These things may be funny at the time, but really rather scary. So glad it all worked out for you.

I so relate to YOUR cookie ministry. I have always had cookies for workers, when the AAA came out to check my tire pressure, the girls at CVS, YOU ARE
SO RIGHT -there is power in cookies, especially when they are baked in LOVE as I know yours and mine are!!

A not cars and trucks a blessing and a curse depending on if they are running or not??? We are so dependent on so many things in this world.

Would you give Louis Dean from a California fan! I just love him.

Susie said...

Oh my gosh, thank goodness you have that cookie connection to most all you know. LOL. I sure know how LD loves that truck. Ted loved his red truck just like that. Had 327,000 miles on it. Said he was going for 400,000. Now his son is still driving it. I tell him he better get that four or turn the truck into a planter for his backyard. LOL Hope you saw some of the eclipse. Blessings, xoxo, love you guys, Susie

Pam said...

Sounds a lot like one of our days! My husband has yet to forget me but he does forget a lot of stuff...and he doesn't have dementia! Not that it makes it better, but at least your sweetie has a reason. Mine just doesn't pay attention! Glad it all worked out and I agree with the homemade cookie sentiment!

Grace & Peace,

Deanna Rabe said...

In time that will become a funny memory!