Thursday, July 5, 2012

Happiness is a Choice!

I did a few errands this morning and stopped by one of my favorite stores - Big Lots!
"Happiness is a CHOICE!" So very true! I know there are many days when I CHOOSE to be happy even though I don't necessarily FEEL that way!

I also bought this sign!
Both will hang in our camper once LD gets it to the point I can go in there and clean it up and DECORATE!

Speaking of good friends........

My sweet friend, Candie, made this knitted version of a denim quilt for me!

She spent the day with me on Tuesday.....we visited, took in a movie, hit up a Goodwill, she knitted, I painted. We had a 'relaxing with a friend' kind of day!

Candie also made and gifted me with a fun fruit pot holder and wash cloth.
I will never use them - they are TOO cute!
But I WILL hang them on a hook to 'sweeten' up the camper!

We kept busy while chatting and I was finally able to FINISH a few projects I have been working on for far too long!!
This seascape is for a young friend who lives up the street.
He took lots of beautiful pictures when he was visiting out in California and I promised to paint one for him. I think that was 3 or 4 YEARS ago!
David, if you are reading this - your painting in now ready!

I also finished the painting of my little Raynie!
I didn't get it done in time for her birthday but her Grammy's birthday was yesterday!

I painted it from a photo book they gave me last Easter - this was my FAVORITE
shot of her! She is just precious!

I painted two of them - giving the BEST one to them and keeping the other for me.
Faces are HARD to paint!

It feels GOOD to get some projects done!
There is still so much left to do on the camper but I am helpless to do anything but cheer and encourage Louis Dean on!

I printed this picture from Amber's Facebook out and took it with me to the doctor's office this morning. I loved telling the staff about my GRAND QUADS!
My right arm is a little sore and swollen but I have received the DTaP vaccination.
It is essential for all caregivers of these little preemies to have this as well as the flu shot to protect the babies. The first 90 days their immune system is especially fragile. After 90 days they should be stronger - but then again - that's the beginning of the cold and flu season! So until spring we are all going to take extra precautions with the quads.

Come next summer we will be all systems GO!!

Now I am off to bake a cake, watch Louis Dean put in the last section of the camper floor, put supper in the oven and take Lucy for a walk.
By the time the sun is down you will find us out on the driveway sipping our evening glass of wine and counting the number of cars that do NOT stop at the four way stop sign on the corner. I KNOW!! Our life is SO exciting!!


Debbie said...

both painting's are just beautiful!!

and the quad picture, priceless!

Kelly said...

Your paintings are FANTASTIC! You are so lucky that you have that gift to paint. I think you either have it or you don't. I don't. Your friends will be so happy to receive those paintings. My kids just received the same vaccination you got. They were due. My youngest had sore arms for 2 days. He had to get 3 vaccinations. Poor guy! It's a good thing that you all are being so careful around the babies.

Vee said...

You're a very talented woman, Linda! The painting of the little girl is just sweet. I'm wondering when you'll get to work on the Quads.

I like both of your signs. Happiness certainly is a choice and life goes by less painfully when we make that one.

Bernice said...

The paintings are beautiful.
Those signs describe how you live your life, you choose happiness, you enjoy good friends, food and a good time.
Enjoy that glass of wine:)


Oh Linda wow! Both paintings are gorgeous! You are so talented, my goodness, wish I had that talent. Your model is adorable too. I also love the knitted things, I love the potholders, my Mil had some like it and I always liked them so much!
Enjoy the weekend.

Sweet Tea said...

I bet it felt good to have a quiet day yesterday. A girl can't live at the hectic pace you've been having without a day-of-rest every now and again...Your paintings are beautiful.

Bev said...

Well you do have an exciting life!! You just never stop. I just get tired reading about all you do!!

Angie said...

I need one of those signs "Happiness is a Choice." I think it's definitely fitting for me these days. It's so so true too.

Glad you got some friend time in. Looks like she left you with some great goodies.

I think your life sounds pretty grand. I'm all about boring these days :)

Judy said...

So glad you are using your talents. What a great painter you are! What a great July 4th poster of the quads.

Aloha Acres said...

Beautiful paintings! And I love the "Happiness is a Choice". So true!

HoundDogMom said...

Your paintings are beautiful. I have a similiar drawing a friend did of my son but it is chalk. Also, love how the camper is coming along. Love how you have made it your own style and not like the average travel trailer. You are so talented and creative. Your sweet grand quads are beautiful and growing and will be ready for daily snuggles from grandma in no time. Thanks for sharing your camper make-over. So wish I could walk my dogs in the evening but in Illinois it has been 95 degrees at 9:00pm at night. Hopefully our cool down is coming on Sunday. 86 is going to feel so good. Have a great day and weekend! Sherri (Mom to 3 hounddogs)

Elizabeth said...

I love your signs and paintings !

Mummers AKA Summer said...

Mom, the paintings are wonderful! Last night, Sabrina mentioned you were finished with the Rayne's painting and she can't wait to see it. You sure have been busy, but you sound great! By the way, thank you for your voice message yesterday, I loved it!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

you are so talented, i always wanted to paint and have not one iota of talent thus the Camera who paints for me. i love Big Lots and Goodwill.

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

Your paintings are simply lovely. Gracious, I wasn't sure the sea scape was a painting. It's so realistic.

Counting cars which don't stop at stop sign. Yes, that sounds about how exciting, our life is too. -grin-
But I'll take it, that way!!! :-)

"Into the shadow-white chamber
silts the white Flux of another dawn..."

~~D. H. Lawrence

Pondside said...

Linda, I love how you love life!