Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Doctor Visits, Book Fair, Tuesday Treasures and Wise Words

 Tuesday was another 'doctor' day for Louis Dean!

He was a good sport and stayed in the chair just like a big boy!
Yes, his crown came off and the tooth was broken.
Now to decide what to do?
A bridge (which he will NOT wear. I KNOW this!) or a permanent bridge which is $2,500!
OR - pull the tooth and deal with it.
We have until February to decide.
In the meantime - there was a cancellation so he had his teeth cleaned right then and there!!! Win! WIN!!!

I took advantage of the 'free time' while he had the cleaning done and went up to the Texas Thrift on Irving Blvd. With only 30 minutes I found a few treasures!
Two Rae Dunn coffee mugs - and I had coffee in one this morning and Louis Dean asked why they were all 'wonky?' I said that's what made them so valuable,
Then two Robert Stanley black and white plaid mugs and a Thankful RS sign!
I also bought a pretty white fabric curtain I may use in my bathroom - we will see....

I barely got Louis Dean home in time for me to leave for Dallas.
It was Open House Book Fair at the Bell Grands Middle School and I had so much FUN!!!
It's a highlight of my year to work the book fair and I am grateful to be here for this one.

Middle school is different from elementary.
I learned the difference between a PTA and a Staff run Book Fair.
This one is easier, I must say.

I can't believe I did not take a single picture but I was busy from the time I arrived at 5:15 and left well after 8:00. It was after 9:00 when I got home.

I am LOVING this school!! 
The librarian  is amazing and has such class and character!
The principle is so personable and engaging and I am her #1 fan!!!

No pics but I did 'dress up' for the occasion and the highlight of the night was when two counselors came up to me and said, "We have been admiring you - you're so cute! Love the clothes and jewelry and the HAT!!"
That made my day - and week!!
I told them the story about how I dressed up one time for church and Amber said, "Mom! You dress up just like a little doily!"

From then on - when I would start layering things - LD would say - "Linda! You're looking like a doily again!!!"

The kids in middle school are all so grown up and some of them had the coolest color of hair!
Every single one was well mannered and so were the parents.
The staff and teachers are class acts,
What a joy to be here with these amazing young people.
I can't say the name of the school due to privacy concerns but it is SUCH a blessing to have the grand quads here.

When I got home - late - I could tell Louis Dean had cooked but he cleaned up well.
He had made Hamburgers!
Good for him and good that he cleaned UP!!

Another HUGE blessing - he was watching College Football on TV!
He turned it on all by himself!
Another WIN!! WIN!!!

No book fair schedule today (Wednesday) but I did get my mammogram done!

It's always good to cross that off my calendar!
I celebrated with a pedicure afterwards!

Then I cam home and Louis Dean had cooked again!
Another hamburger and he had one for ME as well.

We watched an episode of Virgin River (I love that show!) and then we both took naps.
It's still so hot that we have to water every night just to keep things alive.
So that's what we have been doing since we woke up.

My Book Fair shift starts at 11:00 in the morning so I am going to close this journal entry and go out and turn off all the water in the front yard. We have three faucets that we use in the back yard and three in the front.. I admit that I watered the driveway and sidewalk a little bit tonight.

I loved these posts on Facebook tonight and wanted to share them.
Such wisdom.......

“I know that I have less to live than I have lived.
I feel like a child who was given a box of chocolates. He enjoys eating it, and when he sees that there is not much left, he starts to eat them with a special taste.
I have no time for endless lectures on public laws - nothing will change. And there is no desire to argue with fools who do not act according to their age. And there's no time to battle the gray. I don't attend meetings where egos are inflated and I can't stand manipulators.
I am disturbed by envious people who try to vilify the most capable to grab their positions, talents and achievements.
I have too little time to discuss headlines - my soul is in a hurry.
Too few candies left in the box.
I'm interested in human people. People who laugh at their mistakes are those who are successful, who understand their calling and don't hide from responsibility. Who defends human dignity and wants to be on the side of truth, justice, righteousness. This is what living is for.
I want to surround myself with people who know how to touch the hearts of others. Who, through the blows of fate, was able to rise and maintain the softness of the soul.
Yes, I hustle, I hustle to live with the intensity that only maturity can give. I'll eat all the candy I have left - they'll taste better than the ones I already ate.
My goal is to reach the end in harmony with myself, my loved ones and my conscience.
I thought I had two lives, but it turned out to be only one, and it needs to be lived with dignity.”
Brilliant Anthony Hopkins
and free interpretation of Mario de Andrade’s poem

In her own words;
Judi Dench

"Don’t prioritize your looks my friend, as they won’t last the journey.
Your sense of humor though, will only get better with age.
Your intuition will grow and expand like a majestic cloak of wisdom.
Your ability to choose your battles, will be fine-tuned to perfection.
Your capacity for stillness, for living in the moment, will blossom.
Your desire to live each and every moment will transcend all other wants.
Your instinct for knowing what (and who) is worth your time, will grow and flourish like ivy on a castle wall.
Don’t prioritize your looks my friend,
they will change forevermore, that pursuit is one of much sadness and disappointment.
Prioritize the uniqueness that make you you, and the invisible magnet that draws in other like-minded souls to dance in your orbit.
These are the things which will only get better.

We only have one life.Let's treasure every moment!


Anonymous said...

You are my hero no other words needed. Dee

Ginny Hartzler said...

I love both of these actors, and read every word of their quotes with much admiration and joy!! I have a drawer of doilies and I love them.

Unknown said...

Is Louis Dean's crown in the front or in the back where you can't see it? If it's in the back, just pull it and be done with it. I had a molar that was pulled and it's never given me any problems. And that was 30 years ago.

Latane Barton said...

I am losing teeth right and left! Have another to pull next week. So, I feel for Louis Dean. On another line of thought... I love the Judi Dench part. So much of how I am living my life. Yep, we only have one life.. Make it count for good... and fun...and filled with love... and adventure.

Anonymous said...

I am in the twilight of my life and I so identify with what<Anthony Hopkins wrote. So glad you were able to be a part of the book fair. I love books!

Rita said...

Love the quotes by both actors I do so enjoy!
Cute picture of you.
Glad the book fair went so well.
Stay cool! :)

Great-Granny Grandma said...

Sounds like a great school and a fun book fair. Was this the one run by PTA or staff?

photowannabe said...

Your Grands school sounds wonderful and I'm so glad you could help out too.
Doilies..what a description ... I love it!!
Such sage words by both Anthony Hopkins and Judy Dench. That's pretty much where my philosophy is at this age of my life...I am treasuring each and every day (even when things are hard)
Love you my sweet blogging friend.

Granny Marigold said...

Great post with such wise words.
I missed a number of your recent posts so I went back and read until way past my bedtime. BUT you made me want to decorate for Fall and I could hardly wait for this morning so I could get to the Dollar Store for more supplies ♥
I love all your decorating and I know mine will not be as extensive but it makes me happy to be doing it. That's what it's all about anyway. Thanks for all the inspiration. Granny Marigold
PS I love your most recent finds at the thrift store.

Shirley in Washington said...

Hi Linda - I have been reading your blog for a few months now but this is my first comment. Your two readings you shared really hit home with me. I've been struggling with aging and the changes in my looks. These wise words were very timely for me and I thank you for sharing them. I enjoy your blog very much! I am in the beautiful Pacfic NW so your Texas heat amazes me! Blessings, Shirley

Deanna Rabe said...

Those last to items are good wisdom! Jude Densch is a class act!

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

These actors and the words are right on, Linda, and I think you are following that advice. Glad the book fair was such fun and a success, also that LD did his own cooking and clean-up as well.