Sunday, November 6, 2016

Sunday Things.....

Not changing the clocks until this morning worked!
We got to church practically on time!

I was taking a pic of everyone when a sweet lady asked me if I wanted to be in it, too!!
We love our church, our pastor, our staff. I have loved going to church for as long as I can remember.
There is a sacredness about Sunday. I feel it even on the Sundays I can't go.

We were all walking down the hall to the front of the church to leave when Kailey wanted her 'GAND Dad' to carry her! Look how long and gangly she's become!
Can you see Louis Dean is reaching down for someone?

Logan wanted to be carried!

Hold on, Granddad!!! I think you're leaning!!

Ah, all is right in their world now!

We lingered long on the walk to the parking lot letting the kids play in the big meadow beside the church for a few minutes while we adults made plans for the week and caught up with each other.
It's been wonderful to be members together at the same church.
We didn't go out to eat since the Cowboys were playing at noon. We DID stop at Little Caesars on the way home for Wings - one order of each! They had four! Also I asked for bread sticks and when we opened them as we were driving, he discovered he had ordered some kind of bread pizza. No problem! It was good. Home for some FOOTBALL!!!

We are pretty excited about our new rookie quarterback!!

I took my happiness and went off to the grocery store and Lowes.
I am so late in replacing the mums and marigolds that died in the fall heat and lack of water.
I bought a basket full of reduced for quick sale plants - six of which are good heat and drought resistant - and I will get them all in the ground tomorrow. Pansies also made it into the cart. Just a few.

The messy stage of fall has arrived with pecans and their husks littering the decks and crunching under the tires along the curb. They mess up the sidewalks, too, but the pecans are worth the clean up! Not that we have done any of that lately! The ponds are relatively clean and running. I dip the leaf strainer and lift out the soggy ones every few days. It rained today. Not hard and and long but off and on. That's my favorite way for it to do. As I write it is 68 degrees in the house and that's with the French doors open. I'm loving it!!!

Amber said she is already packing her pumpkins and fall stuff up. I am never quite ready to pack mine away although I did load up two tubs of Halloween stuff and got that much down.
I am still waiting for the fireplace weather......but it may be Christmas!
We just take what we can get.

I stopped at the grocery store and bought more than I meant to. I always do.
Trystan asked me if I had Dilly Bits today. I don't but I assured her that we could make some tomorrow. Then I had to run out to two different stores to get the ingredients!

The kids have also been asking to paint so I have that already out and ready to go.
Mondays are Quad Days and we are enjoying every single one of them!
This will be our last year before they are in school every day.
My, how time flies!!

I have a big yellow legal pad of paper and am writing down each name as you comment for the Santa Giveaway. I am including comments made on Facebook when I link my blog there as well for those who aren't able to comment on the blog itself.
I am assuming everyone wants to be in the giveaway. I guess if someone wins that doesn't want the painting, I can just draw another name. Or Louis Dean will. I am writing the names down and cutting the paper in strips. He will be in charge of pulling one out.

That's been our Sunday!
LD has been boiling eggs and chopping ham and vegetables for a Sunday Salad Supper.
We paused TV so we can zip through the commercials and watch Madame Secretary while we eat.
I have spoiled Louis Dean in allowing us to eat in front of the TV.
No worries! Tomorrow we will have the quads for two meals. Lunch will be in the den and dinner in the dining room where it's all dressed up. They will love it!

Blessings for a GOOD week!!!


Linda said...

Looks like you had another good day. Kailey appears fully recovered. Her expressions melt my heart. Those sandals she's wearing should stay on those skinny feet. Can you tell if she came through her surgery experience in good shape emotionally. Hopefully she's young enough she'll have little memory of it. They're all so healthy looking. Oh, the hearing aid, how's Kailey doing with it? We had a beautiful day so I was able to get in a walk. Did some cleaning as well from the energy surge from taking Prednisone.

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

What a good Sunday! Those Cowboys are doing great! I was a huge Troy Aikman fan, back in the day!

The quads are growing up so fast! Such sweethearts!

Kathy said...

What a good Sunday you had. Mine was great also until I just got sick again after dinner. Oh well. I know I will feel better in a couple of days. The picture of all of you is precious. You should print it out and frame it. That is a memory you should keep in sight. I am hoping to feel well enough to work in my yard tomorrow. It sounds as if you are having perfect weather. Can't wait to see your plants all in place.

jamarson1 said...

Happy Sunday Linda. As always..I love seeing what your up to all the time:)

Robin@DecoratingTennisGirl said...

What?! A Santa painting? Count me in!!! I love the family pic! Xoxo

Ginny Hartzler said...

WAIT! STOP! HOLD EVERYTHING!!! I did not think the picture giveaway had been officially announced yet. I WANT that picture, please add my name!! It is awesome! When is the drawing? You all look so pretty all dressed up for church. Louis Dean is so strong!!! We could never pick up our two littlest like this. I will leave my fall things up until the day after Thanksgiving. All the stores have so many Christmas things out now! It is so close and I haven't bought a single gift yet!

Sweet Tea said...

What a good, family, Sunday!
J & I are also watching "Madame Secretary".
We watch an episode each evening while we eat dinner.
After raising a family and always eating at the table I find it fun to eat in front of the TV these days. ;-)

Nita said...

What a wonderful Sunday ...I love how the girls run to Louis Dean to be carried. It's a good thing Granddad is a big man and has strong arms to hold both Kailey & Logan . Hope your week is as good as your Sunday.

Vee said...

So glad that you are in that picture! What a nice one, too!

Always fun to visit. You folks sure know how to enjoy life.

(Yes, I have been noticing how tall Kailey is growing. What you folks feeding her?)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

we are lucky that our breakfast bar the TV can be seen from it. sit in the bar stools and watch TV but only used when a game or race is on. love that family foto and glad you are in it this time.. LD needs more arms. LOL...

Arlene G said...

I love the family picture Linda! Y'all are a good looking bunch! And please add my name to the giveaway. I would love to have a Linda original!!

Gypsy Heart said...

Such a wonderful day and precious time with family! Kailey is tall isn't she? Perhaps like her Dad. They're all so adorable and it's amazing to think they'll be in school next year!

Have fun with them today ~

Susie said...

Linda, I can see the grandkids growing...but seeing Kailey being carried by LD....she's so tall. The kids love their granddad. So precious. Glad you got a family photo at church. The memories you are making with the grandkids will last a life time. You are all in my prayers. Blessings, love you, xoxo, Susie
p.s. Hope I am in the drawing. :):)

Changes in the wind said...

Love those church pictures:)

Jan said...

Sounds like you had a wonderful Sunday. I enjoy reading your blog.

Bev said...

Wonderful day!!... I am in the Santa draw?

White Lace and Promises said...

Linda, your life is full and beautiful. I watched my grandchilden play on the hill behind the church yesterday and it was beautiful. They came home with me and my others kids came from their church. I sat on the back steps and watched them catch and kick ball with their Grandy. It's a memory that is forever etched in my mind.

Carole said...

I have really enjoyed Madam Secretary too - looking forward to the next series. Have a great week. Cheers from Carole's Chatter

Debbie H said...

What fun you have each day! Have you ever posted the recipe for dilly bits?

Linda said...

I will do that very thing on the blog post tomorrow! Too tired to write one tonight!!! But it's been a good day!

Eva said...

Santa, Santa!

Penny said...

Lovely post Linda, and everyone looks so well and happy. Lovely to see X