Tuesday, October 4, 2016

On to Another Adventure!

 It was wonderful to sleep in this morning!
This was the LAST morning we will be doing that until the weekend because we have moved over to Quadville. Amber and Mike are celebrating their 10th wedding anniversary with a trip to a tropical paradise!! We promised to carry on the established routine they have established with the kids while they were gone. 

But before we left, I spent some time fluffing my nest and making things pretty for when we return on Friday.

The first thing I did after our morning routine was to change the tablecloth on the kitchen table.
I bought this fall plaid one at a garage sale in Mart for $2!

Then I changed the cloth on the table in the sewing room.

I'm a sucker for anything with sunflowers on it!

I will never forget the words of a favorite weatherman here in Dallas - Troy Dungan.
"THIS is what passes for fall here in North Texas!"
My niece caught my excitement when I posted this on Facebook! So she sent me.....

I think I'm going to stay up all night Saturday just to soak in every chilly degree!!!
Of course, I will get to wear my flannel nightgown and wrap up in a winter robe!

Louis Dean and I packed up his music, my art, our books, special food to prepare for the kids, a basket with note cards, needlework and extra things, my bag of clothes, his bag of clothes, my laptop and assorted technological devises, his laptop, music stand, guitar, his shave kit....and the list goes on.
As we looked at everything piled up in the living room ready to load - we decided we needed to take the truck to Quadville! And so we did!

The quads LOVE the big white truck!!!
They also love to play like they are grown ups!!

Harrison is a good driver!

He LOVED honking the horn!

The kids are so good at playing pretend!

They can sing the months of the year!

Amber and Mike are pretty amazing!!
She fixed a wonderful family style dinner - fresh salmon, grilled chicken, green pasta, roasted carrots and fresh fruit tonight. They didn't leave until the children were in bed fast asleep and the lunches were packed for in the morning, their school clothes all laid out and everything was done!
We are wishing them the best trip possible and pray they have peace in their hearts every day they are away knowing that the grandparents - both sets as we will take the weekend off to rest and recover while Mike's parents hold down the fort before we return next Monday for round #2 - will keep as close to their normal routine as possible!

I will close this journal entry with a photo of the entire group at the family reunion on Sunday.
Several were missing because of various circumstances but we hope to reunite in full force next year!

My alarm is set for 6:00 am.......
I better go take my 'nap' now!!!


Kathy said...

What a great adventure you are on! I hope you don't wear yourselves out with the enthusiasm of four kids. They seem full of energy and love that truck! Hope Amber and Mike have a wonderful vacation. Have fun this week.

Susie said...

Linda, The new tablecloths look very fall like. I can't believe that It's Oct. already. My life has wings. That is wonderful that the Amber and Mike can take a vacation ...they know their children will be cared for with love. I am amazed at how they have grown this past year. Hope your foot is healed. Take care of each other. Blessings to all, love, xoxo, Susie

Arlene G said...

Happy Anniversary to Mike and Amber. Prayers for you and LD as you hold down the fort.

Vee said...

Praying for you all, though I am certain that all will go well both in Texas and in that Tropical Paradise. May you all have a blessed and wonderful time!

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

How wonderful for Amber and Mike that both sets of grandparents are so willing and capable! Fun for the kids as well!

Mrs.T said...

Love the tablecloths!

Have a great week with the kiddos -- and how nice that you will have the weekend off! Hope Amber and Mike have a wonderful time and that they will come home relaxed and refreshed!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

you will both have your hands full getting them up and off to school each day. good luck and prayers for all of you. hope they have a wonderful anniversary trip. when I clicked on the first video a Slavic girls popped up as a big pop up with nearly naked girls. I closed it and nothing happened. strange. wonder if it happened to anyone else.

Bev said...

Love hearing about your adventures... You do have an adventurous life:)!!

Judy said...

Never a dull moment over here! Have a fabulous time with your four precious grands.

Ginny Hartzler said...

You will be busy busy busy! But in a very good way! It is so cute, Harrison's feet will not reach the pedals! Our littlest granddaughter tried to ride a bike video game, and her feet would not reach, so she slithered WAY down! I don't know how she kept holding the wheel. I love your pretty fall tablecloths! The names of the months! That is a new one on me, and so cool!! I hope Amber and Mike have an awesome time!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

What an exciting time! HAVE FUN and take lots of pics! Enjoy that nice Fall weather too! heehee! Hugs, Diane

Carole said...

Good luck with the kids! And I think a change in routine is not all bad for kids anyway! So let your inspiration guide you. Wishing Amber and Mike a lovely time. Cheers from Carole's Chatter

Linda said...

Wow, you do go from one extreme to another. I can't begin to imagine a week with four 4 year olds. I suspect you will make it a great time for the kids. Any word on Summer?

Anonymous said...

Have a blog, but what I put on it many times is "copy cat" and seem to have less and less inclination to even do that. I'll enjoy reading yours from time to time.

Debbie said...

Your posts are always so happy and upbeat and I really enjoy reading!! Have a wonderful time with the quads, I'm not sure I could keep up with them...I don't know how you do it!!

I like your festive tablecloths!!

Penny said...

Oh my goodness, you really did take everything but the kitchen sink! I am the same, I can't travel light x